Example sentences of "which set the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is not always easy to get up to date information on which to set the quotas , especially in a small area sample .
2 The correct angle at which to set the drill is achieved by lining up with a sliding bevel set on the bench beside the drill .
3 Any assets in respect of which significant allowable losses will arise on disposal to Newco should , before the sale to Newco , be transferred on an intra-group basis within the vendor 's capital gains tax group to a group company with chargeable gains against which to set the losses .
4 ‘ Adults should be able to do the questions — but many have a phobia about maths , ’ said Dr Tony Gardiner , director of the maths foundation , which set the questions and organised the annual test .
5 However , it left unchanged at 9.75 per cent the more internationally sensitive Lombard rate , which set the ceiling for money market rates .
6 The sun was shining and there was an east wind blowing which set the clouds tumbling and their shadows rushing across the shallow hills and the craggy outcroppings .
7 But Downing Street made it clear that it was the Cabinet which set the £244.5 billion spending target — and it can increase that figure if it wants to .
8 Notre Dame in Paris , built 1163–1235 ( 427 ) is one of the early examples which set the character .
9 This last was an important function , which set the EEC apart from other international organisations .
10 Two moments which set the course of the presidential election and which changed the course of American history .
11 The whole trip was a marvellous experience for us all and there was a terrific spirit amongst the squad , which set the scene nicely for the season ahead .
12 Brian Harris DFC made a speech which set the scene :
13 We gain little from minute attention to the manufacturers ' congratulations for our choice of car , or from the swearing-in in court , and , on a first reading of a novel , it may be more important to follow those parts which forward the plot than those which set the scene .
14 Undoubtedly , it was the great monasteries which set the style , with an importance far beyond their immediate locale ; the priory church of St Pancras in Lewes was far larger than Chichester Cathedral , and its monks major landlords .
15 Here is what Leonard wrote , which set the shape of his life ( later published in Let Us Compare Mythologies , pp 26 ) :
16 For example , in the web of agencies which surround the US presidency and make key foreign and defence policy decisions , Domhoff ( 1970 , 1978b ) claims to detect clear evidence of capitalist control over both popular and elite opinion-making agencies , which set the agenda for policy-making .
17 UNESCO-sponsored research , particularly associated with the International Commission for the Study of Communication Problems , led to the publication of Many Voices , One World ( MacBride Commission , 1980 ) , which set the agenda for the 1980s and provided a spur to the creation of World Communications Year ( 1983 ) , continuing World Conferences on Strategies and Policies for Informatics , and other initiatives .
18 Rossiskaya gazeta of May 14 carried budget plans approved by the Supreme Soviet and dated April 4 , which set the RF budget deficit in the first quarter of 1992 at Rbs. 67,500 million .
19 The tenth anniversary of the armistice , in 1928 , was marked by a cascade of anti-war literature , which set the seal on a broad pacifistic consensus that was to dominate the centre ground of British politics well into the 1930s .
20 For example , the informal decision making that is a component of ‘ surgical signatures ’ and ‘ practice style ’ can be made explicit by use of clinical judgment analysis and related techniques , which set the basis for variations in diagnostic and therapeutic judgment on a statistically firm footing .
21 They should look , too , at the family 's social situation , their contacts with the extended family , and their perspective of the events which set the referral in motion .
22 Sergeant Ramsey 's 3-inch mortar was again brought into action , and a direct hit on the building 's roof with the third round was followed by a score of bombs through the resulting hole which set the place ablaze .
23 Understanding how the face of urban Britain emerged in the nineteenth century may pin-point how to tackle certain of the present problems , and , conceivably , identify the factors which set the die for urban life in the next century .
24 It might be objected that even though some criminal laws are in the interests of the dominant class and that others which are obviously not in these interests are ineffectively enforced , thus making them dead-letter laws , it still remains true that laws proscribing those types of victimizing behaviours of which we are all too aware and which set the nerve-ends of neo-classical/conservative criminologists , such as Wilson ( 1975 ) and Morgan ( 1978 ) tingling with fear and loathing , are in all our interests .
25 If you wish to leave plain stitches between each repeat , then you must indicate this by drawing a black square , in line with the two squares which set the height , on the last row of plain stitches required .
26 She says it slipped and set off the magic eye which set the baler off which crushed the bottom part of my leg causing me to lose the tissue and muscle from my ankle up to my shin .
27 In the case of independent schools which for the most part are not run as independent profit making institutions and which set the fees to raise enough money to cover the cost of running the school , the test is virtually indistinguishable from a market value test .
28 Pre-war were the Sykes ( 1923 ) and Crawford ( 1926 ) Committees , which set the pattern of ‘ public service broadcasting ’ run by the BBC , and the Ullswater Committee ( 1936 ) , which confirmed it .
29 Paris was the focal centre of the Île de France region , which produced the early and most famous examples which set the pattern for the whole of northern Europe .
30 In addition to these directly maritime activities which set the town 's character as a port , the nineteenth century saw a considerable development in engineering .
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