Example sentences of "or [vb base] with the " in BNC.

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1 It is possible to soften water by the addition of chemicals that displace or combine with the calcium and magnesium , such as sodium hexametaphosphate and ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid .
2 And could we shout with the lark or crash with the sea
3 So if we wish to touch the horse or communicate with the horse , we should do so in a way that is acceptable to the horse .
4 So I think we have to do them , but I think it is very important that we do not erm , er talk to the , or communicate with the other member authorities in a way that looks as if this is Wiltshire saying , well we want to find a way of flogging off this asset without worrying about what happens to the future of the service .
5 It 's an intriguing , nicely-made film , but hardly calculated to excite the contemporary audience ( even though John Davis would approve of its family entertainment value ) or connect with the contemporary cultural ferment .
6 In the questionnaire , a large number of teachers are asked how far they agree or disagree with the statements .
7 This might prevent the integration process ( Figure 2.2 ) or interfere with the copying of integrated DNA into the messenger RNA molecules that are used to direct protein synthesis ( Figure 2.3 ) .
8 6 Light Full right of liberty at any time after the date of this Lease to alter or to erect new structures within or adjoining the Centre ( such expression here excluding the Premises ) in such manner as the Landlord shall think fit notwithstanding the fact that the same may obstruct affect or interfere with the amenity of or access to the Premises or the passage of light and air to the Premises It may be as well to include the words in parenthesis to remove any suggestion that the landlord may have the right to alter the premises .
9 The other point to consider is that any interference with the light and air to the premises could adversely affect the tenant 's business and the tenant should consider the latter part of this paragraph being amended as follows : provided that the same shall not [ materially ] obstruct affect or interfere with the amenity of or access to the Premises or the passage of light and air to the Premises
10 A must have knowledge of the contract between B and C or act with the intention of bringing about a breach of it .
11 not to reprint ( save with prior written consent of the Publisher ) or otherwise reproduce change or tamper with the Publications
12 remove or tamper with the Trade Marks or other means of attribution or identification used on or in relation to the Licensed Products use the Trade Marks in any way which might prejudice their distinctiveness or validity or the goodwill of therein use in relation to the Products any Trade Marks other than the Trade Marks and the trade marks of and MacEnglish as set out in Schedule 2 B or used by in the Territory any Trade Marks or Trade Names so resembling the Trade Marks or Trade Names of as to be likely to cause confusion or deception .
13 The sum total of charge and counter charge was that every person in the room , besides myself and Benjamin , had some affinity or link with the House of York and the cause of the White Rose .
14 He had been in Britain for over twenty years and never had any problem or contact with the police except for one occasion when he was with Mum on a shopping expedition and police officers approached him and said , ‘ You fit the description of a guy that has just mugged a woman down the road . ’
15 ‘ The result can only be health care services which have virtually no real accountability or contact with the local community , ’ he said .
16 sitting as a deputy judge of the Queen 's Bench Division granted the plaintiff in an action for breach of an agreement embodied in a Tomlin order , Jean-Pierre Irtelli , an injunction restraining the first defendants , Renato Squatriti and Livia Vidor ( trading as L'Aiglon ) ( ‘ the defendants ’ ) , ‘ by themselves or their servants and agents from selling disposing or otherwise dealing with seeking to sell dispose or deal with the premises at 220 , Westbourne Grove , London W.11 . ’
17 ‘ It is ordered … that the defendants or one or other of them be restrained by themselves or their servants and agents from selling disposing or otherwise dealing with seeking to sell dispose or deal with the premises at 220 , Westbourne Grove , London , W.11 .
18 Vertical restraints imposed by the manufacturer can in principle control all these problems or deal with the externalities involved .
19 But the economic and social prescriptions of Beveridge and Keynes seemed increasingly unable to reverse either economic decline or deal with the " crisis of welfare " which in 1981 the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ) forecast for Western nations in the run-up to the next century .
20 If a school intends to operate a form of option system allowing pupils to drop history at Key Stage 4 or to opt for the short course or continue with the full course , pupils and parents will presumably wish to base their decision on performance to date .
21 ‘ If the girls do n't pick them they 'll just waste in the grass or go with the birds , ’ the mother said as amiably as she could .
22 Router manufacturers debating whether they should license IBM Corp 's Advanced Peer to Peer Networking code or go with the Cisco Systems Inc-inspired Advanced Peer-to-Peer Internetworking , have a third choice .
23 Either save it and get something top-of-the-range or stay with the cheap one if it works .
24 And for gentlemen , for men of property , the idea that the unpropertied working class should be represented in Parliament simply could not arise , any more than the reformers , with few exceptions , could enter into the minds of working people or sympathise with the political aspirations of their leaders .
25 The children should be allowed to make things or play with the wood as they wish , but other materials may extend the possibility for experiment .
26 All conditional sentences may begin with the subordinate if clause or start with the main clause : If I have time I shall go .
27 The second option is separation or divorce with the trauma and pain that inevitably follow .
28 Would you go with the President 's brave new gamble or stick with the Speaker 's failed tax-and-spend policies of the past ? ’
29 Haeckel reconstructed the tree of life to give it a main trunk or stem with the human race at the top : all developments in other directions were merely side branches of little real importance .
30 If you want to join the John Muir Trust or help with the Torrin appeal , write to : Keith Anderson , Membership Secretary , FREEPOST , John Muir Trust , Edinburgh EH9 0LX .
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