Example sentences of "which were [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Water for fulling — cleansing and thickening the cloth — and in due course for driving the industrial mills which were to replace the looms of individual home-based workers was also an important factor .
2 The main trend was for greater powers for the republics , which were to join the new union on a voluntary basis , choosing the level of involvement which they wanted to have .
3 The typical Mediterranean wine-olive-wheat complex began , in the eighteenth century , an expansion and modification that were to continue , after the shocks of war , into the nineteenth and which were to transform the agricultural potential of Catalonia .
4 This created the conditions which were to set the pattern of religious justification for strife for centuries to come , and there is little doubt that nearly all , if not all wars in historic time have had some kind of religion or ‘ god ’ put forward as requiring the human race , or parts of it to engage in bloodshed and misery .
5 During the Second World War , three influential reports were published which were to shape the evolution of statutory planing : the Barlow Report , in 1940 , which advocated controlled industrial decentralization from the conurbations ; the Scott Report , in 1942 , which argued for a system of planning controls to protect the agricultural use of the countryside ; and the Uthwatt Report , also in 1942 , which recommended nationalization of undeveloped land to secure for the community the value added to land by the planning system .
6 Even in eastern Europe the active anti-semitic campaigns , which were to stimulate the mass emigration of the Jews , still lay in the future .
7 During 1905 , work was commenced on the various lines which were to form the South Metropolitan system , starting first on the Selby Road ‘ Robin Hood ’ Penge High Street section , then the Mitcham Light Railways .
8 Later we were joined in an organising committee by a number of other people who , although acting in a personal capacity , had through their paid employment or voluntary work direct experience of the issues which were to form the core of the conference .
9 She was about to start painting a waterfall scene which would adorn the poolside of a new apartment complex in Praia do Carvoeiro and the special wave-embossed tiles which were to form the base of the picture had arrived .
10 His will is an eloquent testimony of how conventional he was in his views — requiring Requiem Masses and prayers in perpetual memory of himself and of his family — and of how little he foresaw ( for how could he ? ) the changes which were to affect the church — and his bequests — during the next century with the coming of the Reformation .
11 This appeal presaged two years of uncomfortable relations , which were to disturb the ILP without adding much to the strength of Trotskyism .
12 But shortly before this there occurred an event the consequences of which were to shatter the peace of Aquitaine .
13 By 1987 , 57 local authorities were requested to submit Inner Area Programmes which were to outline the objectives of Urban Programme funding , and to indicate how other funding programmes dovetailed into Urban Programme activities ( DoE , 1989 ) .
14 Yet the really important decisions , affecting the whole shape of politics in the 1930s , were those made in September and October 1931 ; it was these decisions , and not the formation of the National Government itself , which were to determine the configuration of party politics for the rest of the decade .
15 Enterprises that needed foreign exchange to pay for imports or for other purposes were then to make application to the banks , which were to determine the amount of each enterprise 's ‘ socially verified needs ’ , based on its use of foreign exchange in the previous year and its export performance in that year .
16 Though Cranmer drew from many sources , it was his own touch which gave the Prayer Book the charm , perfection of form and expression which were to endow the Church of England for centuries with unity , strength and a way to the hearts of men .
17 It is , in fact , a diversion of resources away from the priorities which existed at the end of 1988 which were to develop the management accounting skills of the NHS : particularly to promote the better use of resources through the RMI .
18 He laid foundations for Christianity in the city which were to survive the coming of the Barbarians .
19 They were all replaced with Lancasters , which were to prove the backbone of the whole RAF heavy bomber force .
20 They had engaged soldiers for a year , but had been deprived by the truce of most of the ransoms which were to pay the troops ' wages for the second half of the year .
21 Nevertheless , the issues which created the divide during the Exclusion Crisis were not new ; concerns about the prospect of a popish successor , the growth of popery and arbitrary government , and the nature of government in both Church and State , had been creating tensions long before Titus Oates made the revelations which were to precipitate the political crisis at the end of Charles II 's reign .
22 From the 1860s the companies increasingly used standardized designs for their country stations , partly for economy and partly to promote a corporate image after a series of company amalgamations which had produced the great conglomerates which were to dominate the railway scene until the 1923 grouping .
23 The 1975 Act contained various provisions to limit parental rights , the effects of which were to increase the likelihood of parents losing touch with their children and to encourage quasi-adoptive fostering exclusive of natural parents , while no extra community resources were provided to prevent children having to leave their parents at all .
24 It was in cities such as Rome , Venice , Florence and Verona that the Renaissance started — the re-awakening of the arts , new directions in painting and architecture — movements which were to span the continents and leave a legacy of culture unequalled anywhere in the world .
25 Under the treaty with the United Kingdom , the twenty-six counties which were to become the independent state were to remain within the British Empire with dominion status , and the British monarch was to remain head of state .
26 There was intense suspicion of the ‘ foreigner ’ ( although he was as likely to be a trader from the nearby town as a native of another land ) , but the ordinary inhabitants of the territories which were to become the modern States of Europe had no sense of common identity , of membership of national groups .
27 And while the hierarchy of the Roman Church dictated the texts which were to become the canonical New Testament , the monasteries in Egypt embraced a much more diverse body of teaching , exemplified by the Gospel of Thomas and by the other texts found at Nag Hammadi .
28 This book , though most directly concerned with English studies , touched on many wider educational issues which were to become the subject of considerable debate after the war .
29 In 1922 it planned the first of a series of national hunger marches which were to become the NUWCM 's principal contribution to the inter-war years .
30 We lost 0–2 but events were taking shape which were to bring the young goalkeeper to the fore : Coventry City swooped for Glazier 's signature in mid-October at a record fee for a goalkeeper of £35,000 .
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