Example sentences of "which [vb base] as a " in BNC.

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1 Yes , the life span of a junior international is a short one and it seems that it 's the back ends of rinks which suffer as a result .
2 Circuits which oscillate as a result of suitable positive feedback being applied deliberately round an open-loop amplifier are termed oscillators .
3 One reason for this is that , unlike lions , which hunt as a pride and can therefore support each other , all tigers are loners .
4 By harvest time the grain has become a mass of spores , which spread as a cloud of dust .
5 They only cover up the ‘ caveman ’ body smells which act as a natural stimulant , says chemist Dr David Kelly .
6 Foltene is a deep conditioning programme containing natural biological substances normally present in the body which act as a natural scalp stimulant to revitalise blood flow to the hair follicles .
7 The lungs , larynx , throat and mouth , which act as a resonating chamber , are no longer aligned .
8 What is needed in this case is a single figure that gives an indication of which package as a whole is best value .
9 Cases alleging ‘ criminal conversation ’ , which begin as a means of giving compensation to the husband for a lover 's access to his wife and ending ( by the late eighteenth century ) as a necessary prerequisite for full divorce by Act of Parliament , provide another .
10 Cadéac , though you would never know to look at it , is in actuality a mini-spa , an example of the purely local spas you can find in the Pyrenees , whose reputation extends only through one valley and which attract as a consequence almost exclusively local people .
11 Maeve Binchy 's The Copper Beech ( Orion ) is a collection of linking stories which read as a whole ; it is also the launch title for Orion entering the mass market area .
12 you are not kept informed of events which happen as a result of the interview .
13 Patterns which appeal as a swatch can be repellent by the acre .
14 For instance , he will take a wooden bowl , burn it and then , using the pieces of charred wood which result as a medium , make a drawing of a bowl .
15 It is that the senses of an ambiguous word form should not in every case be totally conditioned by their contexts , unlike the interpretations which arise as a result of contextual modulation .
16 However , there may be argument about claims which arise as a result of two separate actions , one before and one after completion ; tax claims can fall into this category .
17 The changes which arise as a result of the new standard are described on page 39 .
18 I 've scoured the the technical professional press to find out if there is some general statement which sums up what sustainability means , and the one which I 've seen most commonly referred to , I think , and the government has used it in this way , is a requirement to ensure the needs of the present generation are met in a way which does not prejudice future generations , now I do not believe that a properly conceived and located new settlement is any less sustainable in the long term that other forms of urban growth , and by properly conceived I 've got to say I believe that to mean properly balanced er form of development for the new settlement , and I think I would say that new settlements have usually been proposed because continued infilling , like the the normal forms of accommodating further development requirements , infill , and peripheral development , have been determined in York context not to be sustainable , the sorts of issues which arise as a result erm of additional development in or on the edge of York and the surrounding villages , problems of additional congestion , loss of green space in towns , loss of employment opportunities and so on .
19 Er , for the most part , industry , er we have refused to pay additional costs at the government level which arise as a result of the slip er induced by industry 's own er causes .
20 His message was that societies had to be understood in terms of their economic structures , and in particular their social relations of production and the conflicts between the different economic classes which exist as a result of those relations .
21 On a more general level , differences between adult feminine and masculine roles which persist as a ( more or less ) uniform feature of our society have a pervasive effect on the gender role perceptions and preferences children develop .
22 He adds , " To help people in treating their problems may mean even to help them define their problem and select a strategy at stages where so far they are left alone by formalized services which require as a starting point a rather late stage of the process where the person in the need state consciously takes an action . "
23 These limits have given rise to thorny debate in at least two areas which serve as a reminder that it is not only nonhuman animals which are put at risk :
24 And I think that quite clearly proves that what you need to do is a detailed evaluation of all these criteria , all of them which reflect as a appropriate strategic guidance , to come er er to a balanced view .
25 In each of their second and third years , students of the single-subject English course takes a series of four core units which have as a focus the relationship between literature and its background .
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