Example sentences of "or on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A time-budget diary completed by one of the policewomen for a week shows her time divided between welfare duties ( including visits to the homes of victims and children in care , and attending children 's parties ) , serving summonses on offenders and witnesses , paperwork and case files , liaison with other badies ( such as the social services , concerning children who are missing or on the special-risk list , and the RUC 's Community Relations Branch ) , and enquiries and interviews regarding offences .
2 One should decide whether any information would be better given on a hand-out , or on the overhead projector .
3 Where additional stand-offs are used , either on the front cross-spar to vary the angle , or on the rear cross-spar to extend the Rogallo cone , the tension is just as important .
4 During the sixteenth century Myddle was essentially a society consisting of numerous smallholders and a few large farmers , but from the second half of Elizabeth 's reign onwards poor immigrants came into the parish in search of labouring work and the opportunity to erect a cottage in the woods or on the manorial wastes .
5 For this they grow large amounts of fodder crops on fields in the main valleys or on the lower margins of the uplands .
6 Tektronix reckons there are over 2m 3270-type terminals installed in the US alone and claims that its 3270 emulation allows users to access 3270 applications running on IBM mainframes , workstations , or servers , or on the wide area network .
7 Has the Labour party changed its mind on capitalism , or on the Soviet Union ?
8 The rules are not always as simple s that , e.g. Classical Arabic has the stress on the first long syllable of the word , or on the first syllable if there are no long syllables in the word .
9 I have been using pastels for at least 30 years and in all that time I have never once seen a warning to this effect in either art books or on the many boxes of pastels that I have purchased .
10 I have been using pasters for at least 30 years and in all that time I have never once seen a warning to this effect in either art books or on the many boxes of pastels that I have purchased .
11 Johnston , saddling his 48th winner of the year , should now go on to achieve his maiden half century , and does not mind whether it happens in the last four days of turf racing or on the all-weather .
12 Service may be effected on the mayor , chairman or president , or on the chief executive , clerk , treasurer or secretary , in the absence of any statutory provision ( Ord 7 , r 14 ) .
13 This could be on the basis of multi-member constituencies and some form of proportional representation or on the existing first past the post system .
14 To quote the report , they live in caravans ‘ because they could not get other dwellings in the right places or on the right terms ; or because caravans meet their needs for cheapness , convenience or mobility ’ .
15 The tentacle scales which arise on the lateral arm plate or on the abradial part portion of the pore furthest from the mid-line of the arm are counted , i.e. L4–5 .
16 There would be no way of doing it gradually or on the cheap .
17 Interspersed with his translation of the books of the Old Testament , which was never completed , were polemical works ; for in light of the reception of his New Testament he felt no need to restrain his views either on the English clergy or on the Roman Catholic Church .
18 It is unclear , however , whether the impaired gastrointestinal motility is secondary to the effects of amyloid on the smooth muscle or on the autonomic nervous system , because there have been few reports assessing the clinicopathologic features in a considerable number of amyloidosis patients with intestinal pseudo-obstruction .
19 Various regions of the gut are elaborately innervated ( e.g. Zawarsin , 1916 ; Orlov , 1924 ) , with multipolar neurons in or on the intestinal wall .
20 She also wants him to stop phoning her at home and for him to be banned from entering or trespassing on her property or on the actual road .
21 A writ has been issued by the actress and her parents asking for him to be banned ‘ from entering or trespassing on the property or on the actual road ’ .
22 Little research exists on the difficult task of raising another person 's child in this situation or on the distinctive features and potential problems of step-parenting as opposed to adoption or fostering .
23 At the present time church leaders tend to be too limited in their experience and outlook , having focused almost exclusively on the fortunes of their own denomination , or on the spiritual conditions prevailing within their own country .
24 Whether the emphasis in mystical theology is on the interaction of those God-given human faculties which are understood as an image of his being and the means by which man may realise the love and truth manifested in the Incarnation , or on the essential unknowability of the transcendent source from whence that love and truth emanated in time , there is common ground between the two approaches in the sense of a dynamic with which man may engage .
25 But the scale of the increase might come as a surprise : on the 21-week agreement 10p a week extra pushing up the rate of charge from 26. 1 per cent to 72.5 per cent for example , or on the 15-week agreement 1 p a week extra almost doubling the rate .
26 If I had guessed correctly they would be out there somewhere , lodged in a gutter or on the flat roof of the tower .
27 Are the contents shown on the inside front cover , or on the front page ?
28 My great aim is to give you a periodical which you will not throw aside as soon as read , but which you will value and look over years hence as an old familiar friend , when you may be battling with the realities of life under the suns of India , in the backwoods of Canada or the United States , or the grassy downs of Australia , over the wide Ocean among the isles of the Pacific , or on the distant shores of Columbia .
29 ‘ or on a road ’ covers potential danger or actual danger to pedestrians or anyone not actually in or on the offending motor vehicle .
30 But sometimes material facts are suppressed , or on the other hand one party may petition for divorce without the other party being aware of the proceedings .
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