Example sentences of "which would have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , until the ecumenical era of the 1960s , few catholics in Ireland were prepared to put before themselves some of the political religious issues which would have to be resolved if a united Ireland or accommodation to a separate political entity in Ulster were to become a possibility .
2 While such a view is not absurd , it hardly touches on the issues which would have to be addressed for any overall assessment .
3 In what was seen as an important statement of Soviet foreign policy in the face of growing demands for German reunification , Mr Shevardnadze posed seven questions which would have to be answered before it was ‘ possible realistically to raise the issue … of re-establishing German unity ’ .
4 The principle which would have to be established first of all is that each person in the world ( all those aged 21 or over , suggests Dr Grubb ) would have an equal share in man-made carbon dioxide emissions , regardless of whether he lived in a rich developed country or a poor one which produced hardly any carbon dioxide at all .
5 Italy might be considered an unlikely candidate for EMU because of its chronic budget deficit , which would have to be reformed first .
6 At first , any hostility centred on the major new roads which would have to be ploughed across untouched farmland to carry extra traffic to the plant and the proposed hostel which threatened to inject up to 700 unmarried building workers into an isolated rural community .
7 When pressed for a favourable reply the pontiff put forward a set of propositions which would have to be accepted by Napoleon before the ceremony could take place .
8 Thus it is possible that , as a result of letting out contracts for individual services possibly to different suppliers , the aggregate cost of the individual contracts ( each of which would have to be independently viable ) will exceed the combined cost of the original integrated services .
9 At present a bottle , for example , can be made from several different types of plastic which would have to be separated out before recycling .
10 Above all , the three-part test of obscenity adopted by the Court in 1966 was strengthened , laying down three essential conditions , all of which would have to be satisfied in every case :
11 A third question , which would have to be solved , is whether regulatory bodies , such as the Securities and Investments Board , the Bank of England and the Department of Trade and Industry , would be deterred from providing confidential documents and reports without receiving in return a guarantee that they would not be publicly disclosed .
12 For instance , a large part of the evidence comes in the form of written representations and documents which would have to be read out .
13 It was proposed at a meeting of the Lake District Board that the coaches use the car park — which would have to be enlarged — on the outskirts of the village .
14 Their relevance to Worcester itself , and to the Worcestershire towns of the 1980s was something which would have to be learned from experience .
15 Despite the many difficulties which would have to be faced in consolidating the hospitals only two of the twenty-four members of staff whom Best interviewed felt that there was little value in taking the study further : ‘ Rather the majority felt that the integration of Goodmayes and Claybury represented a tangible , largely desirable and far from impossible objective to achieve ’ .
16 But as she sat on there , thinking of all that rubbish , which would have to be parcelled up , and carried down , and put in the garden ; and then taken away by the dustmen who would have to be paid , a new thought startled her mind .
17 This set of objects and events could be taken as a set of elements which would have to be included in a representation of this speaker 's topic , i.e. what he was talking about .
18 According to their argument , above a certain level greater welfare benefits can act as a work disincentive , encouraging people to remain below the poverty line and be supported by the state rather than by their own efforts , which would have to be the case if benefits were lower .
19 From this conclusion , he estimates the ‘ equilibrium benefit level ’ for AFDC recipients in each State , given its labour market conditions , and from that derives the adjustments which would have to be made in payment levels to reach those equilibria .
20 It was rather to identify some of the concrete problems which would have to be faced in any such exercise .
21 If the Labour Party had announced , in 1964 or 66 , its intention to ‘ oppose capitalism ’ fundamentally and had explained what this was likely to involve in terms of dislocation of international trade and payments ( even Callaghan 's mildly redistributive budget of 1964 was enough to cause a run on the pound ) , and the onus which would have to be placed on the trade unions in running industry , given the likely non-co-operation of many among the managerial strata , it is quite implausible to say they would have been elected to office .
22 Lewis Gunn provided civil servants with a number of conditions which would have to be satisfied if perfect implementation of policies were to be achieved ( Hogwood and Gunn , 1984 , pp. 198–206 ; see also Hood , 1976 ) .
23 This would occupy a fraction of a second which would have to be made up by hurrying over the next group of semiquavers , and would sound breathless and hectic .
24 I had to find out what commissions she had which would have to be cancelled .
25 on appeal it was held that the plaintiff had acted unreasonably in ignoring the union advice and the coal board were prejudiced in respect of any enquiries which would have to be carried out .
26 A covering note would detail tasks which would have to be carried out on a regular basis and which agent is responsible for these tasks .
27 The EC Commission for its part threw into the discussion the now celebrated Cockfield Report3 which detailed the host of measures which would have to be adopted before a single market could be said to exist .
28 We welcomed the news that the Indonesian authorities were mounting an investigation , which would have to be carried out promptly , fully and fairly .
29 It would also mean massive computer reprogramming and possibly the expense of other computer programmes which would have to be introduced .
30 There may also be shared sites which would have to be divided , or where one party would have to be given a licence or lease by the other .
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