Example sentences of "or [vb base] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Poach , boil or scramble the eggs , or make into an omelette in a non-stick pan with a minimum of low-fat margarine .
2 If it were travelling at any other velocity , it would either move out into deep space , or crash into the Sun , or move into another orbit .
3 Crane , despite his activity , remained behind making occasional sorties off the road to look behind some tree or peer into a thicket .
4 On balance , studies have found no indication of harmful physical effects ; no evidence that television introduces a harmful amount of aggression , violence or fear into an already normal child or that it turns an undisturbed child into a disturbed one or a non-delinquent child into a delinquent .
5 This means that the rider can help his horse should he peck on landing or hesitate into a fence .
6 Too often people throw up ideas — ‘ Let's have so-and-so as a speaker on Tuesday and a dance on the Wednesday and a banquet on Thursday ’ — without ever stopping to think how any of these will help reach goals or fit into the overall time .
7 A classical defence and attack stance : the low body position allows the adept either to drop to the floor or leap into the air , depending on the given situation .
8 And once they have spotted you they suddenly disappear among rocks or melt into the vegetation .
9 Less offensive is one that has been ‘ inlaid ’ or let into a stronger leaf so that both sides of the letter or document are visible by means of this window .
10 Head : ‘ Or broaden into a pastoral role ? ’
11 I know what you 're going to say , if you did look up you 'd probably step in a pile of dog turds or walk into a lamp-post , but I 'm serious .
12 Her head did not precisely ache , but it felt hollow and somehow precarious ; and she found it hard to make her muscles work so that she felt as though she might trip over her own feet or walk into the furniture .
13 But she did not open the door , or look into the passage .
14 Whether to take a warm shower or jump into the plunge pool filled with ice cold water .
15 For further information on any of the courses and grant information , contact Tracie at Belfast 235451 , or drop into the centre at
16 They either brew up tea on a little gas stove beside their car , or pop into a coffee house for a bun and a flick through The Observer Book of Birds .
17 Peggy Mitchell , seated at the rear of the Variety Tent , sighed in sympathy as , one after another , the right card failed to appear from or disappear into the deck .
18 Children 's bedrooms are usually small areas with light-coloured walls , so there should be enough reflected light to lighten up the main scene of action , but if you do bring in any additional low-level lighting , take care to position it where it will not get in the way of the camera or shine into the lens .
19 This explains why he is vulnerable to the ball which moves away from him because he can not get properly into line or lean into the ball .
20 212 If the tenant or his assignee do or shall , at any time before the trial in such ejectment , pay or tender to the lessor or landlord , his executors or administrators , or his or their attorney in that cause , or pay into the court where the same cause is depending , all the rent and arrears , together with the costs , then and in such case all further proceedings on the said ejectment shall cease and be discontinued ; and if such lessee , his executors , administrators , or assigns , shall , upon such proceedings as aforesaid , be relieved in equity , he and they shall have , hold , and enjoy the demised lands , according to the lease thereof made , without any new lease .
21 The associative initiatives I have mentioned often produce only small and short-lived changes in feminist psychology , or turn into a recapitulation of one side of an old polarity .
22 Or turn into a bitchy ginny misery like M ( no , I could n't be like her ) .
23 David would always be seen in public , would always have to do interviews , do a video or go into a recording studio — so I think the whole time was taken up by feeling involved in the whole Ziggy period or Ziggy way of thinking .
24 She would come back to camp after a day off , call in at the office to see what was going on , and if we were all running around like headless chickens , snowed under with miles of paper from the teleprinter , and an irate Wing CO was tearing his hair out because the visibility had suddenly slumped from three miles to fifty yards and all his boys were up there somewhere running out of fuel , Rosemary would calmly take over the plotting while one of us rushed out to the screen to read the instruments , or go into the screaming teleprinter to shut off the insistent ear-piercing bell which was reminding everybody within hearing that we were late in sending in the hourly observation .
25 It 's lovely there ; find a good vantage point and make rough pencil sketches of the church and trees around and the shapes of tombstones , etc. , or go into the cemetery and draw that curious old tower which commands such an extensive view .
26 Or go into the BBC .
27 Fisting or fist fucking ( putting a hand , fist or forearm into the rectum ) , provided it is not done before or after anal intercourse .
28 Mum was given a choice : either to stay in the caravan they were living in and not have me home , or move into a flat so I could live with them .
29 These vowel changes are brought about by rules — not the sort of rules that one might teach to language learners , but more like the instructions that one might build into a machine or write into a computer program .
30 The decreased activated pepsinogen activity in association with normal pepsinogen content observed in the antrum of H pylori positive gastritis patients indicate local pepsin inactivation or alternately enhanced removal into the gastric lumen or backflow into the circulation .
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