Example sentences of "which be make by " in BNC.

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1 I am also keen to know , ’ she continued , ‘ if any such cost penalties operate to our disadvantage when European investment decisions are made , in particular those international mobile investment decisions which are made by the multinationals .
2 Unlike other university appointments , which are made by faculty boards or governing bodies on the basis of academic achievement , there is no formal selection process , and no open competition for regius professorships .
3 Otherwise , tiny patches of fertile soil have had to be created in the oddly inappropriately named ‘ lazy-beds ’ , which are made by digging two trenches , two metres or so apart , for drainage , and piling the ‘ soil ’ , ( consisting of peat combined , if available , with shell sand and seaweed ) in a ridge between them .
4 In contrast to the plethora of American propagandist films about the Vietnam war , these films — which are made by Vietnamese film-makers — show the post-1945 Vietnamese experience from the Vietnamese perspective .
5 Thus , our definition of crime is based on criminal laws which are made by particular governments and enforced by established criminal procedure .
6 In the case of ‘ organic ’ farming , the name was originally used to show that crops were grown using fertilizers derived from living things — manure or compost — rather than inorganic fertilizers such as nitrates , which are made by chemical processes .
7 These forecasts , which are made by Treasury economists , are published twice a year , under Schedule 5 of the 1975 Industry Act .
8 Voluntary aided schools are governed by an instrument of government ( constituting the governing body ) and articles of government ( regulating the way the school is to be governed ) both of which are made by the local education authority : section 1 of the Education ( No. 2 ) Act 1986 .
9 ‘ Does article 5(1) of the [ Brussels ] Convention apply to claims which are made by an association constituted under private law possessing legal personality against one of its members in a matter relating to obligations in regard to the payment of a sum of money and which have their basis in the relationship between the parties by virtue of membership , such relationship arising from the defendant party 's joining the association as a member by virtue of a legal transaction entered into for that purpose ?
10 Jones ( 1909 ) uses this term to describe sounds which are made by the tip of the tongue placed on the hard palate , that is further back than alveolar /t , d/ .
11 The school manager , in contrast to his or her experience of GCSE , here has to struggle for clarity — a struggle which is made no easier by the over-simplified statements of policy about the unification of general and vocational education which are made by central government and by its political opponents .
12 The information requirements are determined by the listing rules set out in the Yellow Book which are made by the London Stock Exchange as the competent authority under Part IV of the FSA .
13 The little money that was needed to pay state taxes and church tithes and to fund festivals , was obtained from the sale of cotton lengths , which were made by the women .
14 The factory site was sold to Broadwell Land — now in administration — before Simpson arrived and many older machines ( which were made by Price 's , hence ‘ Patent ’ in the company name ) would be of interest only to museums .
15 Bad as they were , gelatine glues were better than the alternative , the gums or starch glues which were made by boiling some kind of flour in water .
16 The bad normative applications of evolutionary theory to ethics which were made by Spencer and others also , of course , involved a lot of bad evolutionary theory : if normative lessons could be drawn from Darwinian theory , there is certainly no reason why they should take the form suggested by Social Darwinists .
17 Last year , at a cost of C$1.4m ( $1.9m ) , the commission investigated about 1,800 complaints , four-fifths of which were made by just four zealous citoyens .
18 The system of private ownership , and the profits which were made by the captains , made it very probable that the command would go to a friend of the owner , or , since many of the ships were owned by partnerships , to one of the actual proprietors of the vessel .
19 Robert Roberts also recorded the objections of working class parents in Manchester to the preliminary investigations regarding eligibility for free school meals , which were made by the school attendance officers , ‘ men of little education and known authoritarianism ’ .
20 Present EEC legal structures , combined with the changes which are proposed to make enlargement possible , will , Akos Bod fears , lead to the Community making the same mistakes which were made by Comecon .
21 We suspect you had seen the Terrex Autospade , which is made by Wolf Tools .
22 A true dye or stain does not leave anything on the surface that will obscure the grain , unlike a paint which is made by grinding pigments into a binding medium and , because they are opaque , will leave the wood a uniform colour .
23 Cholesterol is also the starting point for the body 's manufacture of bile acids ( which are need for the digestion of fat ) , steroids ( including those all-important male and female sex hormones ) and vitamin D ( which is made by the action of sunlight on cholesterol in the skin ) .
24 The switch to making astrocytes only occurs when another factor , which is made by the optic nerve , is present .
25 Sixthly , a councillor ceases to be a member if he takes or holds any paid office or employment ( other than that of chairman ) , the appointment to which is made by the council .
26 Our model , which is made by Haws the specialists , is beautifully proportioned , capacious ( it holds ¾ gallon ) and painted a garden-friendly green .
27 The technology is not a neutral determining force , but is itself subject to human choice which is made by the powerful on the basis of what suits their interests .
28 When one attempts to describe and discuss this elusive concept of community care , one is immediately beset by the range and variety of the situations in which old people find themselves , and of the provision which is made by formal and informal carers in different areas .
29 Following their deaths , the Department of Health issued a warning over the use of propofol , which is made by ICI Pharmaceuticals under the name Diprivan .
30 The only history we have is that which is made by historians .
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