Example sentences of "which they [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 On the test session , subjects in one group continued with this same arrangement but for subjects in the critical experimental condition the stimuli were presented in the contexts in which they had not previously occurred .
2 They argued , first , that pre-exposure to a context will reduce the extent to which a subject is likely to learn about it ( see Balaz , Capra , Kasprow , and Miller 1982 ) ; second , that presenting reinforcers ( shocks in this experiment ) in a context in which they had not previously occurred is functionally equivalent to transferring the animal to a physically different context .
3 Many now happily experienced that Christian fellowship of which they had not so much as an idea before .
4 They made slow progress and as there was no reason for haste they soon made camp again and this time were particularly careful to conceal themselves and their horses among the trees well away from the ride ; they also arranged for watches through the night which they had not done before .
5 They were warned of the danger of giving credit — or too much credit at any rate — to mostly illiterate other ranks who were here today and gone tomorrow , and allowing them to run up debts which they had not the slightest chance , or intention , of paying .
6 Those who were quite recently converted began to take responsibility in different areas in which they had not seen a need prior to our departure .
7 Their fight , however , also serves to bring them closer to each other , each filling a void in their lives which they had not previously acknowledged as such .
8 They were interested in an object to which they had not before been exposed .
9 The newswire quotes industry executives saying that the trio plan to announce by the end of the month that they have produced a working sample of the chip , which they had not expected to be ready until early next year .
10 In four instances , the interviewees refused to discuss their criminal activities as these concerned crimes for which they had not been convicted .
11 It was in the interests of the Great Powers that they could not be held bound by a treaty to which they had not formally become a party while , as will be seen , a number of the exceptions to the classic rule enabled them to impose their will upon weaker entities .
12 ‘ For my part I do not think that the House of Lords in that case had in mind the special position in the administration of justice of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Crown Prosecution Service or would have been prepared to extend the effect of the orders of a civil court in such a way as indirectly to bind them in the performance of their duties in relation to the criminal law and before the criminal courts in circumstances in which they had not sought and may not have wished for an order for discovery .
13 The second was that Winchester had a right of appeal under the Lautro Rules which they had not been afforded the opportunity of exercising .
14 The historian was at his best , he maintained , not as an analyst but as ‘ a craftsman of synthesis , a weaver of other men 's threads ( and some of his own ) into patterns which they had not foreseen or even suspected ’ ; and he was forthright in claiming , at a time when it was not fashionable , that the contemporary historian was just as capable of such synthesis as historians of earlier centuries .
15 It was almost as though the young man was preoccupied , troubled by some other problem or aspect which they had not touched upon .
16 Revealing details of Iraq 's latest assurances delivered on March 20 , Rolf Ekeus , head of the joint UN and International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) special commission on Iraq , told a press conference in New York the same day that his commission was " satisfied there are undertakings that the Iraqis are willing to go along with the destruction [ of ] capabilities " which they had not previously agreed to destroy .
17 Received back from Swans goods with an invoice price of £80 which they had not ordered .
18 Her nipples were a surprising red , as if they had been rouged , which they had not .
19 Similarly , in Bowes v Sedgefield DC [ 1981 ] ICR 234 the defendants were not allowed to rely on a statutory defence at trial which they had not pleaded .
20 MANY people have contacted our office since the showing of the moving film ‘ Wide-Eyed and Legless ’ ( on BBC on Sunday last ) , saying that their friends and relatives received an insight into the illness Myalgic Encephalomyelitis ( ME ) which they had not appreciated before .
21 As Bismarck said , ‘ I have always found the word ‘ Europe ’ on the lips of those who wanted something from other powers which they dared not demand in their own name' .
22 As anyone who has worked in an English department will know , many of those listening to the lecture will not have done the necessary reading , and are so reduced to hearing about and taking notes on something of which they have not had direct literary experience ( even passing on their notes to friends who were absent from the lecture ) .
23 Opponents of the Government have criticised the policy because it makes unions responsible for disruption which they have not organised and in some cases may oppose .
24 It will also raise a few problems for sportsmen and sportswomen who are training or competing in a new time zone to which they have not yet adjusted .
25 ‘ It is surely wrong to make unions police unofficial action which they have not endorsed . ’
26 Individuals often deploy enormous amounts of energy to relatively little effect because they are carrying out functions for which they have not been trained or which are inappropriate to their status .
27 Marriage may feel yet one more place into which they have been pushed , one more area in which they have not been allowed to exercise their own choice .
28 Nevertheless his career reveals the strong point of a ‘ heroic ’ view of evil , the weak point of a Boethian one : if you regard evil as something internal , to be pitied , more harmful to the malefactor than the victim , you may be philosophically consistent but you may also be exposing others to sacrifices to which they have not consented ( like being murdered by Viking ravagers or , as The Lord of the Rings was being written , being herded into gas-chambers ) .
29 Legislation , however , is a dangerous invention : ‘ It gave into the hands of men an instrument of great power which they needed to achieve some good , but which they have not yet learned so to control that it may not produce great evil ’ .
30 The next category beyond acquiescence ( revealed in answer to Question 6 ) is a willingness to respond , which is characterized by pupils entering voluntarily into task-related behaviours to which they have not been specifically directed .
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