Example sentences of "which had been taken " in BNC.

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1 This bought another East End brewery into the family tree , the Wenlock Brewery , in Wenlock Road , Shoreditch , just off the City Road , which had been taken over by Bass in 1961 and closed the following year .
2 After the vote , which had been taken in the Vladislav Chamber , where the Kings of Bohemia were once crowned , Mr Havel was sworn in .
3 David had originally made a demo with John Hutchinson , a demo which had been taken to Philips who were releasing in this country for Mercury Records in America , and they all agreed that this would be the first single under that contract . ’
4 But there could be no going back on the decision to end National Service , which had been taken over-hastily in the first place , and without adequate consultation in the second .
5 In May the SAS were sent in to storm the Iranian Embassy in London which had been taken over by armed gunmen .
6 At the Northampton Forest Eyre of 1255 John Lovet , a verderer , had to pay the substantial fine of twelve marks ‘ for mendacity and concealment ’ : he had contradicted his roll by saying that the deer which had been taken in the forest by the men of the parson of Eaton Maudit ‘ was a certain sheep ’ .
7 At the diet of princes in Frankfurt ( 1147 ) he demanded the return of Bavaria , which had been taken from his father by Emperor Conrad III and bestowed upon an Austrian vassal .
8 The horse buses were banned from the Promenade in the same year to avoid competition with the trams , which had been taken over by the Corporation in 1892 .
9 It has been argued persuasively that passages from the Bible which had been taken as prohibiting gay sex were either mistranslated or taken out of context ; that , in any case , the Bible could not be read as a set of rules to be unthinkingly obeyed ; that love and justice in sexual relationships mattered more than gender ; and that homophobia itself was sinful .
10 This latter vessel was hit by two torpedoes fired from the damaged Italian destroyer ‘ Tarigo ’ , which had been taken over by Sottotenente di Vascello Ettore Bisagno , the only surviving officer , after the commander had been killed ; the British ship went down near Kerkenah Island , but all the crew were rescued .
11 They said that it was of himself and that the parcel contained a gun which had been taken to pieces so that he could carry it inconspicuously .
12 So I began to visit the civil hospital which had been taken over by the military for wounded and sick men from the British forces further south .
13 They waved goodbye at the door and got into the Jaguar well pleased at the chunk which had been taken out of the Guinness Mahon share mountain .
14 Feminist sociologists ' arguments showed that ideas of ‘ masculinity ’ and ‘ femininity ’ which had been taken for granted as natural were in fact social in origin : these roles had to learned by young people .
15 Indian soldiers stormed Kashmir 's police headquarters in Srinagar , which had been taken over by striking policemen .
16 Pointing upwards he indicated a large nest high in a pine tree and told us that it was the nest of a buzzard which had been taken over by a great grey owl .
17 Peter Northfield , public affairs manager for the Great Eastern division of BR 's Network SouthEast , said some commuters were angry because they normally used the carriage which had been taken over by protesters .
18 While referring to the Treasury waggon which had been taken near Quatre Bras , von Keller 's counsel omitted to say anything about one particular carriage grouped with other captured vehicles at the village of Villers Perwin situated at a short distance from the Charleroi road near Quatre Bras .
19 A crotchety old bugger ( any kid 's grandfather ) who had , in a state of terror , escaped in his machine from an advanced civilisation on a distant planet which had been taken over by some unknown enemy .
20 Rostov understood why the precautions which had been taken to quarantine Tarvaras were so strict .
21 It was a particular , exact colour ; Musgrave had seen it only once before , in a special department of the Bank of England where they incinerated notes which had been taken out of circulation .
22 When Roe took over at Coniston he inherited the old eighteenth century workings which had been taken down on the Bonsor Vein , in one place , at least , as deep as the old hand chiselled " stollen " Cobbler 's Level .
23 The Friendship , Co-operation and Mutual Assistance Treaty , first signed in 1948 [ see p. 9228 ] , bound Finland to a military defence pact and prevented it from joining any international organization whose members posed a military threat to the Soviet Union — a definition which had been taken to include the EC .
24 The delay had been caused by uncertainty over the status of Vneshekonombank , the former Soviet foreign affairs bank , which had been taken over by Russia in December [ see p. 38581 ] .
25 The Lebanese army on July 24 began the repossession of buildings which had been taken over by the various militias during the civil war .
26 The school is a complex of large , red-bricked barrack blocks , which had been taken over during the war ( happily unoccupied ) by the American Army .
27 Francis came to tell us about arrangements for the funeral and he brought with him one of my father 's pictures which had been taken to the shop for framing .
28 An acid glycine extract ELISA technique was used to test for H pylori as described by Goodwin et al , and was performed in 1991 on serum samples , which had been taken in 1969 , 1978 , and November/December 1990 .
29 It 's simply the reason it was done that way was to reflect a County Council decision which had been taken fairly recent times on the route of an outer as opposed to an inner .
30 Mr Wood recalled an incident last year when the Stokesley group was asked to find a site for the release of a badger which had been taken to Throckley .
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