Example sentences of "which [vb past] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 But the economic trends which helped created the baby boom have subsequently ensured that it would have no successors , by drawing married women permanently into the work-force .
2 According to official messages , the ‘ modernisers ’ still had the upper hand and the reform programme was set to continue in spite of the economic and social problems which had troubled the leaders throughout 1988 .
3 Regarding the strikes , disputes and restrictive practices which had plagued the Dublin plant , these were all unfortunate legacies of the British system which had been foisted upon the Irish since before the First World War .
4 Whereas the massive unemployment which had plagued the interwar period has at least served to keep the lid on money wages , the switch to Keynesian policies , with their emphasis on the objective of maintaining full employment , might open a Pandora 's box of inflationary money wage claims .
5 The impact had caused a massive explosion which had ravaged the planet .
6 In the euphoria which had followed the victory over France , there was even some talk that when the war was over the Party would be dissolved by the Wehrmacht and Germany would become a ‘ pure military state ’ .
7 On 4 May Parliament endorsed the declaration of war on France and Spain , thereby becoming involved in the War of the Spanish Succession , which had followed the attempts of Louis XIV to install his grandson on the throne of Spain , and his invasion of Holland .
8 Manville thrust the telex aside and turned his full attention to the more detailed report which had followed the preparatory message just four days later .
9 The two assassins had joined the crew of the navy rescue expedition which had followed the escape pod down from the survey vessel from which it had been ejected , and they had been prevented from finishing off both their intended victim and the accidental witnesses only because of the timely intervention of a Yek patrol .
10 His success depended upon the general agreement on atomic weights and formulae which had followed the Karlsruhe Conference of 1860 ; after the conference delegates had read the paper of S. Cannizzaro , and came to agree with its recommendations .
11 The softening of the US stance reflected the increased diplomatic contact with the New Zealand government which had followed the replacement of Prime Minister David Lange by his Labour Party colleague Geoffrey Palmer in August 1989 [ see p. 36852 ] .
12 There were celebrations in the streets following the radio announcement , with no reports of the looting and violence , engendered by hatred of the deposed regime , which had followed the coup in Ciskei in March [ ibid . ] .
13 The state had not elected a Republican governor since the Reconstruction period which had followed the Civil War .
14 It was widely known , however , that China had been pressing for a Japanese imperial visit for some time as a means of marking a further stage in the country 's rehabilitation from the diplomatic isolation which had followed the Tiananmen Square massacre .
15 Again there was a problem of lawlessness even greater than the average over the country as a whole , exacerbated by the disorders which had followed the Glyn Dwr revolt .
16 He was replying to Ernie Ross , Labour MP for Dundee West , who said the workers had lost their jobs after a disputes procedure which had followed the Government 's employment law to the letter .
17 He was replying to Ernie Ross , Labour MP for Dundee West , who said the workers had lost their jobs after a disputes procedure which had followed the Government 's employment law to the letter .
18 Nevertheless , by this time the violence provoked by the new anti-Semitic wave and incited by propaganda had put the ‘ Jewish Question ’ back in a high place on the agenda , and pressure was mounting from within the Party for anti-Semitic legislation to fulfil the aims of the Party programme , and from the public for regulations to put an end to the ‘ individual actions ’ which had characterized the summer of violence .
19 Despite the increasing difficulties which Edward faced in financing his wars in Scotland , the parliaments of these years are free of the political and constitutional arguments which had characterized the last years of Edward I 's reign .
20 Nevertheless , the crude and uncomplicated alliance between State and nobility which had characterized the heyday of Tsarism could never be the same again .
21 And intermarriage is something which had characterized the age of the tyrants , epitomized by the party given by Kleisthenes of Sikyon for his daughter Agariste 's suitors ( Hdt. vi .
22 The creation of a northern province ended Canterbury 's sole direction of the Anglo-Saxon Church , which had characterized the archiepiscopates of Theodore and Beorhtwald , and an important stage in the development of the Church in England was reached with the establishment of the Northumbrian kingdom as an independent ecclesiastical community within the Catholic order of western Europe .
23 Reacting against the momentary quality of Impressionism , which had been like a window suddenly opened out on to nature from a sheltered interior , against all forms of violent personal expression , against the decorative and symbolic element which had characterized the work of the Nabis and Gauguin and so much late nineteenth-century painting , and even against the Fauves ( and the strong fin de siècle flavour of Fauvism has never been sufficiently acknowledged or stressed ) , the Cubists saw their paintings as constructed objects having their own independent existence , as small , self-contained worlds , not reflecting the outside world but recreating it in a completely new form .
24 The oligopolistic accommodation which had characterized the UK fertilizer industry was undermined in 1986 by the inflow of cheap urea imports .
25 After the inflation and eventual recession of the 1970s and the greedy pursuit of money in the 1980s , people ( especially the young ) rediscovered some of the faith in the future and the enthusiasm for change which had characterized the 1960s .
26 North also testified that Poindexter had destroyed a document signed by the then President , Ronald Reagan , which had characterized the shipment as an arms-for-hostages arrangement .
27 Thus , his willingness to enter budgetary talks without preconditions — a point made by Bush to congressional leaders on May 6 — was welcomed by many Democrats as evidence of a new realism on the part of the administration when compared with the use of accounting manoeuvres and optimistic forecasts which had characterized the 1991 budget proposal .
28 Whilst swearing to uphold the country 's 1987 Constitution , he emphasised that his election marked a break with the past and promised to combat the greed and corruption which had characterized the county 's previous governments .
29 A similar pattern emerged at Southend — the school which had completed the exercise a year earlier .
30 The revised budget entailed a cut of some $1,100 million from the administration 's original $4,900 million request for the Strategic Defence Initiative ( SDI or " Star Wars " project , involving the use of space-based defences against ballistic missiles ) ; this cut represented a compromise with the Senate , which had acknowledged the need for reductions , but which had called instead on Sept. 27 for a cut of only $800,000,000 .
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