Example sentences of "say in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But let's have a look , as they say in a certain quiz show , at what he turned down .
2 It is possible to provide motivation and to see that students are actively involved , say in a practical exercise during which they receive feedback as to their progress .
3 What it is le let's just sort of get things , as I say in a new build situation if you were having a new house built
4 Say in a locked room with no witnesses .
5 They heard her say in a bright voice : ‘ Good morning , James .
6 each the same sort of components , the same components are each colour say in a red individual they 'd all be pinky red colours and in a blue individual they 'd all be a blue colour
7 Say in a five-seat district 100 votes are cast : Blue 38 , Red 32 , White 17 , Green 13 .
8 Strangle the fury and say in a sweet , gentle voice : ‘ Thank you very much for ringing me . ’
9 ‘ I have to go again , ’ she says in a whiny voice .
10 ‘ Keith , ’ Potter says in a caring voice , ‘ I 'm not saying you ca n't go to Lourdes . ’
11 The first time I visit the Ladies ' Pond , I exclaim to Kelly , ‘ It 's like a Fellini film , ’ to which she says in a lazy Scottish brogue , ‘ Perhaps …
12 Northern Foods chairman Chris Haskins says in a recent annual report : ‘ We are involved in various community projects concerning job creation , education , retraining and the alleviation of social problems .
13 He also says in a recent interview that the way to the ‘ universal ’ is not through ‘ foundations ’ but through ‘ reflexive critique ’ .
14 ‘ I 'm exhausted , ’ she says in a low voice , her accent seriously French .
15 ‘ I would n't be so cheeky , Paddy , ’ he says in a low voice .
16 ‘ Lucky fucking bastard , ’ he says in a normal voice .
17 ‘ Two Live Crew , ’ he says in a normal voice .
18 ‘ Yow want soom ? ’ he says in a broad Rummidge accent .
19 She hides a secret flaw — a slight indentation on the left side of her nose , he says in a new book , Look Like A Princess .
20 The real mother is only 24 , wears cheap , shabby clothes , has stiff hair like straw , thin legs , says in a quiet moment ‘ I 'd like to be a person like you ’ and smokes her cigarettes too low .
21 It has been ‘ very disappointing ’ , she says in a brave , and painful , understatement of her involvement with the business that tried to recreate Anita Roddick 's success .
22 Editor-in-chief Stewart Purvis says in a secret letter to a colleague that Trevor 's poor showing was due to launch nerves and press criticism .
23 ‘ You can come up and look around , ’ Digby has said in a personal message to the Ayatollah , ‘ he 's not here .
24 It was n't what I wanted — even then I did n't feel it was right to get Ebert thrown out of the force for something he 'd said in a heated moment .
25 to bringing the claim , if it is pursued , the claim maybe good , it maybe bad and it depends upon the circumstances of the underline agreement , that 's one example where something maybe good or it maybe bad , it 's like an intellectual property ride , depending on how you exercise the right , it maybe good or it maybe bad , if you use it to block parallel imports or for some anti competitive purpose then it may be bad , erm it , it 's not necessarily the case that if you have a clause in the contract it is always in every circumstance bad , where the clause itself allows the undertaking concerned , to exercise it in a particular way , now , erm so so that as a matter of principal not all clauses could be automatically said in a standard form contract to be good or bad and it may depend upon how they are to exercise in a particular way , what we have said is the , the , erm , the provision in on , on the , the unfettable authority , er , erm and powers of the agent , erm is void it would depend upon the facts of each individual case whether or not every other restriction as your Lordships seen again only through and the cases they side , erm that other provisions in a standard form contract may on the facts be had , it depends upon the significance of the particular clause in the circumstances , my Lord in , in answer to your Lordships question , I do n't think it necessary follows that every clause is bad , but we do say it depends upon the facts and we have pleaded that not all loss might be erm defensible against .
26 In response to a request , the answer ‘ I do n't mind doing it ’ can be said in a pleasant positive manner , assuring the listener that the task will be done willingly .
27 On the other hand it can be said in a grudging negative manner leaving the listener uncomfortable and possibly guilty at having made the request .
28 Although it was said in a jocular fashion it was too much for Maura .
29 It said all that needed to be said in a clear enough manner .
30 With this one exception , he said in many pages what Lanfranc had said in a few sentences .
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