Example sentences of "which it had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Medical science did not make the progress in mastering cancer , heart ailments and mental and nervous disorders which it had made in dealing with communicable diseases .
2 By 1372 England had suffered a naval defeat at La Rochelle and lost most of the gains which it had made by the time of the treaty of Brétigny ; in the following year much of Brittany was lost ; in 1375 another spectacular naval defeat was suffered ; and in 1376 and 1377 the south and east coasts of England were alerted under threats of invasion or raids .
3 Current Manager George Thomson said the celebrations had given staff an opportunity to reflect on the Branch 's long history during which it had played an important role in providing financial services to the community .
4 The report noted that advocates of re-introduction did not wish simply to limit the penalty to the same offences as those to which it had applied between 1861 and 1948 .
5 On July 12 , 1990 , the European Court of Justice ordered the German government to suspend a road levy of up to DM9,000 which it had imposed since April on heavy trucks from other countries , on the grounds that it discriminated against other countries .
6 On May 1 , 1991 , however , the USA suspended a ban on imports of European wines , which it had imposed in February 1990 because of the use in Europe of procymidone pesticides against fungus infestations .
7 The following day the EC agreed to end a ban on imports of US pigmeat which it had imposed on Oct 31 , 1990 , amid allegations that US hygiene standards were inadequate .
8 It was a New England trawler , the Valhalla , based on Gloucester , Massachusetts , from which it had sailed a few days earlier .
9 The French crown , it is rightly argued , had a definite policy with relation to the sea which it had followed since the early thirteenth century .
10 For he was realistic enough to recognize that even if the Greek distinction between the ‘ pure ’ and the ‘ useful ’ was ultimately illusory , still the kind of class-division to which it had given rise was deeply engrained .
11 A campaign based on petitions , letter-writings , and revelations of inadequacies and irregularities in the development 's plans , persuaded the government to reverse the initial approval which it had given to the scheme .
12 From the Communist viewpoint their campaign had been justified by the vote of 592,000 for affiliation and by the importance which it had given the Party in the eyes of militant Labour Party members .
13 A dispute over the conflicting constitutional rights of press freedom ( enshrined within the First Amendment ) and the right of a defendant to a fair trial ( the Sixth Amendment ) arose from an attempt by Cable News Network ( CNN ) to broadcast tapes which it had obtained of telephone calls made by the deposed Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega , who had been imprisoned in the USA since January 1990 awaiting trial on drug trafficking charges .
14 Japan announced that it would increase by 5,500 million yen ( approximately equivalent to $34,000,000 ) an 8,000 million yen special fund which it had created for providing technical assistance to Latin America .
15 He said then that the housing market recession had not hit the North East and North Yorkshire with anything like the force with which it had struck the rest of the country .
16 Undeniably , they offered possibilities for assured if modest financial support for the WEA , a position which it had sought for several years .
17 Within a year Labour was recapturing some of the political ground which it had lost at the local elections in November 1931 .
18 For the Treasury this presented a golden opportunity to recover its traditional dominance which it had lost during the war .
19 The PL also extended its control of regional and local government throughout the country and regained the mayorships of Bogotá and Medellín which it had lost in 1986 .
20 As a result of these Land elections , the federal CDU-CSU-FDP coalition in the Bundesrat regained its majority ( which it had lost to the SPD after Land elections in May 1990 — see p. 37467 ) , with 35 seats out of the new total of 68 .
21 In elections to the Bürgerschaft ( city parliament ) in Hamburg on June 2 , the Social Democratic Party ( SPD ) regained the absolute majority of seats which it had lost in the elections of June 1987 [ see p. 35208 ] .
22 Although the VP remained the dominant force in Vanuatu , the party was unable to regain the authority which it had lost during the leadership struggle of 1988 [ see p. 36381 ] .
23 But the picture was further complicated in 1983 when the Worcester DHA proposed to close another psychiatric hospital , with a similarly small and diminishing resident population , St Wulstan 's , for which it had assumed responsibility .
24 A short ceremony in the king 's chamber at Westminster marked the end of the Angevin Empire , in the form which it had assumed under Henry II and his sons .
25 By the end of May 1991 Treuhand had disposed of 18,500 of the 23,000 businesses for which it had assumed responsibility in July 1990 [ for criticism in April 1991 of Treuhand policy see p. 38155 ] .
26 It was Diane who proposed that they should go over and take a look at the labs where Jenner had worked and Reynolds agreed , more than a little relieved that they were returning to the main subject ; he was made uncomfortable by Diane 's self revelation and the way in which it had begun to erode his easy preconceptions of her and her ‘ type ’ .
27 He had looked forward to the long drive to Wales as an opportunity to push out the boundaries of their friendship , to gauge whether it might flourish in more normal circumstances than those in which it had begun .
28 Strikes and protests continued throughout December , obliging the National Salvation Front ( NSF ) government to postpone the price liberalization programme which it had begun to implement in November [ see p. 37866 ] .
29 Earlier in March the UK government had indicated that it might resume the forced repatriation of boat people from Hong Kong , which it had begun in December 1989 but suspended soon afterwards [ see pp. 37121-2 ] .
30 Once the government began to exploit their possibilities by raising the true rate of duty and levying special impositions , Parliament remembered its powers and sought to recapture the commanding heights which it had surrendered .
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