Example sentences of "which is then [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The wood is piled into the kiln , which is then lit at the bottom .
2 There has been a waterworks at Bocking since 1912 , and the two boreholes now extract five million litres of water a day which is then pumped to the Panfield reservoir , where it is mixed with water from other sources at Petches Bridge , Codham and Notley Road .
3 In the presence of molecular oxygen , the cyclo-oxygenase activity converts arachidonic acid to a 15-hydroperoxide endoperoxide known as prostaglandin G 2 , which is then converted by the peroxidase activity to a 15-hydroxy endoperoxide known as prostaglandin H 2 ( Lands , 1979 ) ( see Figure 5.2 ) .
4 After the Prologue 's plain B flat close , Peter slides up a semitone , B flat to C flat , on the words " the truth " , raising a question ( both musical and verbal ) which is then twisted , in the course of the duet , into a doubt between Ellen 's optimistic E major and Peter 's pessimistic F minor ( a semitone above , but with the same third degree , G sharp/A flat ) .
5 Two or three colours are mixed with linseed oil , which is poured , in sections , onto the horizontal canvas , which is then stood against a wall .
6 Two or three colours are mixed with linseed oil , which is poured , in sections , onto the horizontal canvas , which is then stood against a wall .
7 The second route to compliance is to produce a technical construction file for the equipment which is then assessed by a DTI-appointed body .
8 The result is a positive number ( sometimes called the characteristic ) , which is then represented as an unsigned fixed-point binary number .
9 When the toilet is flushed , air is sucked out of the waste pipe , creating a vacuum , which is then filled with water from the cistern .
10 With notable exceptions such as Clegg ( 1976 ) , many studies present empirically derived information arising from cross-national investigations , often relating to institutions and practices , which is then analysed and interpreted with no direct orientation towards theoretical considerations .
11 Having decided on the hotel the customer is then able to fill in the requirement on a booking page which is then transmitted to the hotel .
12 He also introduces a semi-cubist patterning in the masts and sails which is then echoed in the modelling of some of the figures .
13 Weathering of rocks by rain water , by frost , by chemical action which is then leaked into rivers and carried from rivers into
14 To make best use of them , the tag names are embedded into the text file which is then placed into the template .
15 The effect of a reference is to suspend the proceedings before the referring court until the Court of Justice has handed down its opinion which is then applied by the referring court to the dispute before it .
16 Powder systems either have a facility to pressurise the detergent drum , into which water is fed to solubilize the powder which is then fed by air pressure to the dispenser pump , or sachet filled hoppers which are auger fed into a chamber where water is mixed and thence to the delivery pump .
17 Interactionists made much of how such variations could lead to a ‘ deviancy amplification spiral ’ : if the public ( informed by the media of rises in the criminal statistics ) believes crime to be on the increase and more of a problem they may be more sensitive to it , report more to the police who will then record more and therefore produce a further rise in recorded crime , which is then fed back to the public by the media , and so on ( see Wilkins , 1964 ; and Young , 1971 ) .
18 The sensors pick up the change which is then fed back directly to alter the temperature or some other variable .
19 The board picks up the signal , and translates it into digital data , which is then stored as a data file on the computer 's hard disk .
20 It takes only minutes to clear a fridge of CFC gas , which is then stored in a secure container and returned to ICI at Runcorn .
21 This enzyme copies the viral RNA genetic material into DNA , which is then integrated into the cell's–chromosomes as an essential step in the viral life-cycle .
22 Two geo ( artificial ) textiles are laid into the bottom of the trench which is then covered with four to six inches of angular cobbles which are laid in by hand so they knit together : A two inch layer of fine gravel is then spread on top .
23 The usual method of taking the Bach Remedies is to put a few drops in a cup of springwater which is then sipped at intervals .
24 Winds blowing over lakes pick up a tremendous amount of moisture which is then precipitated downwind of the lakes .
25 The next stop gets rid of all the glass which is then collected by Pilkingtons for melt-down and re-use .
26 The major conclusions are therefore that the market economy is a remarkably efficient way of creating wealth largely because it succeeds in utilising more information than alternative economic systems ; that for a market economy to work , the society of which it is part needs to believe in certain kinds of values : it must lay great store by individual responsibility and also have a non-egalitarian view of what constitutes social justice ; that the so called ‘ crisis ’ of capitalism results from a prevailing set of cultural values , typified by Freudianism and Marxism , which are contrary to those needed for the market economy to prosper , that humanism as a philosophy can not guarantee to generate the appropriate values , and that Christianity can provide such values and has indeed done so during the period of industrialisation throughout much of the Western world , but in consequence the kind of market economy which is then championed is different from that currently defined by the libertarian philosophy of Professor Friedman and Professor Hayek .
27 Case studies consist of a description of an event concerning a real life or simulated situation , usually in the form of a paragraph of text , a video , a picture or a role play exercise which is then followed by a series of instructions which prompt the student into analysing the situation presented , drawing conclusions and making decisions or suggested courses of action .
28 Active rifting , on the other hand , would be expected to begin with volcanism which is then followed by uplift before rifting itself is finally initiated ; but in some cases uplift seems to precede volcanism .
29 Indeed , some hospitals have begun to experiment with providing complete physical rest as central to a treatment programme for cardiac cases , which is then followed by instruction on relaxation techniques through which people may be more effective in controlling anxiety ( e.g. Charing Cross Hospital , London ) .
30 This is used to develop ideas about relevant systems and construct a neutral conceptual model , which is then expanded to identify activities and related information .
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