Example sentences of "which [vb past] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hence , it has been pointed out that there was no net increase in total real wealth between 1913 and 1951 , and in this context the world wars are cast as the harpies which devoured the accumulated efforts of previous generations .
2 The existing management was organised around establishments , each with its own board of management , its own financial system , its own marketing and commercial organisation , its safety infrastructure , administration and so on , but with business interests which overlapped the other establishments .
3 This is the action in the famous Argyll v. Argyll , which concerned the possible disclosure of intimate marital secrets .
4 But this was an empirical observation which concerned the economic circumstances of a particular country at a particular period of time : it had nothing whatever to do with his general theory of employment .
5 This does not mean that conventional men of intelligence and ability thought that either science or society had solved all problems , though in some respects , such as those which concerned the basic pattern of an economy and the basic pattern of the physical universe , some very able ones felt that all substantial ones had been solved .
6 Since the working class is the largest group and the group which concerned the educational reformers of 1944 , it is the natural choice of a base for the class variable .
7 This was taken up by the Economic Section of the Cabinet ( under Meade ) which devised the Economic Survey : the expected level of output for the following year was predicted on the basis of the estimated changes over the present year in individual sectors of the economy .
8 There was a lipless mouth , their were deep eye sockets from which gleamed the small evil , old eyes of the necromancer .
9 Tolkien did not believe in ‘ old religions ’ or ‘ witch-cults ’ ; C. S. Lewis wrote a paper called ‘ The Anthropological Approach ’ which damned the learned variety of that error beyond redemption .
10 While the interests which ruled the foreign policies of European states might differ , the machinery which put them into effect did not .
11 The government of Taiwan ( formerly Formosa ) is derived from that which ruled the Chinese mainland prior to the 1949 communist revolution it maintains its claim to legal jurisdiction of this lost territory and continues to designate itself as the Republic of China .
12 The government of Taiwan ( formerly Formosa ) is derived from that which ruled the Chinese mainland prior to the 1949 communist revolution ; it maintains its claim to legal jurisdiction of this lost territory and continues to designate itself as the Republic of China ( ROC ) .
13 He went into his narrow lobby , picked up the phone , pressed the button which operated the visual screen .
14 In its origin feudalism provided for the recruitment of vitally needed cavalry troops in a society which lacked the liquid money to pay troops in cash .
15 While the then UK Environment Secretary Chris Patten claimed that importing toxic waste prevented it being dumped in less industrialized countries which lacked the appropriate waste disposal technology , Greenpeace said that 80 per cent of the waste came from highly developed countries such as Switzerland , Belgium and the Netherlands .
16 But by now I was crazed with the idea of doing something for this woman that retained some shred of playfulness to it , so she could think to herself : ‘ All in fun , all in fun ’ , and yet which conveyed the full force of the idea that I had been alone in that office that weekend with a huge erection thinking of her .
17 Their first task was to rebuild the wall which divided the front room from the back parlour .
18 As with so many of the apparently unreal differences on the Left it was organizational rather than principled considerations which divided the Communist and non-Communist advocates of Unity .
19 The line which divided the labouring poor into the potential militants of labour movement and the rest was not sharp , and yet it existed .
20 Since the Hungarians had forced him to accept the famous ‘ Compromise ’ of June 1867 which divided the Austrian dominions , Franz-Joseph 's field of action in foreign policy was limited by pressures from the Hungarian half of the Empire .
21 Assaulted by a tumbler of wine and the smell of much mixed nervous human activity , I was soon crawling about on several elbows , being splashed from high above by excess wine while my eyes , ears and mouth were up there and at the same level of height of depth as everyone else , adding to the massed attempt to obliterate the loud dancing music which obliterated the loud dancing which packed the conversations into pouring constipations .
22 The UNP — led by Chung Ju Yung , the founder of the Hyundai group , the country 's second-largest industrial conglomerate — secured 31 seats ( 24 in direct voting and seven in the national constituency ) after a vigorous , centrist , pro-business campaign , which attacked the economic record of the Roh government , and in particular its inability to reduce inflation , currently running at an annualized rate of approximately 10 per cent .
23 Films were made which attacked the small screen .
24 Fireflies were also among aircraft which attacked the Japanese carrier Kaiyo on July 24 , leaving her ablaze with a broken back .
25 The working party , which drafted the consultative document , believes that the proposed framework will prevent the potential fragmentation of the Institute 's membership : ‘ The vision of an integrated range of post-qualification , professional development , leading in some cases to voluntary specialised qualifications , could be a powerful unifying force , bringing together all members , whatever their jobs and interests , behind a programme of high quality financially oriented specialist training that is relevant throughout their careers . ’
26 NCP leases the car park above Presto in East Street , Darlington , from the local authority which recommended the upper deck be closed eight months ago after crash barriers were discovered to be unsafe .
27 The decision was held to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Soviet Presidium on 20 November and the Baltic republics came in for severe criticism from other delegates at the Supreme Soviet session on 1 December which passed the constitutional amendments into law .
28 There was nothing inevitable or god given about this unequal distribution , and it is that which produced the impersonal free labour market and the exploitation .
29 Paris was the focal centre of the Île de France region , which produced the early and most famous examples which set the pattern for the whole of northern Europe .
30 He will probably find his Treasury advisers are far less sanguine : the Treasury believes that the same factors which produced the late 1980s ' consumer boom are now working in reverse , with falling confidence and asset values undermining consumption though incomes are relatively buoyant .
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