Example sentences of "which [noun] [verb] first " in BNC.

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1 Does the Minister not recognise the dangers of fragmenting the health service and destroying the planning framework ; the cost of ever-increasing bureaucracy ; the reduction in choice for the doctor ; the fear that this is a road that leads to a two-tier system in which money comes first and the Health Service is relegated to a safety-net , fallback provision ?
2 Both ‘ The Daleks ’ and ‘ The Sensorites ’ featured very elaborate backdrops , all of which Cusick had first to draft out as large , highly detailed colour illustrations long before the day when the Scenic Artist would come in to paint them up .
3 In a ‘ chicken and egg ’ situation , controversy flares among breed enthusiasts as to which type evolved first , and each side will take the credit for being the forebear of the other .
4 This leads us to propose the ‘ causal direction hypothesis ’ : children learn about the role of causal connectives as indicators of which event is cause and which effect before they learn about their role as indicators of which event happened first .
5 The time ordering can sometimes help out ; since causes occur before effects , knowing which variable occurred first can help .
6 By the 1870s general questions of marine biology had become prominent , partly in an evolutionary context in which life had first begun in the sea .
7 Mind you , it 's not the size of the workload that matters — after all , gardening is supposed to be fun — but the agony of deciding which jobs to do first .
8 In due course this small department , and AIB with it , was gobbled up by the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation , after which AIB passed first to the Ministry of Aviation and then to the Board of Trade .
9 It was a large , high , long room , and so full of furniture and mirrors and pictures and books and chandeliers and hangings and refracted angles of light that the eye could at first glimpse in no way assess its dimensions ; it was like some infinitely more complicated and elaborate and intentional version of the hall which Clara had first entered .
10 Barney explained the intricacies of the pre-selector gearbox , after which Julie engaged first gear and , with a slight jolt , moved the big car slowly down the station drive .
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