Example sentences of "which not [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What does emerge beyond dispute is the primacy of large-scale cloth making as the great national industry and by far the most important export , leaving the rest more or less nowhere , as attested by the massive wealth of many clothiers and the prosperity — albeit a brittle one — of the workers in the major textile districts : high earnings in Suffolk and Gloucestershire at least resulting in a disposable surplus of income which not infrequently enabled artificers to accumulate sufficient goods for assessment , in contrast to agricultural labourers , who seldom had anything but their wages to be taxed on .
2 This is when those photographs are taken and published with their phoney captions which not unnaturally wring the hearts of the uninitiated .
3 Until a few years ago , the opportunity to purchase AVCs was only available to members of occupational schemes that offered AVC facilities , which not all did .
4 On the morning of the day before her departure Delia Sutherland was sitting in front of the fruit and toast Luney set daily on the terrace , and which not once had she been able to eat .
5 It is a system which not merely connived at nepotism , it depended upon it .
6 The well-being of the community — largely composed of dairy-farmers — as a whole was bound up in the extensive municipal common lands , the existence of which not merely helped the poor but put a limit on the land hunger of the richer peasants .
7 The University Labour Federation was the only socialist society affiliated to the Labour Party which not merely allowed , but encouraged , Communists to become members .
8 In the centre of the opposite wall was a kitchener grate , with a small compact fire only about 12 inches × 10 inches × 10 inches , which not only kept the room beautifully warm , but also provided heat for a quite sizeable oven on the left and a hob large enough to take three saucepans .
9 Before the railways came , livestock was usually driven ‘ on the hoof ’ to the market , which not only took time but resulted inevitably in the animals losing weight and hence value .
10 If the head and staff in senior management positions share these values and espouse a general philosophy of education which not only accommodates but also underpins such developments , then this is auspicious indeed .
11 Rather , it is the case that people with a fairly strong religious tradition may react to crises by turning back to the traditional patterns of belief which not only made sense of their individual predicaments but which also created a strong sense of communal solidarity .
12 I get clues as to how a particular family organises its life , whether the room is a room for the whole family or a , a room that 's perhaps excludes children or a room that 's for best , that kind of which not only tells you something about that particular family but , when you 've seen enough homes , tells you about general patterns that are going on in social life .
13 It is best to hide scale patterns by introducing leaps which not only hide this weakness in the system , but also allow stronger , more memorable phrase contours .
14 Protests are uncommon here since it is in each sailor 's own interest to avoid high speed collisions which not only ruin your chances but can be quite dangerous .
15 He can buy a large tube of Autumnola , the 2-in-1 action cream which not only reduces the risk of bruising to a minimum , but has anti-toxic qualities proof against the most virulent poisoning from autumnal pests . ’
16 We should , however , appreciate the close relationship that existed between the philosophical beliefs and the political doctrine , which not only manifested itself in the convergence of interests with respect to social problems and class politics , but also provided the proposed reform in education ( and other attempts to ‘ educate ’ young workers , such as the club movement ) with a certain authority .
17 I hope they will allow access to hopes and expectations that partnerships can achieve profoundly important objectives which not only secure economic needs , but also transform how education is delivered , governed and perceived .
18 Those sending e-mail messages might have to fill in communication protocols which not only identified themselves and the recipients of their message , but required the inclusion of indexing terms and a decision on archiving .
19 I 've mentioned that between the house where we lived , Number Forty Eight Culver Street and Number Forty Six were two large double doors , giving access to ‘ The Cellar ’ which not only ran under both houses but also under Numbers Fifty and Fifty Two .
20 This meant that new buildings would often incorporate , for example , safety-oriented features such as computer-controlled fire alarm and sprinkler systems which not only reduced the risk of fire but , when fire did break out , ensured it was containable until the emergency services arrived .
21 They were catapulted back on their own ball , which not only put the pressure on Nicol but meant there could be no back-row moves to take the heat off the threequarters .
22 At all ages , dog-whelks feed on discrete , easily identifiable , macroscopic sedentary prey ( upon which they remain for many hours or days ) which not only renders predator/prey investigations in the field possible but also facilitates the maintenance of these animals in aquaria .
23 Motability has arranged special schemes with motor manufacturers , wheelchair manufacturers , insurance brokers , and other so that today a variety of schemes can be offered which not only help disabled people become mobile but also give them a chance to be truly independent .
24 I particularly liked the detachable remote control unit which not only allows you to operate the shutter but also the zoom .
25 At the heart of this is the introduction of an Integrated Services Digital Network ( ISDN ) system which not only allows fast , cheap transfer of data along lines that are free of interference but also voice and data transmission at the same time rather than using two separate lines .
26 All employees are issued a with a security card which not only allows them into the building but also stores details of their credit facilities .
27 This system was to be the predecessor of the various experiments under the Tudors to exercise special control in the North , measures which not only reflect the problems of governing a region remote from the centre of public power but also tell us something about the tensions between a local aristocracy and the Crown .
28 which not only ignored but almost denied the existence of women and therefore the importance of love and sex between men and women in human life .
29 And , in the Franks Report on ministerial handling of the conflict , we have an archive which not only shortens dramatically the interval before the normal release of classified information but goes considerably further than any disclosures at the end of the statutory thirty years in the amount of intelligence material displayed .
30 It 's especially interesting because our vocalist is female and black , which not only avoids the Tin Machine comparisons , but it gets us away from the whole rock'n'roll boy 's club scenario .
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