Example sentences of "which [be] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 Inevitably most of the players will be from the Hearn and Doyle camps , which are headed by Steve Davis and Stephen Hendry respectively , but Doug Mountjoy , who is unmanaged , and Dean Reynolds , who is managed by Mark McCormack 's International Management Group , are also provisionally in the top eight .
2 As can be seen from table 6.6 , the proportion of all families with dependent children which are headed by a single parent increased from just over 8 per cent in 1971 to just under 12 per cent in 1981 .
3 Scotland and Wales enjoy separate administrative systems operated by their own government departments which are headed by ministers with seats in the Cabinet .
4 Lord Finlay implied that the trust mechanism could be adapted for use in international law , whereby a new State could be a beneficiary of rights contained in an agreement between other States which are bound by the agreement to accord it those rights .
5 These shapes are built into moving pictures which are inspired by those drawn by Blake to illustrate stories from the Bible .
6 But the term takes on a specific meaning in those studies in the sociology of policing which are inspired by ethnomethodology and phenomenology , where it describes a quality of the accomplishment of these tasks — that they are produced in a taken-for-granted , commonsensical , and habitual manner .
7 They offer free professional advice on jewellery repairs , all of which are undertaken by highly skilled goldsmiths , and as Registered Valuers , approved by the National Association of Goldsmiths they offer detailed , accurate valuations , and advice on the purchase of jewellery .
8 Agreeing with Sahlins that ‘ Culture is not ordered by the primitive emotions of the hypothalamus ; it is the emotions which are organized by culture ’ ( 1977 : 13 ) , we have presented some different social orders where fighting , competition , and other violent behaviour are not part of the order , or part of the people 's ideas of what a human being is .
9 In the Abdaly region of northern Kuwait there are some 156 farms which are separated by desert and thus exposed to sandstorms , where metal wind-breaks and shelter-belts have not prevented sand encroachment , largely as Al-Nakshabandi and El-Robee have suggested , due to poor management .
10 The theory of plate tectonics states that the outer layer of the earth , the lithosphere ( – 100 km thick ) comprises a small number of ( relatively ) rigid plates which are separated by narrow zones along which most tectonic , seismic and volcanic activity is concentrated .
11 If the maser radiation of the main features intersects dense , plasma-like , compact ionized regions , the stimulated Raman scattering in the plasma ( due to nonlinear interaction between the longitudinal and transverse waves ) is expected to produce additional waves with up- and down-shifted frequencies , which are separated by the plasma frequency from the original one .
12 Many birds , on the other hand , hear as separate sounds noises which are separated by an interval of two microseconds or less .
13 + is used to join the notation of two subjects which are commonly associated with one another , but which are separated by the normal sequence in UDC .
14 The folds in the return maps prevent the relatively simple analysis of the strange attractor from remaining true , since points which are separated by the expansion in one direction can , if they are later on the opposite sides of the fold in the map , be forced back together again by the contraction in the other direction .
15 The Auditing Standards and Guidelines , which are developed by the Auditing Practices Committee ( a committee of the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies ) , prescribe the principles and practices which members of the relevant accountancy bodies in the UK are expected to follow in the conduct of an audit .
16 Moreover , the skills of precise analysis and imaginative understanding which are developed by the study of the ancient world continue to be in demand by employers across a widening range of occupations .
17 Disabled Facilities Grants are available to people who are disabled , for works which improve their access to essential facilities and which are supported by Social Services Department as being ‘ necessary and appropriate ’ .
18 Prominent in the worldwide development of wind power , WEG is currently working on a range of advanced wind turbine designs — from 300 kW to multi-megawatt size — which are supported by a comprehensive R&D programme that includes work on aerodynamics , fatigue , adaptive control systems , transmission and materials testing .
19 This is an important concession and reads as follows : B18 Payments out of a discretionary trust : entitlement to relief from UK tax under the provisions of the Income Tax Acts or of a double taxation agreement If a payment made by trustees falls to be treated as a net amount in accordance with TA 1988 s.687(2) and the income arising under the trust includes income in respect of which the beneficiary would , if such income came to him directly instead of through trustees , be entitled to relief under the provisions of the Income Tax Acts , eg TA 1988 , s.278 ( claims for personal reliefs by non-residents ) ; TA 1988 s.47 ( claims for exemption from tax on certain UK Government securities held by persons not ordinarily resident in the UK ) ; TA 1988 ss.48 , 123 ( claims for exemption from UK tax on income from overseas securities by persons not resident in the UK ) ; or under the terms of a double taxation agreement , such relief will be granted to the beneficiary on a claim made by him to the extent that the payment is of income which arose to the trustees not earlier than in the year 1973 – 74 and not earlier than six years before the end of the year of assessment in which the payment was made , provided that the trustees have submitted for each year trust returns which are supported by the relevant income tax certificates and which detail all sources of trust income arising and payments made to beneficiaries .
20 The copulatory bursa , which embraces the female during copulation , is important in the identification of certain male nematodes and is derived from much expanded caudal alae which are supported by elongated caudal papillae called bursal rays .
21 An RGU spokesman said ‘ We currently have two teaching posts which are supported by Scottish Office money and these are for approved courses in textiles .
22 If the explanation offered by purchasing power parity for exchange rate levels is correct then these deviations are due to buying and selling of dollars and sterling which are motivated by factors other than the relative prices of goods involved in trade .
23 UPS is one of the biggest van operators in the U.S. It runs 60,000 vans which are built by the company .
24 Sud completed the fuselage , tail assembly and nacelles at St. Nazaire , and Dassault ( now Breguet-Dassault following a merger in 1971 ) manufactured the wings exclusive of flaps and aileron , which are built by Reims Aviation .
25 Some will be joining in the workshops , which are led by Eugene Skeef , a South African musician/poet who worked closely with Steve Biko .
26 Access to the innards of the machine is reasonably good ; the only problem lies in reaching the RAM upgrade slots , which are obstructed by the wires going from the hard drive to the ISA board .
27 The annual product includes those portions of the social product which replace capital , namely social reproduction , as well as those which go to the consumption fund , those which are consumed by labourers and capitalists , hence both productive and individual consumption .
28 IIa produces all necessary means of consumption , which are consumed by both workers and capitalists ; whilst Dept .
29 After the birth of the puppies the larvae can also migrate into the puppies ' system and infect them through the mother 's milk ( 4 ) The worms mature passing eggs in the puppies ' faeces which are consumed by the mother and can reinfect her ( 5 ) .
30 In any case , there are earthier explanations , such as the changes in sea level favoured by Newell ( 1963 and 1967 ) , or changes in climate ( perhaps themselves brought about by changes in the earth 's magnetism ) which are favoured by many authors .
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