Example sentences of "say to have [been] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The surgeon was said to have been present during their operations at Wrexham Maelor Hospital .
2 As Chief Secretary of the Treasury from November 1990 he is said to have been crucial in ensuring a record settlement for the Arts Council for 1992/93 .
3 Late in his reign , the Shah was even said to have been impressed by the liberalizing efforts of King Juan Carlos in Spain .
4 Ministers are said to have been impressed by what they regard as the success of privately-run prisons and want to extend the scheme to other parts of the criminal justice system .
5 The marriage was said to have been stormy , but she mourned fervently , with lifelong observance of the anniversary of his death .
6 He was said to have been depressed after sitting his first exam … and apparently left a suicide note in his room .
7 Diana is said to have been upset and angered by phone calls between Camilla and Charles .
8 Although SSAP 2 was said to have been applicable , the important caveat was added that in accounting to the Government for the purpose of producing the appropriation accounts , the accounting was on the cash basis .
9 The move was a major handicap in recruiting journalists — who , after all the fuss , were mostly hired from the south , and not from the local redundant talent which was said to have been available .
10 Are we then , in fairness to smokers who seem to have become the target of the ‘ let's hang 'em brigade ’ , going to see treatment refused for all ailments which , could be said to have been self-inflicted ?
11 In fact Mr Major , who is said to have been delighted with the way Mr Waldegrave introduced the health reforms , has put him in charge of implementing the Citizen 's Charter .
12 Freud can not be said to have been unaware of the variability of human nature in different societies which have other economic arrangements and different cultural aims from those of Europe and America .
13 Originally the Wabi and Public Windows Interface announcement were to be made separately , with Public Windows Interface slated for May 19 , and there were said to have been long discussions over the wisdom of fusing the two together .
14 Now sexism is so fundamental an evil that it becomes very difficult for anyone who has grasped this to envisage that God could be said to have been involved with human history .
15 The first 16 defendants are said to have been involved in the fraud or in receiving and laundering the money involved .
16 By the late fourth century , in fact , the Saxons were said to have been involved in raids which had previously been ascribed to the Franks .
17 Therefore the admission which the Prime Minister wrung from him could hardly be said to have been grudging .
18 There were 62 defendants ; those sentenced to death included one sentenced in his absence , and also Aissa Messaoudi , known as Tayeb al-Afghani , an illiterate 32-year-old ex-driver and shepherd who was said to have been one of the ringleaders .
19 Whereas in 1890 there were said to have been two councils , by 1901 there were 720 .
20 He is said to have been tall and handsome , a brave warrior and a good speaker .
21 By way of abbreviation of what is stated by the independent conditionals in ( 5 ) , cc can be said to have necessitated e , and e can be said to have been necessary to cc .
22 The paper quotes Intel 's Dave House saying that the part will initially appear in the promised 66MHz version and a cheaper 60MHz version — Siemens AG is said to have been unable to drive the chip faster than 40MHz with cooling before it burned up .
23 Christians as a whole however may be said to have been slow to appropriate the results of textual criticism and historical research .
24 President Lech Walesa was said to have been astonished and upset by Kolodziejczyk 's retirement which was seen by observers as an indication of tension between Olszewski and Walesa , who had initially opposed the formation of the Olszewski government .
25 Although the trial judge in Jones was said to have been wrong in saying that the police need not have informed her of the presence of a solicitor called by another person , the admission of a statement made by Jones in the absence of a solicitor was upheld .
26 Although it is conceded that a ‘ decline ’ occurred in a few trades , reformers are said to have been confused by terminology and to have failed to distinguish between ‘ deskilling of individual jobs and industrial changes which led to the number of jobs in certain industries or occupations declining either relatively or absolutely , but not to the nature of the job themselves changing ’ .
27 It is understood that , because the victims of the Awiel plane crash were badly mutilated , doctors who had packed the bodies before shipment to France had taken extra precautions , and an explosion from decomposition was therefore said to have been unlikely .
28 Its leaders were said to have been three executives of the Salsabil computer company , who were now under arrest .
29 She is said to have been ninety years old in 1849 .
30 ( These diets could be said to have been half-right , in that they did cut out refined carbohydrates , but unfortunately without adding fibre-rich carbohydrate foods which we now know to be of such help to slimmers . )
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