Example sentences of "which [vb base] for [num] " in BNC.

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1 Older people are more expensive for the state to care for — not only are they eligible for state pensions , which account for 13 per cent of public expenditure in Britain and 22 per cent of the federal budget in the United States , they are also the most costly group for public health services since they are likely to require expensive operations and long stays in hospital .
2 Scott Cairns , promoted from within to fill the role vacated by Mr Milne , aims to lift Scottish investment from 63 p.c. to 70 p.c. , and increase the retail content at the expense of offices , which account for 55 p.c .
3 Doctors will be able to use the kit for regular screening for lung and gastric cancers , which account for 70 per cent of cancers treated in the western world .
4 The new parent wants to concentrate on rail traction vehicles for railways , industry and mining , which account for 90 per cent of LEW 's sales .
5 The position is less clear in the case of the 3,000 miles of inter-urban routes , which account for 60 per cent of Regional Railways ' track .
6 And the figures would have been higher still , but for a smaller rise in car offences which account for three quarters of all reported crimes .
7 –here property has been settled on terms which provide for one or more beneficiaries to become entitled to an interest in possession in it on or before a specified age which does not exceed twenty-five but meantime no such interest in possession subsists and the income so far as not applied for maintenance education or benefit of any beneficiary is to be accumulated , neither a payment made out of the property nor the arising to a beneficiary of an interest in possession in it is to be treated as a chargeable transfer .
8 In addition Gary Nesbitt , who was the non-executive deputy chairman , and Michael Isaacs , who was the development director , have agreed to a non-competition agreement , which last for two years in Mr Nesbitt 's case and 18 months in Mr Isaacs ' .
9 The council 's homeless hostels which cater for 25 families are full .
10 So he finds puzzling ‘ The existence of trends which continue for millions of years — for if evolution is a random process one would expect purely random changes of direction ’ .
11 He 's come up with an organic binder which makes it possible to turn the left-over dust into briquettes which burn for two and half hours .
12 14 of Ralph 's trucks are trapped in jams which stretch for 100 miles or more ; victims of a blockade by French lorry drivers .
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