Example sentences of "which be at the " in BNC.

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1 Plant up arrangements in bulb bowls and planters choosing bulbs which are at the same stage of development .
2 It is feelings , the heart not the mind , which are at the core of the Green polity .
3 Indeed , words can be used which will often hide the very feelings which are at the root of the individual 's problems , and which represent the reality of their emotional lives .
4 The problem is to provide students with high-quality stories which are well-constructed and entertaining — and which are at the right level linguistically for their ability .
5 If WACC is to have a significant impact on global communication , there must be much more dialogue with the creative and economic forces which are at the heart of the system .
6 Most striking is the conclusion of their petition ( which was shared by that from the nobles of the Agenais ) about the restoration of their court to its ancient status : ‘ and by this means ’ , they told Edward , ‘ the appeals which are at the court of France … shall cease ’ .
7 Could I just remind members of the board of the next two meetings which are at the bottom of the er a a agenda and were given to you previously of course .
8 As we have defined it , the category of semantic indicator overlaps with that of semantic tally , impure tallies being those which are at the same time indicators ( full or partial ) ; it includes that of semantic categoriser — a categoriser is necessarily a full indicator .
9 It is a means by which a relationship may be maintained with objects which are at the same time always potentially alienable .
10 We are in a position to take a rational , professional lead in advising solutions to such problems , which are at the crux of proper provision for the health of the nation .
11 In addition , it is argued that ministers should have a larger say in the appointment and transfer of senior departmental officials with whom they would be working ; that ministers should have their own private political office of specialist and political advisers ; that junior ministers should be involved in the work of departmental and interdepartmental committees which are at the moment the preserve of departmental officials ; and that backbenchers should be more closely involved in the decision-making process through bringing them into government departments .
12 Between them , these statements identify three characteristics which are at the heart of educational research .
13 It is hoped that study of supply side aspects of macro-economic behaviour would increase the relevance of the model to the researchers ' studies of problems which are at the moment ill-fitted to discuss .
14 Then repeat the calculations for the actual construction programme , making due allowance for exceptionally adverse weather and delays which are at the contractor 's risk .
15 Now my Lord the report er in my submission goes to the issues which are at the heart of this .
16 The first hurdle to be overcome was the development of a joint US/New Zealand resolution which would meet not only the concerns of the South Pacific nations which were at the forefront of the initiative , but also would not alienate the US , whose powerful political muscle would be required to gain the necessary support .
17 Two films gave him temporary solvency and cast him straight into the seedier end of the youth market , the biker movies which were at the beginning of a craze that would last four or five years .
18 It was the fancy of the good Doctor to bring together , from time to time , a considerable number of men whose lives were devoted to the advancement of science , and to entertain them , not for a day merely , but for several days , so that they might discuss together , without hurry or excitement , those matters of practical and theoretical science which were at the moment engaging the attention of the scientific world .
19 About 15,000 feet presumably someone called ‘ Tally Ho ! ’ because I suddenly saw three Ju88s , which were at the same height , slightly to my left , range about 1,000 yards , and heading away from Malta .
20 Perhaps more serious was the failure to understand , or accept , bureaucratic mores which were at the centre of the system .
21 Progress or improvement is no more likely than decline : he now repeatedly disowns any necessary historical logic of progress ; its incarnations will always , strictly speaking , be accidental ones in relation to the objectives which were at the origin of praxis :
22 The structural changes which were at the heart of Big Bang necessitated a radical overhaul of the existing regulatory framework .
23 Only when the critic has access to all the sources which were at the disposal of the editor can his findings be absolutely certain .
24 The implication of the study was that assisted areas are not of themselves ‘ uneconomic places ’ ; the rate of closure in assisted areas was higher simply because they had attracted investment in expanding products in the 1960s which were at the stage of losing markets twenty years later .
25 The wonderful thing about the USPGA Tour 's year-ending statistics is that a quick perusal leaves you with a crystal- clear picture of what transpired in the previous year : Which players improved the most ; which were at the top of their games ; who won what and where , and when , and how .
26 However , we are concerned about the distinct lack of any clear recognition that the principles of environmental sustainability , which were at the heart of the White Paper , should underpin the future development of industry , commerce and small businesses .
27 They are also inextricably bound up with evaluations which were at the time extremely unfashionable : not so much the depreciation of Euripides , who , although the most admired of the tragic poets in later antiquity , hardly approached that popularity again until the twentieth century ( and who , in any case , had been subjected to a famous critique in the lectures of A. W. Schlegel as long ago as 1808 ) ; rather , the elevation of " primitive " Aeschylus above even Sophocles , and the disrespect shown towards Socrates and the " divine " Plato .
28 It was quite a long walk to the stables , which were at the back of the house .
29 Not only would it be impossible to identify the goods which were at the buyer 's risk but also it would be impossible to identify any goods which were pro rata at his risk .
30 Kermode sees this change — which is at the heart of what I am writing about — as having radical implications for letters , comparable to such things as the advent , first of printing and then of cheap paper ; the bourgeoisie 's greater leisure for private reading ; and the abandonment by circulating libraries of the three-volume novel , which had been the favoured vehicle for fiction during much of the nineteenth century : Kermode exaggerates a little , I think ; nothing in the establishment of university English is as important as the innovations in culture and technology which established the book in its modern form .
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