Example sentences of "which [adv] [adv] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The uncertainty of catastrophic or chronic illness and the costs incurred means that no developed country leaves health care entirely to the market , even in the United States which most nearly fits the New Right model .
2 C : = the state in Children which most nearly satisfies
3 N : = the state in Children which most nearly satisfies Goal-conditions
4 There is a range of wall finishes available , so be prepared to hunt around for one you like or one which most closely matches your house .
5 Is there a remedy picture which most closely resembles the important features of the case ?
6 The form of report with which we are dealing we have termed the ‘ corporate report ’ , by which we mean the comprehensive package of information of all kinds which most completely describes an organization 's economic activity …
7 However , the work which most dramatically highlights the unreliability of the world and of literature 's portrayal of it is perhaps José Donoso 's The Obscene Bird of Night , whose schizophrenic narrator/protagonist experiences modern man 's ontological insecurity as a psychological condition .
8 It is this work which most clearly follows the Hegelian model , and which is most explicitly concerned with the nature of material culture and modern society .
9 It is the lotus bud motif ( or calyx ) in the angles of mosaic 6 , however , which most clearly suggests a relationship with mosaic B and mosaic 7 .
10 Although the quality of diamonds which most immediately strikes the modern imagination is their capacity to command attention as symbols of majesty or affluence by reason of their fire and lustre , it was their quality as the hardest substance on earth that first engaged attention .
11 I can be rational about everything except the point which most immediately concerns me , how to conduct my life .
12 Which of the factors below , is the one which most strongly influences you to read an issue ?
13 The factor which most powerfully predicts deletion is deletion of the first plural element in the string ; if a plural in the phrase is going to be realized by [ s ] , there is a strong tendency for it to be realized on this first element .
14 ‘ the application of tariff principles requires the sentencer to find the sentence which most accurately reflects the offender 's culpability , a process which involves relating the gravity of the offence to the established pattern of sentences for offences of that kind , and then making allowance for such mitigating factors as may be present which tend to reduce the offender 's culpability .
15 Commitment to the assessment of pupils is the requirement of the 1988 Education Reform Act which most directly touches teachers .
16 Alluvial gold , which most commonly occurs as dust or fine flakes , the residue left behind when lighter materials have been removed by the flow of natural waters , can be won by simple sluicing or washing , or even picked up on the surface in the form of nuggets shaped by the compression of fine particles into compact masses by natural forces .
17 Where it has been assessed , the variable which most consistently predicts both degree of elaboration and the consistency over time of such memories appears to be the emotionality of the original event ( Conway , 1990 ) .
18 It is the insufficiently driven second movement which most seriously disappoints ( at 4′28″ it is even slower than Solti 's ) , and the finale , after a breathtakingly atmospheric introduction , is too comfortable by half .
19 Whilst Roadburg may underestimate the size of the middle-class and female components of the British soccer crowd , he is correct to emphasise that the terraces are chiefly made up of working-class males and that , of this group , it is the youth segment which most often engages in violence .
20 We have seen the ways in which Sartre 's Critique shows how totalization can not work without a movement of self-transcendence , a repeated interpolation of an excess beyond the totality which paradoxically then means that the totality can no longer be a totality .
21 On closer inspection this turned out to be the L'Chaim Society , a Jewish good-time gang which presumably also has a stout approach to Judaism .
22 Mozart 's 17 piano sonatas also show Haydn 's influence , but , like much of his music , works such as No 8 in A minor and No 14 in C minor betray a depth of emotion which only rarely invests Haydn 's music .
23 The average wage in Maputo was 20,000 to 30,000 MT per month , which only just covers these items , and does not allow for clothes or any other basic items .
24 development which only just exceeds that permitted by the General Development Order , Class I ( development within the curtilage of a dwelling-house ) , Class VI ( agricultural ) and Class VIII ( industrial ) developments ;
25 The plight of abused ( physically , emotionally and sexually ) children is a tragic and sensitive story which apparently often goes undetected because the mother , fearing reprisals or removal of the children , does not report abuse by her husband/partner or visiting relative ( who often is the perpetrator ) ; in many cases having suffered violence herself from him ( Jones , 1988 ) .
26 Here , we encounter the same pattern which so clearly distinguishes man from the apes — notable absence of canine-tooth dimorphism , prominent displays of hair around the face and neck of the male and , in the female , a secondary sexual display on the chest .
27 Leapor 's suggestion that a house which so plainly violates the natural order will eventually be deserted recalls Pope 's prediction concerning Timon 's villa :
28 So is the formula for the famous cheese soufflé which so wonderfully conceals melting whole poached eggs , an old dish of French cookery and one served by Boulestin at a luncheon given at his restaurant to celebrate the publication by Cassells on 26 September 1936 , of the autobiography entitled Myself , My Two Countries .
29 It is perfectly clear to me and fellow Councillors that a report which is so badly and which so badly uses statistics , can not be received because it is not of sufficient quality for this County Council and support the District Council to use it .
30 It is this which so powerfully arouses sentiment in us .
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