Example sentences of "or one [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They are situated side by side in the square type of pod , or one above the other in the oblong pods ( usually in two columns ) .
2 An irregularly folded cloth , or one with the folds bunched , reduces the contact area and thus efficiency .
3 The ideal of the initiate is to become a ‘ star ’ or one with the Gods ; to achieve union with the natural forces which created him or her .
4 Does subsidiarity mean that the Member States should be permitted to decide whether that decision is an individual matter or one for the national state to take on the basis of its view of where the best interests of
5 He knew , in short , precisely when to take two steps to the right , or one to the left .
6 And so you get these , these somewhat stupefied er or one over the eight wasps rolling around , er and er you know , not , not being terribly active , but that , that is the time at which of course people do tend to tread on them or pick them up and get stung .
7 In pairs marching side by side , or one behind the other ?
8 She may have had problems over a similar product , or one from the same manufacturer , before .
9 This was placed on the kitchen floor , illiberally filled with water , and Wendy and I had to choose between going in together or one after the other while , we strongly suspected , Mr Sugden enjoyed a ‘ what-the-butler-saw ’ entertainment of looking through the keyhole .
10 ‘ Both at the same time , or one after the other ? ’ he said .
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