Example sentences of "which would [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example , in 1988 the Secretary of State for Wales , Peter Walker , announced a £500 million revitalization programme for the valleys of South Wales , which would involve land reclamation , business advice and support , factory construction , housing rehabilitation and infrastructural investment , and which would be implemented by local authorities , the private sector , central government and the Welsh Development Agency .
2 Another novelty proposed by Alvey is the idea of demonstrator projects which would involve industry and academe in pooling their knowledge .
3 Some geographical targets might be covered , locating historical sites on a map using a grid , and planning marches for the Roman army on a topographical map , which would involve understanding of landforms and contour lines .
4 Johnson ( 1971 , p. 283 ) points out that , historically , the emphasis ‘ in Britain has been almost exclusively on procedures which would enable Parliament to exercise a post facto check on the manner in which monies had been spent for the purposes approved by ( but not proposed by ) Parliament ’ .
5 ‘ More training equipment which would enable branch managers to undertake more training in the workplace using pre-structured packages ’ .
6 Pensioner members at their recent Biennial General Meeting came up with a novel suggestion which would enable Pensioner members contribute to the Frank Holden Defence Fund ( see March ‘ Newsheet ’ for details of case ) in a manner that would add substantially to the Fund without denting pensioners ' cash flow .
7 is was decided to purchase computer software , from a specialist house , which would enable Field Directors to have quite detailed inventory and operational performance data regarding the fleets under their control .
8 In very broad outline , the first stage ( 1908 ) was to pay , subject to means , a pension well below subsistence which would supplement income from other sources .
9 The way was now open to an orthodox Christian philosophy which would contain psychology , history and poetry within it , and which would emphasize the Middle Ages ; it would embrace the Gothic Revival and the Oxford or Anglo-Catholic Movement within the Church of England .
10 And one which would demand compensation .
11 The British government 's programme for the development of renewable energy has been massively oversubscribed , with developers submitting applications for projects which would generate electricity well in excess of the government 's target .
12 no more than the embodiment of administrative arrangements which would give order to a confused system and some of which had been recommended and accepted as desirable during the previous two decades .
13 This historical fascination inspired their limitless appetite for novel titbits of information on savage customs which would give substance to the shadowy forms of their own distant ancestors .
14 According to Mr Punch ‘ kicking out teeth ’ was a regular pastime among the good citizens of Oldham , and Salford — which would give birth to the Scuttlers at some later point in the 1880s — was already on the boil .
15 Yet a combination of gut anti-European prejudice and some strange part-ideological , part-mystical belief in a largely bogus economic sovereignty ( witness the events of last week ) prevents her from taking the one step which would give credibility to the fight against inflation .
16 50MHz Vikings , which would give Sun a workstation performance rating in excess of 80 SPECmarks , are reportedly up and running , but are not ready for volume production .
17 The reformers ' ideal was a world ordered by intellectual logic ( which would give rise to fully blown scholasticism ) , by law and jurisdiction , by a centre at Rome .
18 However , firms already have to face uncertainty in the context of UCTA and the criteria used to assess whether a duty of care which would give rise to liability in tort is owed .
19 The merchant explained there would be a tableau which would give honour to the king as well as reflect the glory of the Goldsmith 's Guild , with huge screens on which the carpenters and masons had carved elaborate scenes .
20 And now GPs in affected areas are advising patients to consider having a vaccine , which would give immunity for up to six months .
21 A working group of senior parliamentarians broke the deadlock at the talks by endorsing a charter which would give equality in parliament to the majority Muslim population and transfer powers now enjoyed by the Maronite presidency to a cabinet headed by a Sunni Muslim .
22 But he did n't have time to speculate now as he strode across the office with the others following , down the ‘ corridor ’ between the screens and towards the double-doors directly ahead which would give access to the secondary staircase .
23 Despite his human limitations he managed to retrieve the underwater thorn which would give immortality , although it was stolen from him on his journey back to Uruk by a serpent .
24 We also talked about the new settlement being self-contained and integrated , but came I think to a consensus around the table that the level of employment provision in the new settlement should be related to the level of employment supply in the new settlement as opposed to a level of employment which would satisfy employment needs
25 We then realize that there is no dramatic originary event or ‘ cause ’ which would lend significance to all that has preceded it .
26 With the aid of the Sapherian wizards and Hotek , a renegade Priest of Vaul , he forged a great suit of black armour which would lend strength to his withered and fire-blasted body .
27 The first was an accelerated attempt to broaden the focus of the family planning programme to include the broader concept of family welfare planning — an ingenious verbal massage of an increasingly tarnished image , but one which did acknowledge the need for a better delivery system for family health including better preventative medicine , pre- and post-puerperal care and advice on household hygiene which would lower infant mortality rates and improve the health of the family .
28 In the face of vigorous protestation from the President and the Council that this was an unfair and flawed scheme of remuneration , which would lower quality and create mistrust between solicitor and client , and following unsuccessful judicial review proceedings on behalf of the profession , the regulations were set to become law in June .
29 London police chiefs are understood , however , already to have been planning an initiative early next year which would lower height requirements .
30 and th the so called democratic , you know , choice of all these poli , all these MP 's and what not which would comprise parliament and government and head of the Tory party at the time you know i it really their voices on the , on the the cabinet you know , they were , they were just destroyed !
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