Example sentences of "which [verb] through [art] " in BNC.

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1 Go along the rocks , descending the path which goes through a broken wall and joins a farm track opposite some farm buildings .
2 He belongs to a paper society which goes through the motions of life , in the air , notionally .
3 If the ‘ postface ’ is the attitude of feigned female acquiescence to male views , the ‘ preface ’ is that which objects , that which goes through the tiresome ‘ routine ’ of explaining exactly why these views are objectionable .
4 er I 've got several favourites , er the one at Thrupp , Hampton Gay which I mentioned , where the train disaster was , that 's a particularly nice one because it 's along very nice stretches of canal and river , I like the one er up at er the Rollright Stones , and , and I like the ones in the Chilterns as well , there 's a couple in the Chilterns , one at er Watlington Hill , just outside the town of Watlington , and er one which goes through the grounds of Stonor Park , but er superb scenery up there obviously with the beech woods and so on .
5 On certain days , it was said , a tramcar of unusual design was seen circulating slowly along the lines which passed through the poorest and most deprived slums in the city .
6 In recent years a bypass was built , considerably lessening the load of traffic which passed through the village , and a period of comparative peace was enjoyed .
7 A map recovered from the wreckage showed a direct track drawn between Blackbushe and Cranfield which passed through the north west comer of the Luton special rules zone .
8 A crewman in Samoa , which passed through the Sunda Straits shortly after the eruption , described seeing bodies and pumice stretching all the way to the horizon .
9 The outer skin of any craft which passed through the air barrier of a force field stored static electricity like a giant capacitor .
10 It protected the entrance to a tunnel which passed through the wall , and Rostov was amazed at its length .
11 Girobank handled £47m in retail deposits and transactions last year , which the bank says works out at £1 in every £3 which passed through the nation 's tills .
12 The research has also revealed a ghostly army which marches through the village , and a strange old system of farming … based on thirteen wooden balls in a sack
13 For five months , Marina has called the cellar home , ever since Serbian soldiers lobbed grenades which crashed through the roof and blew apart her parents ' flat .
14 The three were alleged to have been part of a 30-strong gang which rampaged through the park on April 19 , 1989 , making a series of unprovoked attacks which culminated in the gang-rape of the jogger who was left unconscious with severe head injuries .
15 These electrical disturbances create electromagnetic waves which spread through the atmosphere for hundreds of kilometres .
16 The replicase apparatus immediately gets to work and manufactures lots of copies of the newly introduced RNA molecules , which spread through the test-tube .
17 Arsonists are thought to have caused the blaze which spread through the roofs of Trent Street , in the Rivers area of Middlesbrough yesterday .
18 Firefighters spent three hours tackling the blaze , which spread through the roof and into an adjoining property in Pensby Road .
19 " She 's in voluntary liquidation , " said Martha , but she fetched a piece of old towelling and began to rub the cat , which squinted through the folds of white material like Lazarus through the grave-clothes .
20 The best known of the cup-marked stones in Islay is outside the chapel at Kilchiaran ; it has a couple of dozen cups , two of which pierce through the slab .
21 On Dec. 10 , French forces shot dead two Somalis and wounded seven aboard a truck which drove through a roadblock .
22 He had ideas which cut through the mass of tradition and very dull detail which hung around materials work everywhere but unfortunately nobody took them very seriously .
23 Jaq had learned all this during his training in the headquarters of the Inquisition , that labyrinth many contorted thousands of kilometres in extent which cut through the bed-rock deep beneath the massive concealing ice-cap of Earth 's south polar continent .
24 The village was lit by a swathe of sunlight which cut through the morning mist .
25 From here you follow a tractor track climbing the opposite slope which passes through a gate and continues through the birch woods beside Allt Gleann Chaorachain .
26 The speech left provides for an internal speech code which passes through a working memory system where it can be examined .
27 This means that the modulus is much lower , but so too is the damping , which passes through a maximum in the vicinity of T g .
28 Informally , the idea is that every path in a graph which passes through a node n can be thought of as having a score f(n) consisting of the cost from the start of the search to that node g(n) , and the cost from the node to the terminal state , h(n) .
29 It is , therefore , the arc of a great circle , the plane of which passes through the centre of the sphere .
30 But on the road from Urumchi to Turpan , which passes through the hot , gravelly Gobi desert , the mud buildings had no foundations of fired bricks and no overhanging roofs .
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