Example sentences of "which [noun] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 He suggests that such tendencies occur here as an overcompensation for the closed consciousness or ‘ dual narcissism , to which Fanon attributes the depersonalization of colonial man ; that ‘ it is as it Fanon is fearful of his most radical insights ’ ( p. xx ) .
2 There was a long uncomfortable silence in which Pascoe noticed the missing duck , the broken china in the scuttle , and Alice noticed him noticing .
3 The new catchment boards ' first decade of river clearance was followed by the outbreak of war , during which Parliament empowered the boards to carry out even more extensive work at the request of county war agricultural executive committees .
4 In this chapter some of the ways in which palaeontologists determine the way fossil animals lived are described , reanimating the dead fragments to build up a living creature .
5 Daylight and ordinary tungsten light do not mix together very well photographically ; on the other hand , fluorescent light is often used in kitchens and this mixes with daylight better than tungsten if ‘ daylight ’ tubes are in use , in which case set the camcorder white balance to the ‘ daylight ’ preset if you have the choice .
6 Can you remember which part exerted the special emotional pull , the part that brought you back to the story again and again ?
7 The financial accounting question comes down to this : which year(s) bears the 10,000 ?
8 The ebullience with which Nizan highlighted the disenchantment of Hitler 's own petty bourgeois supporters confronted by impending economic ruin , the logical outcome of a Nazi political dictatorship , was tempered only by an awareness that such economic ruin might ultimately only be avoided by a massive rearmament programme and a policy of fascist colonial expansion that would seriously undermine international security .
9 In the twentieth century , natural selection has emerged as the dominant theory by which biologists explain the evolutionary mechanism .
10 Rather than follow him into this detail , it is more important here to underline an important general characteristic which Hobbes says the claim has .
11 Those are some of the practical effects of compulsory competitive tendering in which ideology takes the place of practicality and common sense .
12 The research seeks to identify both the understanding of the nature of history which PGCE students bring to the institutions , and the extent to which institutions consider the structure of the subject and link it with a theory of the development of pupils ' thinking in history and the styles of teaching best suited to further such development .
13 The journals in which researchers published the first paper relating to their research are shown in the following ranked table .
14 In 1961 , which driver won the first grand prix he entered ?
15 Dr P 's argument disguises the reality that , as has been pointed out by writers as diverse as Spender ( 1981a ) and Eagleton ( 1983 ) , only a small group of people , historically , have participated in deciding which literature gets the best ‘ results ’ .
16 Here we give only the first part of Ohmann 's illustration : [ 8 ] the desk and the shelf above it on which rested the ledgers in which McCaslin recorded the slow outward trickle of food and supplies and equipment which returned each fall as cotton made and ginned and sold …
17 The first of these , the habituation of the unconditioned response consequent on repeated exposure , was discussed in Chapter 2 ; the second , the way in which exposure modifies the ability of an event to serve as a classically conditioned stimulus , was discussed in Chapters 3 and 4 .
18 The controls for the Legend comprise a volume control/pull pot , which coil taps the bridge humbucker , and a separate rotary which acts as a mid-range boost/cut .
19 The terms under which Truman created the NSA and what it was meant to do are still supposed to be secret even today .
20 There could also be a brief introduction on which direction to do the route ; and the eventual booklet should include information on how to get back ( ? by public transport ) to the starting point — this can , I imagine , be supplied by the Council .
21 Here was someone who would help her push the car into the side of the road , who would know in which direction lay the nearest house , who would be a companion on her walk .
22 As before this simply tells you in which direction to move the lace carriage to transfer the selected stitches .
23 Straight arrows show in which direction to move the lace carriage .
24 This appears to be the sense in which Plato used the idea in the Timaeus .
25 Before sending the jury out yesterday , Mr Justice Turner told them that to convict they must be sure an ordinary person would have regarded the means by which Ward obtained the cash as dishonest .
26 Look at the facts : she was seen in Alexandra Road at 11.15 , the very time at which Gerald found the yard door barred against him .
27 Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin launched his first airship in 1900 , and so began the age of the hydrogen-filled craft in which Germany led the world for two decades .
28 Chairman I think I have to offer an apology to members and Mr in particular and the town of Bungay with a rather erm over which sentence expressing the press release , I mean we are continually trying to issue news items , press releases , progress reports and anything we 're doing and usually the press are very good and quoted for a basis , sometimes they get it wrong and mangle it up with some bits of disaster , on this occasion that is not the case , the , the actual press report did determine the phraseology used in my in lease them so I have to accept the responsibility for the phrase to act of your recommended this morning so it down sake , could abandon ideas which they can buy it , of course those crazy ideas used in and out of the court is what matters .
29 They are covered by the Fair Trading Act 1973 ( FTA ) , under which mergers involving the takeover of assets worth ( currently ) £30m or more may be referred to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ( MMC ) .
30 An agreement was reached that month under which Sihanouk became the SNC 's neutral chair or president .
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