Example sentences of "which [is] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They broadcast the show and at the end of it Christopher Trace [ one of the presenters ] said something like , ‘ Whoever designed the Daleks really deserves a gold Blue Peter badge ’ , which is the badge they only award for very , very special achievements .
2 In other words , the knowledge which is the stock-in-trade of the academic community has a degree of reliability to it and is not pure whim .
3 Any swain within earshot who approves of her scream , and feels similarly inclined , is at liberty to rush to her aid and stop her , which is the sign for other suitors to halt their pursuit and file back to bed again .
4 They were sitting near a huge open fire in the lounge of a pub of that kind of indeterminate oldness which is the sign of constant use and development over many years .
5 This is why some combinations of drives from different manufacturers are fussy about which is the master .
6 The advent of live links raises interesting questions about which is the master copy .
7 But help may be at hand in the form of Holly , a dalmatian which is the middle of a phantom pregnancy .
8 Okay , perhaps the most important item that is the Paper U , which is the budget .
9 It has to provide an appropriate milieu for the sex act , to act as a channel for the menstrual flow , which is the shedding of the unused lining of the uterus when conception and implantation of the fertilized ovum has not taken place , and also furnish the route by which the baby exits .
10 The Riverside Theatre , which is the University 's professional venue , is used to stage major productions .
11 In addition to this major report on the Christian family , which is the Board 's contribution to the twin track work with the panel on doctrine , the Board also offers an interim report on young people in the media , and its final report presaged at last year 's general assembly on ritual abuse .
12 As one senior party man said : ‘ The campaign plan was based on theories and notions , which is the opposite to how elections are really fought .
13 Since 1979 , a number of factors have combined to create a situation in the oil business which is the opposite of that in 1973 — a glut of oil on the world market and falling crude prices .
14 In the decoding direction , hard has at least two senses : one which is the opposite of " easy " , and another which is the opposite of " soft " — in other words , hard is ambiguous or polysemous .
15 In the decoding direction , hard has at least two senses : one which is the opposite of " easy " , and another which is the opposite of " soft " — in other words , hard is ambiguous or polysemous .
16 Which angle has the sine cos or tan right and then that 's two if you like two A work out the angle and then two B work out which is the opposite .
17 If the covariances between changes in the index and changes in interest rates , and between changes in the index and changes in the volatility of stock exchange returns , are zero , then the volatility of futures price changes will fall as delivery approaches , which is the opposite of the Samuelson hypothesis .
18 An idea or statement which is the opposite of another : He is happy but not rich is the converse of He is rich but not happy .
19 Freud 's graded system of classification of jokes , from the crude and explicit to the refined and more abstract , implies that many of the fabliaux achieve an intriguing conflation of basic smut — in their overt expression of the dreams of masculine sexuality , with women , often other men 's wives , freely available , especially to the lover who spices his indulgence with daring and danger , and their insistence on the use of diction which is the opposite of refined — and the circumstances of the more sophisticated joke : where there is an inhibitor , he becomes the butt of the joke .
20 All three hypotheses of our determinism concern the physical in several ways , including that part of the physical which is the neural .
21 The second , more pressing reason for new laws is to beef up enforcement , which is the backbone of any effective regulatory system .
22 Investment Business Gazette Number 10 ( October 1990 ) sets out the minimum compliance requirements for such firms , included in which is the obligation to conduct a properly documented annual review of compliance procedures .
23 The Board sets a quality standard known as the Ware Standard which is the farmer 's guarantee to the consumer .
24 ‘ We did not want the burden of administration falling on the taxpayer so we put it on the prime beneficiary , which is the farmer himself . ’
25 An informant is not required to register a death which is the subject of a coroner 's inquest , but the coroner 's officer may inform the relatives when the coroner has issued his inquest certificate to the registrar so that the relatives can obtain any death certificates from the registrar .
26 In fact it is the passage out of the gens stage which is the subject matter of the book .
27 LEA-appointed members may outnumber by one the other members ( persons with experience in education or knowledge of local educational conditions , or parents of pupils — but not of pupils at the school which is the subject of the appeal ) .
28 Several legends surround the origin of this stone , one of which is the subject of Hardy 's poem , ‘ The Lost Pyx ’ .
29 Our other two forms of personal document are both retrospective : the written autobiography , which we consider here , and the recorded oral interview , which is the subject of our next chapter .
30 the ‘ Holy Grail ’ , the cup or chalice used by Christ at the Last Supper , which is the subject of many medieval legends and romances .
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