Example sentences of "which can [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 Polyester fibres are treated in various ways to produce fillings which can trap a great deal of air .
2 Paw in juries are sadly not uncommon , especially on sharp pieces of glass which can inflict a nasty cut In spite of their horny appearance , a dog 's pads will bleed profusely if cut .
3 The downward hammer fist for example , which can deflect a kick may also be instantly converted into a forearm scoop .
4 Masking is such a common operation that many computers provide at least one arithmetic or logical instruction which can specify a mask as well as the primary operands .
5 This soldier carries a hand gun , a simple firearm which can propel a lead or stone shot with considerable velocity .
6 The fells around Baldersdale are dangerous places , full of hidden ghylls — deep water holes — and moss bogs which can swallow a man whole .
7 There is also the cockpit voice recorder or CVR which can contribute a great deal to the information available to the investigator .
8 Home Office ministers have asked the Association of Chief Police Officers to monitor the spread of scanners which can detect a radar trap up to three miles away .
9 There are also two procedures which can place a plaintiff in further difficulties .
10 They may also be able to tell you some of the preferences of those councillors , which can make a big difference to how you lobby them .
11 A horse that has been abused , intimidated , and broken will never have the pride , self-esteem , and affection for its owner which can make a good horse into a great one .
12 Seasun Tentrek has dropped under-occupancy surcharges on its apartments and tents for any holidays taken after August 21 , which can make a considerable saving .
13 This view is based on the firm belief that people with special needs have many abilities which can make a valuable contribution to education .
14 BT has just introduced new moves which it hopes will alleviate the problem completely ; countrywide specialist bureaux which can make a computerised link-up between the person being called , the caller and the police .
15 Most suppliers will offer early settlement discounts of around 2.5% and quantity discounts for larger orders , which can make a substantial difference to the margin .
16 Erm , how much flexibility do we have if there is a sudden epidemic , if flu virus for instance which can make a tremendous intake or , or people requiring care .
17 It is these basic measures which can make a difference to saving lives all over the world .
18 He is an effective communicator who knows the industry 's problems and is concerned that too few know about the level of despair which can make a farmer twice as likely to commit suicide as the average man .
19 He is an effective communicator who knows the industry 's problems and is concerned that too few know about the level of despair which can make a farmer twice as likely to commit suicide as the average man .
20 Partly , this underlines the problems discussed in the last chapter — the factors which can tip a reliable payer into arrears .
21 They are a sign of poor planning and of not thinking sufficiently far ahead , but they can be useful as an option , just as sideslipping is an extra skill which can prevent a serious overshoot and a broken glider .
22 It senses the danger and almost instantaneously cuts off the power with a speed of reaction which can prevent a tragedy occurring .
23 A building society must attract deposits before it can grant a mortgage ( loan ) to a borrower to purchase a house , unlike a bank which can create a deposit by granting a loan .
24 There must be some movement of fresh air for their health 's sake and to prevent condensation , which can create a damp atmosphere and in some cases wall fungus .
25 Another goal will be to identify the ethical principles which can create a new public ethos and how these can be mobilised and translated into Christian communication practice .
26 They can play no part in any inclusive dialogue which can create a genuine peace process .
27 There is a small transparent species of rock anemone ( Aiptasia species , below ) which is often introduced by accident into the aquarium on pieces of living rock which can deliver a sting equal to any of the larger species .
28 But if you are tempted to laugh , remember they also have a strong beak which can deliver a serious nip .
29 The most obvious possibility is to be able to call up a video window on the screen which can deliver a helpline operator 's face and words and enable you to resolve your problem .
30 There is also the small matter of the Government 's golden share which can block a hostile bid for Jaguar and does not expire until the end of next year .
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