Example sentences of "or [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 To state the relevant causal circumstance , would we not have to do what we can hardly hope to do , which is to enumerate parts of much of the whole state of the universe at or during a time ?
2 Given what has been said , further , a mental event is not necessarily what is sometimes called a whole mental state , which is to say all of a person 's consciousness at or for a time , but typically is a part of a whole mental state , a part which itself has parts .
3 With these conditions fulfilled , generally or for the time being locally , people would live as free and tolerant individuals , finding their deepest values in the consequent kinds of human diversity and intimacy .
4 aware of it at the time , at or about the time when the instruction was given
5 The likely reason is that the mother becomes immunised to the foreign antigens only by fetal bleeding across the placenta at or near the time of birth .
6 They are sources that are contemporary or near contemporary with the period being studied , documents that were written by the participants , or by people at or near the time .
7 They are completed by hand by the scientist at or near the time of the work being recorded and form a chronological , step by step log of what was planned , what was done and the results gained .
8 Or like the time when you say , right out loud , that 's it , I could have been at home sleeping .
9 A party may require his opponent to supply copies of documents which he is entitled to inspect ; the notice requiring the copy document must be served at or before the time when inspection takes place and must contain an undertaking to pay the proper charge , which charges are set out in Appendix A item 4 ( Ord 14 , r 5A ) .
10 However , the Capital Taxes Office is likely to raise the following " standard " question : what discussions took place between the parties at or before the time of the deed of variation about how the assets which went to the spouse under the deed of variation were to be dealt with by the surviving spouse , ie was there some sort of plan or understanding that the property would be given to the children ?
11 Uzuncarsili follows much the same line , though perhaps in an attempt to salvage something of the Taskopruzade/Mecdi story he suggests in effect that in that story Mehmed I ( 1413–21 ) should be read for Bayezid I : he thus concludes that Molla Fenari left for Karaman either in the confused period following Ankara or in the time of Mehmed I , in the manner described by Taskopruzade .
12 As a rule the advances occurred either when she was alone with one or other teacher during a free period , or in the time between the end of school and the journey home .
13 Fume cupboards may be manually operated or on a time clock control .
14 Did she mean at four in the morning , or at a time of extremity ?
15 Nor does it matter whether the tenant may give notice after the last date for service of a rent review notice ( Coventry CC v J Hepworth & Son Ltd ( 1982 ) 265 EG 608 ) or at a time which coincides with time during which a landlord may serve such a notice ( Legal & General Assurance ( Pension Management ) Ltd v Cheshire CC ) .
16 This is a code of conduct for directors of listed companies requiring them not to deal in their own company 's shares on short-term considerations or at a time when they are in possession of unpublished price-sensitive information .
17 In many cases the husband and wife will be living apart at the time of the court order , or at a time when agreement is reached between them concerning the former matrimonial home , in circumstances that are likely to prove permanent .
18 It may also recognise that the husband should be entitled to a financial stake in the matrimonial home , such stake being made available to him at the end of the period specified in the court order or at a time previously agreed between the parties .
19 When Mrs Thatcher decided to break the miners ' strike , if need be by force , there was no doubt where I stood ; or at the time of the Falklands , or the Suez operation against the Egyptian dictator , Colonel Nasser : foursquare behind the Tories .
20 The terms of a contract are settled either before or at the time of making the contract .
21 Following an arrest the police may search the premises where the suspect was immediately prior to or at the time of the arrest for evidence relating to that offence ( s.32(2) ( b ) ) .
22 By a notice of appeal dated 7 July 1992 the husband appealed on the ground that a copy of the committal order had not been served on him either before or at the time of the execution of the warrant as required by Ord. 29 , r. 1(5) ( a ) of the County Court Rules 1981 ( as amended ) and that in consequence the order was invalid and/or defective and should be set aside .
23 ‘ If a committal order is made , the order shall be for the issue of a warrant of committal and , unless the judge otherwise orders — ( a ) a copy of the order shall be served on the person to be committed either before or at the time of the execution of the warrant ; or ( b ) where the warrant has been signed by the judge , the order for issue of the warrant may be served on the person to be committed at any time within 36 hours after the execution of the warrant .
24 ‘ A person is guilty of robbery if he steals , and immediately before or at the time of doing so , and in order to do so , he uses force on any person or puts or seeks to put any person in fear of being then and there subjected to force .
25 Thirteen patients in group A ( 57% ) and seven in group B ( 18% ) had associated cholecystolithiasis , diagnosed either before or at the time of diagnosis of sclerosing cholangitis ( p=0.002 ) .
26 Tissues were obtained at open lung biopsy or at the time of transplantation , and fixed in formalin for immunohistochemistry and in 4% paraformaldehyde in phosphate-buffered saline ( PBS ) for in-situ hybridisation .
27 By s.8(1) of the Theft Act 1968 : [ a ] person is guilty of robbery if he steals , and immediately before or at the time of doing so , and in order to do so , he uses any force on any person or puts or seeks to put any person in fear of being then and there subjected to force .
28 The force must be used " immediately before or at the time of " the theft .
29 By the Law of Property Act 1925 , s62 , a lease of land with buildings thereon will include all outhouses , cellars , areas , courtyards , sewers , drains , ways , passages and other rights appertaining or reputed to appertain to the property or at the time of the conveyance occupied or enjoyed therewith .
30 Where the tenant 's business includes a substantial number of transactions in which he gives credit to his customers the draftsman will have to consider whether the amount of the transaction should be brought into account at the time of the transaction or at the time of payment ; whether interest payments are to be included in the calculation of turnover and whether the tenant is to have an allowance for bad debts .
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