Example sentences of "which [am/are] in some " in BNC.

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1 I argued that the representational theory of mind , with its assumption that thinking is the possession of determinate ‘ mental states ’ which are in some sense encodings ( pictorial , syntactic ) of actual or possible states of affairs , contributes to the difficulty of the mind-body problem .
2 Both combined lead to political conclusions which are in some ways akin to those of Rawls : political action should be concerned with providing individuals with the means by which they can develop , which enable them to choose and attempt to realize their own conception of the good .
3 It is the fear of losing love , friendship , or both that provides the means whereby the conscience warns the individual of the consequences of performing acts which are in some way hurtful to other creatures .
4 The trouble is that whereas actors move and speak as nature would have most of us do ( only rather better ) , in the performance of music we are using tools ( with the exception of the human voice ) which are in some way external ; they have to be mastered from without rather than from within — and things do go wrong .
5 Things are put together which are in some way alike or belong together .
6 Spelling correction algorithms usually suggest a few alternative words which are in some sense similar to the detected misspelled word .
7 I am not a Christian because I do not credit , as I earlier put it , that nature and history could be other than closed causal nexuses or believe that there can be events which are in some way qualitatively different from other events .
8 It lumps together subjects which are in some ways profoundly dissimilar , and erodes distinctions which may in themselves be significant not only conceptually but in terms of policy .
9 The meaning of a typical sentence in a natural language is complex in that it results from the combination of meanings which are in some sense simpler .
10 What is being alleged here is that NBFIs create assets which are in some close measure substitutes for money and which have their own advantages , interest perhaps or long-term capital gain , which money does not have .
11 This page lists all the DCs which are in some way related to the DC .
12 More recently we have bond ( that is , fixed-interest funds ) designed to maximise and maintain income levels , and cash funds which are in some ways an alternative to bank or building society deposits , though they may produce a slightly higher return .
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