Example sentences of "which [pers pn] has been " in BNC.

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1 This weekend she has another opportunity to show her talent , and a special throw which she has been perfecting , when she competes in the British Open at Crystal Palace .
2 Moya , a seemingly relaxed woman in her forties , described her attacks , which she has been having for 20 years , as ‘ an enormous blackness and fear , like being held under water ’ .
3 Vic knows what it is : a book entitled Enjoy Your Menopause , which one of Marjorie 's friends at the Weight Watchers ' club has lent her , and which she has been reading in bed , without much show of conviction , and falling asleep over , for the past week or two .
4 Robyn looks up from the copy of North and South from which she has been reading this passage , and surveys her audience with her cool , grey-green eyes .
5 It is not covered by the rules which she has been taught .
6 Bartels has been credited with helping Steffi , 23 , over the past two years in which she has been plagued by illness and unhappiness .
7 Crews are fairly divided according to age and experience , and all 130 competitors had to raise £14,850 for their berth — Justine is jointly sponsored by Price Waterhouse and Blackburn-based accountancy firm Porter Matthews and Marsden , for which she has been working .
8 When a woman looks in the mirror , she sees the totality of her being : because of the social brainwashing to which she has been subjected , the mirror seems to tell her more than it can tell a man .
9 From 9 January to 10 February she has invited many of the artists with which she has been closely associated during those years to show .
10 We might compare this ethical relation to Cixous ' remarks about the need to love the other or Kristeva 's recent preoccupation with love which , from this perspective , hardly involves the sudden apostasy of which she has been accused , but rather as for Levinas consists of a way of formulating a ‘ responsibility for the Other , being-for-the-other ’ .
11 Germany must now reject the alien influence of Romance culture , to which she has been subservient , and develop her full creative potential ; and for this purpose , Hellenism , as an educational and cultural force in our society , is more necessary than ever .
12 It is significant that the huge grants of land and serfs to noble favourites and officials , for which she has been so much blamed , followed the first partition of Poland in 1772 .
13 May I join the Prime Minister — and , I am sure , the whole House — in sending good wishes to Her Majesty , and in expressing the admiration that I know is felt throughout our country , the Commonwealth and , indeed , the wider world for the wisdom , strength and dedication that Her Majesty has invariably shown throughout the four decades in which she has been our sovereign ?
14 AFTER a total of 36 years ' service in the nuclear industry — during which she has been personal secretary to no fewer than three chairmen — Dorothy Ashurst has retired .
15 Here the unconscious mind takes the more specific form of Christabel 's sexuality and sexual desires , which she has been taught by her upbringing to disregard , and even to suppress , seeing them as the dark and evil side of human nature .
16 Three of the studies in which she has been involved — that described here , a follow-up of normal young black men , and a follow-up of Vietnam veterans — have supported her contention that deviant behaviour of various types in childhood or adolescence forms a syndrome which tends to continue in about half the cases to adulthood .
17 Although the current climate of education cut-backs and competition from a large variety of exercise classes presents a considerable challenge to the development of Medau , Pat is sure that the Grant Aid Programme , which she has been appointed to implement , has strengthened the foundations on which the Medau family can build .
18 His theme is memory , a faculty with which he has been prodigiously blessed , though his origins as ‘ the child of Russian Jews from New Jersey ’ are held rather as a noble refusal to forget .
19 The writer would like to express his appreciation of the art historical studies of Teresa Gisbert , Leopoldo Castedo , Julia P. Herzberg and dr Luis Enrique Tord , to which he has been deeply indebted in writing this article .
20 Christie , too , wants to run in the European , preferably in both sprints and not just the 60 metres for which he has been pre-selected .
21 The horse was quite impressive when winning at Haydock and could record his fourth consecutive victory of the season , during which he has been unbeaten .
22 For firmness of purpose , surely , can only be associated with the missionary attachment to first principles which he has been energetically abandoning .
23 There have to be doubts about Woosnam because he has shown so little of the form of which he has been capable in the past .
24 An iconoclast , Engel may find the job sedate after the hurly-burly of the general election , which he has been covering for his newspaper .
25 Indeed , he has now won three of his last six tournaments , in two more of which he has been second .
26 His latest play , David Henry Hwang 's M. Butterfly , which began its national tour in Bath this week , attracted him because it deals with the questions of sexual roles and masculine/feminine identity which he has been exploring through his men 's group for the past 18 months .
27 In many cases success for one of our runners has meant a breakthrough in a problem with which he has been struggling in the classroom .
28 Augustine recognizes that his desire for God is part of the way in which he has been made .
29 ‘ a very long boy , with a very little head , and an open mouth of disproportionate capacity ’ , devotedly attached to Betty Higden who has rescued him from the workhouse in which he has been brought up , having been a foundling child .
30 For example , it might seem curious that a member of the RICS could be a director of a commercial company offering a range of services to the public , yet not be permitted to occupy the same position in a company offering the very skill for which he has been trained .
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