Example sentences of "which [vb base] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As with all aircraft which lack de-icing equipment , even for an instrument rated pilot all weather operations are just not practical throughout the year , although the very comprehensive package offered is an expensive way around this problem .
2 This process splits the molecules into two single atoms , most of which recombine to form O 2 , especially at night in the absence of solar radiation .
3 For these works , the use of bright colour , which flickers across the garden scenes , is less apparent , and the impressions rely more on goldens and browns , matured colours which denote fading grandeur and bring to mind the self-portraits of Rembrandt .
4 They divide viruses into the ‘ mostly harmless ’ which display messages , ‘ fatal distraction ’ which mean to display messages but accidentally cause loss of data or crash the computer , and ‘ information terrorist ’ which are designed to do harm .
5 Psychological studies of word recognition propose models of interaction between the different levels of processing which combine to give recognition .
6 Car exhausts and the burning of fossil fuels like coal or oil pollute the atmosphere with a mixture of chemicals — chiefly sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide — which combine to form acid rain .
7 The sentiments among the majority of Northern lay presbyterians are biased towards those elements in the Westminster Confessional which are antagonistic to Roman catholic practice and belief : the evils of the papacy and priesthood and the suppression of Christian liberty , the evils of the mass and devotions to the saints , all of which combine to turn Christians to superstition and idolatry and away from almighty God and true salvation in Christ .
8 What separatists did was to reduce the very complex set of circumstances which combine to oppress women , to a single uncluttered issue .
9 Change is possible it argued , citing Copenhagen , Hannover , The Hague and Odense , all of which display rising use of public transport and cycles and falling car use as a result of their transport policies .
10 Belshaw ( 1979 ) illustrates the contradiction between research station agronomic techniques which favour planting crops in pure stands , and inter-cropping techniques which are by far the most satisfactory from the point of view of the reduction of soil erosion .
11 Morphine is metabolised in the liver to its 3- and 6-glucuronides , both of which bind to opiate receptors .
12 ( n contrast both to the genetically based view of literary history which tends to ignore questions of form , and to other formally-biased approaches which tend to ignore history , the Russian Formalist view is that it is history itself which allows the specificity of literature to be established .
13 Companies may intensify production , improve productivity or reduce output — all of which tend to reduce employment .
14 He says that there is an alternative to the flood relief scheme , and that is to improve the drainage capacity of the Thames itself by removing obstructions and restrictions to flow which tend to increase river levels , especially when the watercourse is bank full and the weirs fully open .
15 This seems especially the case in single-employer estates , which tend to become enclaves , small social universes characterised by patterns of restrained sociability such as stage-managed dinner parties for couples and women 's coffee mornings .
16 Thus , for example , the various oxides of sulphur and nitrogen may be turned briefly but importantly into radicals ( charged components ) of acids , sulphuric and nitric , which tend to make rain more acid .
17 These tidal forces are opposed by the internal gravitational forces which tend to make bodies spherical , and by nongravitational intermolecular forces which resist the separation of molecules .
18 To do so it is necessary to examine the origins of our literary expectations which so frequently assume that the best literary experience deals with individuals capable of making moral distinctions and to question the pejorative critical formulations which tend to accompany assessments of characters as vehicles for ideas : caricature , static , incompletely realised , and so on .
19 And it also shows the special circumstances which tend to tie women into the sort of close personal relationship with a weekly credit caller which can mean they are using a relatively costly form of credit almost automatically — see chapter 5 .
20 He highlighted the advances achieved in visual data available on home computers , which make reading skills redundant .
21 Lumps which appear to migrate sound like Fish Lice .
22 There are fragments of some other scenes on British pottery which appear to reflect aspects of the seasonal festivals .
23 I hope that the foregoing has served to give some idea of the private legislation procedure from the point of view of a parliamentary agent , and I think in conclusion that it would be useful if I were summarise a few of the problems which appear to affect solicitors , executive officers and advisers locally .
24 Part of the explanation lies in restrictive rules of standing , which appear to deprive minority shareholders of the right to bring an action in respect of negligence .
25 idea , which earned him £5,800 was for the more efficient use of pumps which supply cooling water in the E22 centrifuge plant and has led to a significant saving in energy costs .
26 PDGF induces dimerization allowing the two kinase domains to phosphorylate each other on specific tyrosine residues ( Y ) which provide docking sites responsible for interacting with different members of the SH2 family .
27 Clinical laboratories which provide testing facilities to a range of organisations , including sports , saw profits rise 14 per cent to £77 million .
28 Coastal whaling would suit Norway and Iceland , which want to resume hunting and export the meat to Japan , but not the UK and other European anti-whaling nations , which argue that the very whales they are seeking to protect would be killed when they swam further north .
29 They love things which involve producing reports analysis reflectors also like exchanging views with others , they like to think , analyze , formulate an opinion and then have the opportunity to discuss with others .
30 They try to create alternatives to male-identified procedures , which involve taking women 's personal experience as the basis for feminist speech , writing , and action , and using ‘ small groups , circles rather than rows , centres as information and research services , open newsletters ’ ( Rowbotham et al .
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