Example sentences of "which always [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The mother was just out of sight around the corner in the kitchen making Mr Wormwood 's breakfast which always had to be two fried eggs on fried bread with three pork sausages and three strips of bacon and some fried tomatoes .
2 Then there surfaced that seriousness which always lay beneath Leslie 's cheerfulness and exuberance :
3 They had returned noisily to life after the journey , consoled by spreading the contents of their suitcases , which always looked to her like carefully collected rubbish , old dresses bought from barrows , ratty bits of fur , crumpled and disorderly history notes , about their new quarters .
4 She had watched girl friends drift from affair to affair which always began with such certainty that ‘ this time it will be different ’ , and inevitably ended in tears with the realisation that it was n't .
5 He was certainly an attractive man , with bright , smiling eyes and a face which always seemed to be on the point of laughter .
6 Not so popular was the experimental survival section of the course which always seemed to be carried out in extremely inclement weather with a helicopter helping to increase the discomfort of tossing about on a life raft in Plymouth Sound .
7 I could wish , incidentally , that Eliot had retained the original title of Wan na Go Home , Baby ? which always seemed to me exactly right .
8 The parents agreed that the priority problem was temper tantrums which always occurred after refusal of Joanne 's demands .
9 The someone , who was , of course , Dr Neil , struck a Swan Vesta to light the oil-lamp which always stood on a side-table where he usually kept the book which he was currently reading .
10 Hated that slim body with its perfect skin which always nestled into Jacob 's embrace .
11 This understanding of ‘ service ’ was crucial to the political practicality of citizenship which always depended upon being able to offer a reconciliation between ‘ personal rights ’ and , despite the vacillating liberal reinterpretations , ‘ the community ’ .
12 It was only when I felt safe with you , and after we had spent some hours working on our poems , that we would go down to the restaurant for late dinner , which always ended with either banana or ‘ flan ’ .
13 On the other hand , even efficient ‘ managers ’ , such as Lord Ilay or Henry Dundas , could never claim absolute mastery of Scotland in fact , whatever they may have alleged to their colleagues , for no manager ever possessed a monopoly of desirable patronage , some of which always remained in private hands .
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