Example sentences of "say that the time " in BNC.

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1 Mr Levin says that the Time Warner-US West deal needs only to win ‘ some fairly minor approvals ’ from regulators .
2 He also signalled China 's willingness to improve ties with Vietnam following a secret contact in September and the visit of the Vietnamese Vice-Premier , Senior Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap , who had said that the time was " ripe " for better relations [ see pp. 37712-3 ] .
3 But of Callanish itself , which Creggan most wanted to know about , she hat refused to speak , saying that the time was not right and she would speak only when it was .
4 I 'm often asked if I get sick of making presentations and signing autographs but I always answer by saying that the time to worry is when no-one wants me to do these things .
5 But she was not a business executive for nothing , and , since it went without saying that the time he could spare her from his day was limited , she placed the buff folder down upon the desk and without more ado began , ‘ The Palmer & Pearson file .
6 After Fisher died Ramsey said that the time in their lives when they were closest in friendship was the time when he was examining chaplain to the Bishop of Chester .
7 It was football 's Joe Mercer who said that the time not to be old is when you lose because age is such a convenient scapegoat .
8 It is easy to say that the time spent considering the Matisse is time better spent than that spent considering a Gerasimov , let alone a Bouguereau .
9 Jesus goes on to say that the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken away .
10 And he would be the first to say that the time spent on making those long , hazardous journeys has paid dividends .
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