Example sentences of "which [verb] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 Their insecurities were doubtless increased through reading theological works such as William Perkins ' Whether a Man , published in 1589 , which argued that a reprobate might attain temporary faith and ‘ seem both unto himself and to the Church of God to be a true professor of the Gospel , and yet indeed be none ’ .
2 The full-strength argument is that there are often substantial costs to employing someone which mean that a company might choose to employ a machine rather than a person even if that person 's wages cost them nothing .
3 The case for R&D agreements is partly that they avoid wasteful duplication of research , and allow complementary skills and risks to be pooled , but mainly that they internalize the information spillovers which mean that a single firm is unable to appropriate all the returns to its R&D efforts .
4 Support for such a fund goes back to the Evershed Committee in 1953 , which recommended that a fund should be available for actions at first instance and on appeal , certified by the Attorney-General as raising a question of law of exceptional public interest which it is in the public interest to clarify .
5 They are the result of a survey in the wake of statistics which revealed that a quarter of a billion pounds goes up in smoke each year as part of Belfast 's annual energy bill .
6 The period which elapses until a product at the limit of the release specification at the time of manufacture , changes until it has reached the limit of the check specification , is the minimum shelf-life ; the product which is close to the nominal value at the time of manufacture will continue to comply with the check specification for longer than this .
7 FEARS that a new doping scandal was about to erupt were firmly quashed yesterday by the Jockey Club , which announced that a series of tests carried out on recent race- course flops had proved negative .
8 However , a medical certificate was read out in Stormont some days later , which reported that a medical examination of Eddie McAteer had found an oval bruise below his right groin , about one inch away from the scrotum .
9 AFAILURE of the signalling system — which occurred when a signal box wire that should have been removed was not , thus preventing the signal from turning to red — caused the Clapham rail disaster in which 35 people died last December 12 , according to the report of the inquiry chaired by Sir Anthony Hidden , QC .
10 As far as the script recognition system is concerned , the cases which suggest that a word is an error , are where the lexical look-up gives no allowable candidate strings , or all candidate strings are rejected by further stages of analysis .
11 The friezes which decorate the situla discovered at Vače , near present-day Ljubljana , depict scenes of ritual sacrifices , feasts , battles , sport and pastimes which suggest that a highly organised , metal-using society existed in this area in the fifth century BC .
12 Statutory provisions also exist which suggest that a volenti plea can succeed in the absence of agreement .
13 The agreement follows surveys which suggest that a significant proportion of people would be prepared to pay a price premium of between 14 and 25 per cent for sustainably-harvested timber .
14 The Department has published the results of trials which suggest that a single hectare of coppice can provide up to 15 tonnes of fuelwood every year — sufficient to heat a large farmhouse .
15 But it is not the tampons that cause the disease but the bacteria which develops when a tampon has been in too long .
16 In October , they issued a new set of tariffs which provide that a car owner who suffers a loss has to make a larger contribution and introduce the principle and concept of a premium reduction for certain security devices .
17 The move follows years of neglect and a recent rude report from the government 's Antarctic research policy advisory committee which maintained that a replacement transport system was essential if Australia was to maintain an effective presence on the continent .
18 This principle was carried further by the House of Lords ' decision in Williams and Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland [ 1980 ] 2 All ER 408 , which found that a wife who made a financial contribution to the purchase of a house acquires more than an interest in the proceeds of sale : she acquires an interest in the land itself , which can take effect as an overriding interest , in the case of registered land , under the Land Registration Act 1925 , s70(1) ( g ) .
19 Experts pointed to several simple tests which hint that a tape is counterfeit .
20 In measuring visual acuity in this way , a figure which looks like a fraction is recorded .
21 My own opinion is that all cold-blooded animals are endowed with responsive behaviour that can be mistaken for higher intelligence , when what we are really dealing with are reflex actions to given stimuli — as in Pavlov 's dogs , which salivated when a bell they associated with food was rung .
22 A legacy may be specific , i.e. given in terms which show that a particular thing and no other is meant ( e.g. ‘ my only gold watch ’ , ‘ my Oxford City stock' ) .
23 Given the opinion poll results in The Guardian today , which show that a clear and growing majority of people are against further moves towards European monetary and political union , does my right hon. Friend find it rather curious that both the Liberal Democrats and the Labour party favour unilateral disarmament on the question of federalism ?
24 ( Case 199/82 ) [ 1985 ] 2 C.M.L.R. 658 , which establishes that a person who pays charges levied by a member state contrary to the rules of Community law is entitled to repayment of the charge , such right being regarded as a consequence of , and an adjunct to , the rights conferred on individuals by the Community provisions prohibiting the relevant charges : see paragraph 12 of the judgment of the court , at p. 688 .
25 This means that if , for example , the cooking cycle is programmed for two-and-a-half minutes at a required temperature the machine will adjust to compensate for the fall in temperature which occurs when a frozen or chilled food will have been cooked for two-and-a-half minutes at the correct temperature .
26 We thought it possible that we might get an auto-immune reaction otherwise — similar to that which occurs when a patient rejects a heart or kidney transplant .
27 Task analysis can be very expensive in skilled manpower , but in looking at cost/value it is important to include in value the increase in mutual understanding which occurs when a multi-disciplinary team conducts the analysis .
28 At this moment ( which occurs when a word 's recognition point is reached ) , the word can be identified , even if much more of the speech signal has yet to reach the word-recognition system .
29 There is , of course , a school of thought which says that a bit of straight thinking , a kind of conceptual analysis-cum-psychotherapy , will sweep this puzzlement away .
30 However Japan and Iceland have taken advantage of a loophole in the regulation which says that a certain number of whales can be killed for scientific purposes .
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