Example sentences of "will see [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sergeant Joe 'll see yer sprain do n't get worse , 'e 'll get the doctor in if it does .
2 You 'll see your cousin eventually , I give you my solemn promise .
3 Sir Peter Teazle suggests to Sir Oliver Surface that he impersonates this Mr Premium whom Charles had never met , and ‘ you 'll see your nephew in all his glory ’ .
4 ‘ I 'll see your mum has a nice cup of tea waiting for you ’
5 I 'll see your Mum and whatever she wants to know I 'll be only too pleased to tell her . ’
6 you 'll see your man and see if there 's any jobs for when he leaves to get in .
7 Now then grandma , you go into Smith 's and buy yourself an Art and Craft Magazine , you 'll see your grandson in there on page whatever that is , page twenty eight
8 Maybe I 'll see your mother … and Stefan . ’
9 I 'll see your mother .
11 You will because we 're determined that ev you 'll see our ad a lot .
12 You 'll see my name 's on here Bernard .
13 ‘ I 'll see my patient now , ’ Irina said .
14 They 'll see my car coming here and they know no one 's ill and you know what they 'll think . ’
15 ‘ You 'll see my father there under Ink . ’
16 You 'll see his interest here in heroic material .
17 You 'll see his family in a minute , hang on
18 Helen will also be keeping an eye on the job market while she is away and praying that employers will see her experience in a positive light .
19 Currently concentrating on Sparc-based hardware , Lucid has an agreement with NCR Corp that will see its compiler technology and Energize converted for the Intel 80486 under Unix System V.4 and Santa Cruz Unix : compilers have already been implemented for the IBM Corp Rios chip , and Lucid has its eye on Hewlett-Packard Co 's Precision Architecture RISC .
20 Currently concentrating on Sparc-based hardware , Lucid has an agreement with NCR Corp that will see its compiler technology and Energize ported onto the Intel 486 under Unix SVR4 and SCO Unix : compilers have already been ported to the IBM RIOS chip , and Lucid has its eye on Hewlett-Packard 's PA-RISC .
21 Military pressure on Mr Gorbachev to find a quick way of ending the war stems from a bigger worry : that , by letting America take over conduct of the war , the Soviet Union will see its influence suffer in the region , especially if American troops stay on once the fighting is over .
22 Dock Road is the main route linking the M53 motorway with Seacombe and the Twelve Quays area , and the cranes have been a familiar sight for drivers for years but some will see their disappearance as further evidence of the de-industrialisation of Merseyside .
23 I enclose details and as you will see their approach is based on the informal as well as the informative .
24 The third possibility , and one more in tune with an elitist model of the process , is that bureaucrats will see their accountability as being primarily towards the organized interests in society that succeed by one means or another in obtaining regular access to the policy-making process .
25 Of late , we have seen the appearance of league tables for schools — soon we will see their counterpart for other council services — which will then be combined to produce composite indicators .
26 But he is also an American and before he guns you down in cold blood , in the manner you so justly deserve I might add , I 'm sure he will see his way clear to giving you a dying request . ’
27 The chances are that he will see his inconsistency and revise his moral views , either exonerating Smith or condemning himself .
28 You may be NEW on telly , but anyone who 's followed ‘ the circuit ’ in London will see your name very much as an old slipper .
29 ‘ You will see your prince again and be very close — I feel it in my bones ! ’
30 Taxation is an occasion when someone in judicial office will see your file and this will be a reflection on your firm .
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