Example sentences of "which it [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A group at the University of Hokkaido is trying to isolate this chemical , which it calls glycinoeclopin A. So far the group has managed to obtain a tiny portion — 0.5 milligrams — of the substance and now it is trying to discover the chemical structure of the material .
2 So Xionics does not get involved in selling its computer network , which it calls Xinet ; instead it has handed responsibility for this to a distributor .
3 Micro Focus Plc has come up with a new method for charging for licences to its Unix software , which it calls Unix Concurrent User Licensing .
4 The Lugano-based firm has already started testing prototypes of the weapon , which it calls Telemine .
5 The visitor to an auction may be caught up in the excitement and drama of the event , but the climate of opinion in which it takes place has been created by scholars and critics as well as businessmen .
6 It seems that the mode of politics in any situation is governed as much by the actors and interests involved , as by the geographical scale at which it takes place .
7 It relates punishment to the economic structure of the society in which it takes place and to the class interests furthered by penal practices and ideologies .
8 it is difficult , however , to appreciate that significance without knowing something of the context in which it takes place .
9 Within a single interaction — say , a conversation — participants need not maintain an unvarying relationship among each other , the linguistic event , and the context ( both wide and narrow ) in which it takes place .
10 I 'd like to erm just say a few words about erm the three erm reductions in the budget of the erm er the erm community services erm the erm deletion of the arts budgets , you probably have heard this before , but I I do think it 's a great pity that erm when it was on the basis and I think very little knowledge of un and understanding with erm er of what arts is about which is to delete one of the , was one of the erm the the erm things in this council which we actually do best , it 's one of the things which has attracted attention from way beyond Cambridge erm and which is undoubt has undoubtedly to communities in which it takes place , erm as far as the erm erm oh the erm community , staffing of community centres erm this looks like erm in calculations involved handing over the r the management to the community centres to erm volunteers .
11 The style of the leader may vary , as may the content of the leader 's vision and the context in which it takes root .
12 When he writes of prayer , he compares it with ‘ a lark rising from his bed of grass and soaring upwards , singing as he rises , and hopes to get to heaven and climb above the clouds ’ , and so the lark continues through clause after clause , buffeted by storms from which it takes refuge , until finally ‘ it did rise and sing , as if it had learned music and motion from an angel as he passed sometimes through the air about his ministries here below ’ .
13 This kind of argument reads well in Callinicos ' hands , but it is worth reminding ourselves of the unattractive reality to which it bears witness .
14 Qualities such as the physical condition of the member of the opposite sex , the resources it holds and the extent to which it bears characters that have been subject to sexual selection can all affect whether or not it is chosen ( see Halliday , 1983 ) .
15 In what ways have the false doctrine of abstraction , and the equally mistaken materialism to which it lends support , been a ‘ great source of errors and difficulties ’ in our search for knowledge ?
16 At this point , the weapon 's guidance system switches into a preprogrammed routine in which it selects data about the particular target that it is aiming for .
17 One of the most refreshing aspects of our society is the extent to which it despises lawyers .
18 For example , Kaelin 's ( 1968 ) notion of ‘ surface ’ and ‘ depth ’ counters is particularly relevant for the way in which it separates aspects of a direct sensory , perceptual nature from those referring to imaginative content , based upon observations of a cognitive or conceptual kind .
19 In doing so it also extended and sharpened the tools by which it assured standards across the growing territory of higher education , but at the same time it struggled with the problem of those institutions which increasingly felt that they had served a long enough apprenticeship .
20 The scale on which it registers experience can be adjusted upwards or downwards .
21 Briefly , the method judges the importance of information by the extent to which it changes investors ' expectations about profit , which is reflected by changes in stock prices oround the day the information is announced .
22 The rate at which it uses energy , it 's the rate at which it 's using the energy .
23 Ms Oruene claimed that the faculty had varied to her detriment the terms on which it granted membership .
24 So this debate is not about saving foxes , it will achieve nothing for animal welfare it is not about the merits or otherwise of fox hunting , from which it diverts attention , it is about the county council seeking to make hollow gestures against their tenants ' rights .
25 Changes in these attitudes and practices will be the result of a long political process which will certainly take more than a century to work out , and even then will probably compress the time which it took Europe to work through comparable processes .
26 And how interesting was the way in which it took advantage of so little light as to shine enough for me to see it so clearly .
27 Battalions , Northumberland Fusiliers and the actions in which it took part during the 1914–18 War .
28 At the moment the solicitor has the report , which it took Derek quite a while to find , cos it was n't filed where it should have been .
29 J. G. Frazer further suggests that the story of Jacob 's dream ( which was deemed so extremely significant that the spot on which it took place was henceforth sanctified in the Jewish religion ) " was probably told to explain the immemorial sanctity of Bethel , which may well have been revered by the aboriginal inhabitants of Canaan long before the Hebrews invaded and conquered the land " .
30 The choice by the Queen of Lord Home in 1963 was of some importance since the circumstances in which it took place illustrated the difficulties of the process and led fairly quickly to the adoption by the Conservative Party of a leadership election process that was designed ( like the Labour Party 's leadership election ) to make the choice of a Prime Ministerial successor a constitutional formality .
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