Example sentences of "say as i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Listen , ’ I say as I creak to my feet , ‘ can I help with the washing up or something ? ’
2 You say as I understand it that er the possible er use of this land as a strategic reserve is not the main reason er for excluding it from the greenbelt .
3 And as I say as I say I do n't ken how long it had been there but that see that likely about the same time as the as the mill was heightened and er the kiln would 've been putting on .
4 Because he had the right attitude , he did n't quibble , he did n't moan he did n't criticize , he just got on with the job , and is n't that a little area that we can all work on somewhere , it comes down to that little bit of territory even , does n't it , if we 're given in the ministry and we say oh not there again , I worked that last time , I know that person in that house they 're all working , called on them and when they , I just do n't get , I just do n't get on with them , they 're not me at all , you see , we , we can go on and on in all kinds of areas ca n't we in the truth , but what an attitude to have and I thought this was a lovely expression here , look , erm , on page twenty seven , just about a third of the way down on the right hand side , he says as I have opportunity , I encourage new ones at that , that would take advantage of all privileged service , they 're given , and to learn to be content , and happy with it and just in the next paragraph at the end he says be happy and content in your present circumstances and blossom in a spiritual way in the soil where you are planted is n't that a lo a lovely expression , does n't that show a man who is spiritually alive and alert and awake , and is n't that how we should be , would n't the congregation flow and move along forward , so much better and more unitedly if we all have that lovely attitude that Jehovah service , no matter what it is , we ca n't all be public speakers , we ca n't all be giving a public talk at the district assembly can we ?
5 She says as I say I 'll have to wait and see what she says , because she said , you know when weather gets better , oh I says you 're better off waiting while it gets better weather
6 honourable member what he 's really saying as I understand it Madam Speaker is there 's too much bureaucracy and the bureaucracy is going to prevent anybody acting because they 're all overlapping , they 're all paid out of presumably the public purse as well , there 's a there 's a enormous number of public off officials that is preventing er a a clear direct , exes executive arm .
7 Well my Lord as I said as I said at the beginning I think the both Mr and myself considered that it might er assist your Lordship considerably if you have some time now to read er the witness statements and the reports from the expert which are in bundle three and indeed erm .
8 " I promise you he 'll feel no pain , " I said as I filled the syringe .
9 Apparently when they pulled me out of the river and bashed the water out of my belly the first thing I said as I came round was , ‘ Riddled with diseases , I 'm sure ’ and the crew broke up in this hysterical laughter .
10 ‘ I 'm all right , just felt dizzy , that 's all , ’ I said as I got to my feet and collected my belongings .
11 ‘ I 'm just trying to get some perspective here , ’ he said as I twisted the last coldness from my beer bottle .
12 I am inclined to say that ‘ Here ’ , in answer to ‘ Where are you ? ’ is true only in so far as it basks in the reflected glory of such genuine truths as , ‘ Here ’ , said as I point into the flower-vase , having been asked , ‘ Where is it ? ’ in the course of a game of hunt-the-thimble .
13 ‘ Oh , I can , ’ he said as I finished my meal and leaned back , wiping my mouth on the back of my hand , more to annoy him that anything else .
14 ‘ Someone who wanted to do what you 've just done , ’ I said as I followed him inside .
15 ‘ OK slim , ’ he said as I arrived .
16 ‘ Well , I do n't like Men phoning who wo n't give their name , ’ she said as I drew level .
17 ‘ It 's time you went , ’ I said as I watched him go but I did n't mean it .
18 ‘ Which explains your interest in the Third Reich , ’ I said as I poured the tea .
19 ‘ Go on , ’ you said as I stopped , ‘ go on . ’
20 ‘ But it 's my time , ’ I said as I stood up , ‘ and I ca n't spare it .
21 ‘ I see you washed your hands again , ’ my father said as I sipped the hot soup .
22 " Watch that one , " they said as I sat down on one of the armchairs , " the seat falls through . "
23 ‘ Have some skoosh , ’ Ash said as I sat down next to her .
24 ‘ There are two angles which you might look at , young Chris , ’ he said as I refilled his glass .
25 Honestly , I had n't the slightest idea what I was going to say as I walked up to you .
26 Ca n't say as I remember . ’
27 Though I 'll say as I said earlier in the half there 's some play some referees might have seen that as a sending off offence .
28 They just do nt seem to be sharp enough or is it that midfield are n't providing good service — I ca n't really say as I 've seen none of the games , just read reports .
29 She 'd like that , I daresay , but yer mum would n't , and ca n't say as I blame 'er . ’
30 Ca n't say as I blame him .
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