Example sentences of "which [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly he is more relaxed and confident and those horrible little worms of self-doubt which are perpetually burrowing away in a golfer 's head are banished for a few holes , anyway .
2 Thus , multicultural handbooks and official reports such as Ramp ton and Swann warn against the common teacher stereotypes of Afro-Caribbean ( ‘ disruptive ’ , ‘ lazy ’ ) and Asian ( ‘ industrious ’ , ‘ passive ’ , ‘ over-ambitious ’ ) students which are also documented in academic research on teachers ' attitudes ( Brittan , 1976 ) .
3 According to Parsytec , the Xplorer offers users a migration path to its GigaCube massively parallel supercomputers which are also to use T9000s .
4 According to Parsytec , the Xplorer offers users a migration path to its GigaCube massively parallel supercomputers which are also to use T9000s .
5 Xplorer offers users a migration path to the firm 's GigaCube massively parallel supercomputers which are also to use T9000s .
6 According to Parsytec , the Xplorer offers users a migration path to its GigaCube massively parallel supercomputers which are also to use T9000s .
7 But that did not include agricultural land grades one two or three A which are also covered by another policy , Policy A three .
8 Things like that which are also covered elsewhere .
9 Those last words of the Buddha , which are also contrived as Reilly 's last words to Celia — ‘ Work out your salvation with diligence ’ — look back to Eliot 's 1914/ 15 essay discussing the supremely attainable good .
10 It has taken several years of animated discussions among the members and their respective lawyers to arrive at these terms and conditions , which are also intended to be in line with the code of conduct adopted last year by the European federation of art dealers , FIDOAO ( Federation Internationale des Diffuseurs d'Oeuvres d'Art Originales ) .
11 Important all-year-round foods of the lowland gorilla in Gabon include the large ground-living herbaceous Marantaceae and Zingiberaceae , which are also consumed by chimpanzees , pygmy chimpanzees , mandrills and elephant as well as being browsed by duiker , bongo , buffalo and so on .
12 These results , which are also born out in Fig.1 , suggest the involvement of ( an ) additional factor(s) beside IIIB and IIIC — and IIIA in the case of 5S rRNA .
13 Thus money obtained in the sphere of production is circulated through exchange processes , which are separate from those of production and which are also regulated by the state .
14 deodorant , use fresh leaves in the bath water , or a decoction of the roots , which are also said to be effective in removing freckles
15 Egoistic traits may be expected to survive if they benefit also the descendants which inherit them , to be weeded out if they benefit the individual at the expense of its offspring ( for example , cannibalizing its brood , or long outlasting its reproductive powers ) ; altruistic traits will tend to survive if they benefit kin which are also transmitting them ( in particular , the mother 's protection of her young ) , to die out if they give the advantage to strangers which are not .
16 Why Kane ignored this and chose instead to propose a one-dimensional view of black people sharing physical characteristics is perplexing , but his next step is utterly stupefying : he suggests that blacks have psychological characteristics which are also determined by race .
17 In Texas , farmers encourage feral pigs ( which are also hunted — on horseback , with the assistance of specially bred ‘ hog dogs ’ ) because it is thought that they eradicate snakes .
18 She applies Pask 's notion of two distinct learning strategies — serialist and holist — to the gender and mathematics issue and suggests that girls may tend towards serialist strategies , which are also emphasised by primary teachers and thus reinforced .
19 The National Progressive Front , headed by President Assad , was formed in 1972 by the Ba'ath Party with the four parties listed below , all of which are also represented in the People 's Assembly .
20 According to Alain Collery of Champagne Collery in Aÿ , there has been concern about the cadmium content in the soil from batteries which are also minced up along with other refuse in the boues de ville .
21 It is assumed that social values , which are also placed on a single linear dimension , might be assigned to each variant .
22 S , which are also observed in salts .
23 The foods are prepared following the recommendations of various health bodies which are also endorsed by the Government .
24 However , there is more to it than that : the issue also involves a conflict between Shetlanders ' ‘ traditional ’ attitudes to land and attitudes characteristic of non-Shetlanders , attitudes which are also shared by some Shetlanders ( especially some of the young ) .
25 They are then chased by both the helicopter and small high-speed boats which are also carried on board the seiner .
26 This is the central theme of my thesis — how men quarrel in terms of their customary allegiances , but are restrained from violence through other conflicting alliances which are also enjoined on them by custom .
27 He also did not compete in the European Open and will be absent from the Dubai Classic , which are also ranking events .
28 The best of the fifty-four , mostly Nigerian , pieces from the collection of Dr Ratner of Chicago , which are also included in the sale , is a nineteenth-century Benin bronze memorial head surmounted by a carved ivory tusk ( est. £120–150,000 ; $210–265,000 ) .
29 Table 8.1 summarises some research on grammatical features in different sign languages which are also found in BSL and which have been discussed in this book .
30 In other countries it is sometimes seen in dogs imported from endemic regions Gross : They are readily recognised on the basis of size ( 1.0-2.0 cm ) , being much smaller than the common ascarid nematodes which are also found in the small intestine , and by their characteristic " hook " posture .
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