Example sentences of "will [not/n't] have [been] " in BNC.

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1 They 'll not have been the first tourists to be fed to the sharks and they wo n't be the last . ’
2 ‘ You 'll not have been here before , then ?
3 Many of them will not have been earning enough to pay national insurance , so will not qualify for unemployment benefit — and will not affect the unemployment statistics .
4 THE recent attempts made by Hong Kong to have their sevens tournament accepted by the International Board as part of the official international calendar will not have been helped by the travesty to which they reduced this year 's tournament at the weekend .
5 The Internal Revenue Service will not have been unduly interested in Mr Bush 's earnings from his 1987 autobiography Looking Forward .
6 If they are not successfully concluded in the next few months a major objective of the single market will not have been achieved : far from becoming more internationally efficient and competitive , EC industry will fall further behind in a world of growing protectionism and trade blocs .
7 Although there are literally hundreds of blood-tests that can be performed in medical practice , it is usually only the serological tests for syphilis that are needed in the genito-urinary medicine clinic , and there is no point in asking , as many patients do , for their blood-group or their haemoglobin level , as these investigations will not have been done .
8 You will have spotted the chub , or signs of them , from some distance up or downstream , because you will not have been able to approach them upright on an open bank without them spotting you first .
9 In most cases , their presence will not have been detected .
10 Most travel journalists will not have been to the Giants ' Grotto , of course , but they will certainly have seen the handy paragraph in the travel company press pack .
11 The DTI , therefore , will not have been overjoyed .
12 All these hours in Madamoiselle McKirdy 's class will not have been for nothing .
13 More often than not , social disengagement will not have been intentional , and certainly not brought about simply by the process of ageing , but rather by a failure to maintain an adequate level of social life beyond that of being parents .
14 A child will not have been in school many days before he is made aware of individual differences among his classmates .
15 That form bears the closest inspection and as the six-year-old has settled into his new surroundings at the Marriott Stables I give him the edge over Newton Point , whose cause will not have been helped by the rain .
16 When the reader does not need to dwell upon decoding , then words encountered early in a sentence will not have been forgotten and will , therefore , be available for integration with the words at the end of the sentence .
17 Except in a few cases , formal inspections will not have been frequent enough to build up the kind of collective experience that HMIs have .
18 But , if you can contrive it , it will be all the better for being a happy end that will not have been wholly obvious to your readers .
19 Even though he knows he can no longer be rendered homeless his feelings of dependence will not have been entirely removed .
20 It is a ‘ portrait ’ group , though the lost heads will not have been likenesses : a family ( or , if all are women , a group of temple-servants ) .
21 In a rather larger number of situations the authorities will have quite explicit duties but will not have been given detailed guidance on how to carry them out .
22 What is being said , in effect , it might be argued , is that there exist certain propositions which can be known to be true , and if so , existential propositions will not have been " eliminated " ; only the values of the variables of quantification will have been changed , with propositions taking the place of ontological objects .
23 Though the prestige of Aldfrith 's descent from the Uí Néill will not have been negligible , he was born out of wedlock and there must have been many legitimate sons of other Northumbrian lords who claimed descent from Ida .
24 His parental maxim , ‘ if you do not serve others , you will not have been worth the upbringing ’ , is reflected in her dedication to a life of service to humanity .
25 For example , we noted earlier that if we hear tres … , the cohort will include trestle , tress and trespass , and so the recognition point will not have been reached .
26 If that happens , the sufferings of my hon. and learned Friend the Member for Leicester , West , of Myra and of his family , whom many of us know and admire , will not have been in vain .
27 ‘ If at least one young person decides to give up putting a foot into a stolen car ever again , then her son 's death will not have been in vain ; and another mother will not have to experience the heartbreak she is experiencing .
28 Thus women who are 45 years old or more will not have been commonly exposed to OC use while young for long periods .
29 They also lack statistical power since most breast cancer cases included will be older women approaching 50 , who will not have been commonly exposed .
30 If the investors do not themselves take out the keyman insurance cover but instead Newco does so and assigns the benefit of the policy to the investors , then Newco will not , in general , obtain a deduction from tax liability for the premiums paid because they will not have been " wholly and exclusively " incurred for the purposes of its trade .
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