Example sentences of "which [vb past] [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 Before I left , I told Eliot that I was still toying with the idea of writing the book on politics , which had increasingly been absorbing me , and I described to him something of what it had been like to live under a benevolent dictatorship .
2 In the afternoon ‘ individual sweep ’ , the unbelievable happened when John Mathews ( again Stoddards ) playing off 12 , scored a net 63 and tamed this four hour round course which had fast been gaining a ‘ killer ’ reputation .
3 ( c ) Quarters : the quarters which had also been framed in jigs , panelled up , moulded , glazed and painted with one coat outside , were then erected and secured in position with corner knees .
4 Anne and her husband Alan , who was wearing a costume made by her grandmother which had also been worn by her father , told me how the village was changing .
5 At the end of November , when the extension and new filter were completed , the fish and plants were replaced in the main pond which had also been pressure cleaned and the mains water hose was left flowing overnight in order to refill the pond .
6 It became quite clear that the less immediately obvious tendency to back /a/ , which had also been observed , was a much more regular process and was associated with young ( chiefly male ) speakers .
7 Miss Logan carried a small bag of lemons , which had also been advised .
8 There was a short letter and a smaller envelope , which had also been opened .
9 A detailed site investigation confirmed that the limestone and oil shales had been extensively worked to the east of Straiton Road and also identified a number of coal seams near Lasswade Road which had also been worked .
10 The Prime Minister then led the guests in three shouts of " banzai ! " , a traditional call for the longevity of the Emperor which had also been the battle-cry of the Imperial Army during the Pacific War 1941-45 .
11 He said the meeting , which had also been attended by the local policeman , Constable Mike Munro , had attracted about 20 villagers .
12 In the command post further back from the beach , Corporal Williams , the duty radio operator , was decoding a message which had just been received .
13 Lady Elizabeth Campbell , sixteen , gentle , interested in poetry , cuddly , was discussing the matter of her marriage , which had just been broken to her at dinner by her father , Archibald Campbell , Earl of Argyll , King James the Fourth 's Lieutenant of the Isles , chief of Clan Diarmaid ; and her teeth , which were indeed passable , were much in evidence .
14 This was the journal Jewry Ueber Alles which had just been published in February 1920 , and had altered its name to The Hidden Hand in September 1920 and to the British Guardian in May 1924 .
15 It smelt of death and decay , lying green and treacherous like a contented animal which had just been fed , but one which was also ready for a second helping .
16 He was trying on a new coat which had just been delivered .
17 Scarlet could not now imagine how she had passed the week with the house next door empty and soulless : she tidied the kitchen in readiness for her friend 's return and sat down to read the local paper , two copies of which had just been delivered through the letterbox .
18 By 1923 , the rise of the Saudi Kingdom presented a new threat to stability , and so a convention fixed the border between the emirate of Kuwait and Iraq , which had just been created under a British mandate .
19 This was carried out by Sachs ( 1967 ) and it compared recall of sentences which had just been heard with recall of sentences which had been heard earlier in a passage .
20 Tom leaned forward , ignoring the piping hot servings of lobster meunière which had just been set reverently in front of them .
21 We also enjoyed a film , NZ-made ( and based ) , called ‘ The End of the Golden Weather ’ , based on a play by Bruce Mason , which had just been released .
22 She turned her attention to the bowl of soup which had just been placed in front of her .
23 Some affirmative uses give a slightly different impression from that of being able to assert the occurrence of an event because of its having been perceived — a suggestion that there is a difference between what perception would lead one to think and the way things really are : ( 85 ) Once again the direction in which something is seen to move might depend upon the ratios of firing in cells sensitive to movement in different directions , and after prolonged movement in one direction a stationary image would produce less firing in the cell which had just been stimulated more than normally , hence apparent movement in the opposite direction would be seen to occur .
24 The photographers from the drawing office came in with the news which had just been broadcast on the radio .
25 Other infantrymen were irked by the impersonal casualness with which the heavy gunners crews emerged from their comfortable shelters to fire at targets they could not see , ‘ appearing to be much less concerned than about the soup or the bucket of wine which had just been brought ’
26 Some were in business suits , others in uniforms which had clearly been designed by a Gilbert and Sullivan enthusiast .
27 She thought , since Naylor now knew that she was n't the one responsible for ‘ advertising ’ their ‘ engagement ’ — which had clearly been the reason for his ‘ My office — now ! ’ command — that now might be as good a moment as any to leave .
28 But , at length , the drawings and sketches were laid out and the plans for Flaherty 's new steam-powered melting pot which had unaccountably been packed by mistake put away again .
29 Something which had not been there three years ago now existed .
30 Mr Sisulu said that it was just a draft plan , which had not been adopted .
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