Example sentences of "or so [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One thing you will notice at times when you are watching the barbel is the extraordinary way they flip belly-upwards to take food that is more than a foot or so off bottom .
2 Coal imports will double in Japan over the next twenty years or so with coal becoming second only to oil as an energy supplier , at about one-quarter of demand .
3 Weekend courses cost £115 ; weekly courses cost £287.50 , plus about £30 or so for film and paper .
4 At an average £200 or so for installation , meters do n't come cheap , and it will take a few years of saving on bills to meet the initial cost .
5 In a report on the future of the Falklands , Lord Shackleton said that it would take £100 million or so for redevelopment .
6 Parsys does n't expect to have the SN9000 ready until ‘ late 1992 ’ — it will take three months or so to bed the new chip in when it does arrive .
7 They may take a week or so to work , but can kill most deep-rooted perennial weeds without being persistent .
8 Half an hour or so to dinner .
9 Cincinnati Bell Inc has had the all clear from Standard & Poor 's Corp , which affirmed Cincinnati Bell Telephone Co 's double-A-minus senior debt rating on its $285m or so of debt following the company 's announcement that it would file for a 9% increase in local services and a three-year alternative regulation plan beginning January 1 1994 .
10 A minute or so of scrutiny passed , then he said : 'Got you .
11 After two days or so of ice-breaking we have found them all pleasant and cooperative , and eager to take advantage of the books , etc. that we have brought .
12 Amid the stark , and in places green-hued contours of the half mile or so of cliff and tumbled boulders that is Froggatt , there exists a wealth of entertaining and varied climbing .
13 During the final hour or so of cooking put the raisins and currants previously well washed , in a separate oven pot , and with water to cover them , to bake .
14 To accommodate it on the upflow tube we 've had to trim off another inch or so of piping with the hacksaw .
15 Ominously too , instead of staying within a mile or so of home like normal dogs , they turn into restless wanderers , propagating the virus far afield .
16 During the oral phases , extending over the first year or so of life , his main concerns involve activities like sucking , swallowing and biting ; and the nature of his oral experiences during this period will have considerable repercussions in the long as well as the short term .
17 Britain 's local councils charge £6-10 a ton to put solid waste in landfills : a price , say the commercial firms , that does not reflect capital investment or the sums that must be et aside to ensure a landfill is properly maintained during its 30 years or so of life .
18 Although mature horses may harbour a few adult worms , heavy burdens are usually confined to yearlings and to foals , which become infected from the first month or so of life , and infection is maintained largely by seasonal transmission between these groups of young animals .
19 Or rather it will be if the health-care proposals come with a price tag that requires the taxpayer to finance an extra $100 billion or so of government spending a year .
20 So three hours or so of lecture , three hours or so of seminar and .
21 Leave another yard or so of rope above the bottle .
22 After an hour or so of drinking , these two gentlemen decided they wished to go for an afternoon drive around the local villages — a motor car around this time still being something of a novelty .
23 And if that boisterous Channel and two hundred miles or so of land come broad between us , I am afraid that cord of communion will be snapt ; and then I 've a nervous notion I should take to bleeding inwardly . ’
24 Another problem is that the tests show practice effects ; that is , for the first day or so of testing , subjects ' performances improve greatly ( and so mask any daily rhythms ) as they are getting used to the tests and are developing their personal ways of tackling them .
25 The bucket had a rope attached to its handle and I skimmed it over the stern to haul up a gallon or so of sea-water which I slammed down in front of Rickie .
26 Plungers require 75mm ( 3in ) or so of water in the sink to make them work .
27 Loks like granules , but add a pint or so of water and it swells , filling up a vase with solid squishiness and looking like crystal .
28 She let out her pent-up breath in a loud gasp of relief ; then she bent over the handlebars and sent the bike whizzing as fast as she could pedal it across the remaining hundred yards or so of field .
29 Although crew cuts had been around forever , all-over short hair of ½″ or less started in about '64 & was a conservative-suit-mod staple until '68 when it went even shorter — ¼″ and less & in '69 near-shaven styles ( baldness never caught on ) ½″ or so of hair in the 60s was not as noteworthy as a backward glance might suggest — because long hair got all the publicity , you 'd think that everyone below 25 grew their hair long .
30 Frederick had true imperial blood in his veins as the son of the Emperor Henry VI and the grandson of Barbarossa and he could not allow the narrow strip of fifty miles or so of corridor land to impede his ambitions .
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