Example sentences of "say [to-vb] [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Constructive knowledge , which is said to exist were the accused ought to have realised that certain circumstances prevail and has failed to make the enquires a reasonable person would have made , is not applicable since ‘ knowingly ’ connotes either intention or a subjective awareness of the relevant facts .
2 He was said to have been a strong swimmer .
3 The environment is said to have been a lagoon , and the ‘ shrimp band ’ is thought to represent an episode of sudden flooding by the sea .
4 Its church ( 1457 ) was dedicated to Santa Catarina by Henrique Alemão — ‘ Henry the German ’ — who is said to have been a Polish king .
5 One of the most beautiful water-spirits known , Lorelei is said to have been a German girl who was unlucky in love and drowned herself as a result .
6 Marie is said to have been a frequent visitor to her mother 's court at Poitiers and to have brought with her the greatest poet in France , Chrétien de Troyes .
7 Like its predecessor , Fonthill Abbey is said to have been a symmetrical building in Gothic disguise , while Vathek provides even less domestic detail than Otranto — the adjective , indeed , scarcely applies .
8 The main London to Exeter ‘ road ’ was said to have been a quarter of a mile wide by the end of the winter where it crossed — or rather plunged through — the sticky morass of the chalk on Salisbury Plain .
9 ( 4 ) The third defendant concealed from the plaintiffs what is said to have been a false and fraudulent over-valuation of the bakery made in June 1983 by another of the alleged conspirators in order to support an even higher level of loan by B.M.T. ( 5 ) On 24 June 1983 B.M.T. offered to lend C.M.C. £420,000 on the security of the bakery in substitution for its previous offer to lend £185,500 .
10 Moore is said to have been a pioneer in producing a periodical for seamen , the Mariners ' Journal , which was published briefly between 185I and 1854 , and to have advocated the first system of paid shore based officials to look after the interests of their members while they were at sea .
11 He is also said to have been a good Greek scholar and a poor preacher , and it is clear that he was retiring and modest .
12 Green was said to have been a ‘ plain practical shrewd man of business ’ whose style was ‘ plain , severe and economical ’ .
13 In 1275 he is said to have been a serious rival to the saintly Thomas de Cantelupe [ q.v. ] for the see of Hereford .
14 Little that is definite is known of her early years , except that she was said to have been a backward child ; that she was sent to a private school , Hope House , in Taunton ; that she broke away from the family tradition of Methodism and became an Anglican ; and that she came to the attention of Dorothea Beale [ q.v. ] , and taught at Cheltenham Ladies ' College from 1877 until 1881 .
15 Indeed , the manner in which the railways forced the mixing of the castes was said to have been a contributory cause of the Mutiny in 1857 , although it must be said that the revolt broke out in an area still far from the early Indian railway projects .
16 Cemaleddin Aksarayi 's connection with Amasya is more fully developed in Husameddin 's earlier where he is said to have been a fellow student of Hajji Shadgeldi 's ; to have become kadi in Amasya in 763/1361 when Hajji Shadgeldi took power ; to have been raised from the kadilik and the muderrislik of the Dar al- " ilm medrese to the kazaskerlik in/about 768/1366–7 ; and to have remained such until after Hajji Shadgeldi 's defeat and death in battle with Kadi Burhan al-Din in 783/1381 , whereupon Cemaleddin Aksarayi fled to Konya .
17 The , the importance of this , is that Freud is often said to have been a Hobbesian thinker , in the sense that , er without necessarily being directly influenced by Hobbes , he took a similar , a similar kind of view , or at least , so it is said .
18 The blood pressure stability is said to have been no different between the two groups .
19 All in all it could be said to have been an amicable evening .
20 This is not to belittle the exploits of Hadlee , Phillip or can der Bijl , who were essential parts of their sides ' successes , but none of whom can be said to have been an out-and-out pace man .
21 Donationes mortis causa may be said to have been an anomaly in our law , both for their immunity to the Statute of Frauds 1677 and the Wills Act 1837 and as exceptions to the rule that equity will not perfect an imperfect gift .
22 It is said to have been the biggest women 's gathering since suffrage days , a little more than half a century before …
23 That general attitude of the South 's is said to have been the most striking impression retained by Ripa di Meana , the EC environment commissioner , from talks during his first year in office ( 1989 ) with Third World ministers and officials .
24 She is considered incredibly bright , capable , and is said to have been the prime mover in persuading Mr Lamont to reduce tax on new cars — a popular move in last month 's Budget statement .
25 It is said to have been the first large bridge in the country made with a level roadway ( i.e. not rising towards the crown ) .
26 He is said to have been the joint author , with Donaldson , of the Commissioner 's design for the Crystal Palace in 1850 .
27 Adam is said to have been the herald of the Taurean Age ( the age of the bull which gives life ) , while Abraham began the Age of Aries ( sacrificing the ram instead of his son ) .
28 In a field on the north side of the A758 Ayr/Mauchline road , about a mile west of Failford , there is the site of a tumulus that is said to have been the burial place of King Coilus .
29 The Sargasso Sea is also said to have been the site of the ancient lost island of Atlantis where the eels could have once again found fresh water and been able to feed after spawning in the nearby sea .
30 He met Fanny Blandy , who is said to have been the only person to understand what he was talking about , and she used flags to signal to him in the harbour from the family Quinta da Santa Luzia .
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