Example sentences of "that which [vb -s] the " in BNC.

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1 But the fiction is that which denies the living creature which became the plaintiff a persona in the period prior to birth .
2 The most interesting research so far , however , and that which points the way to the possibilities in other areas , is the work in Wessex by Desmond Bonney .
3 The potential meaning of to with the infinitive can therefore be diagrammed in the following manner : The potential meaning of to as described above fits in with that of the bare infinitive in the following very simple way : the latter evokes that which defines the end-point of the movement denoted by to .
4 The abolished process is that which generates the functional predicate/argument structure for a sentence .
5 God is known neither as a part of the world nor as identical with the world , but as that which transcends the world .
6 How is God known as that which transcends the world ?
7 Gift exchange will still be necessary if the rights and duties which are inherent in such relationships are to be activated , but the nature of the exchange will be quite different from that which validates the impermanent relationships in my two right-hand columns .
8 How evokes lexically the idea of " means " , i.e. that which allows the achievement of an end , without specifying the precise nature of these means .
9 It is simply to recall the fact that almost all human behaviour , at least that which deserves the name of ‘ action ’ , is in fact culturally moulded and elaborated .
10 It is therefore doubtful whether he would have reached this result in the absence of a general trust clause , for it is precisely that which transforms the words retentis tibi hortis meis into a trust .
11 An across-the-curriculum approach , comparable to that which characterises the English department 's syllabus , is suggested as an important goal .
12 In the reported cases there can be found a wide range of different approaches , from that which treats the Convention as exclusively regulating the procedures to be followed to that which recognises the availability of the Convention but asserts that the powers and practice of United States courts are essentially unaffected .
13 There have been diverse strands in recent conservative thought — among them nationalism ( recently revived particularly in populist and neo-fascist movements ) and traditionalism ( which is directed precisely against rationalism ) — but one of the most important is still that which asserts the superiority , in terms of rationality , efficiency and the promotion of individual liberty , of the capitalist economic system over the planned economy of socialism .
14 Not only does this ignore a whole aspect of local state activity — that which opposes the centre — but it also reduces social relations between active human agents to purely functional operations .
15 This approach also suggests that the most important language is that which represents the child 's attempts to express her own needs and intentions rather than language which arises as the child tries to express ideas supplied by the teacher .
16 There is a whole range of language communication , particularly that which involves the interrelation between speaker and hearer , which can not be fitted into this conceptual view of semantics ( see 9.1–9.1.2 ) .
17 There is no correct distance , although as Rilke said , ‘ A good marriage is that which appoints the other as guardian of his solitude . ’
18 The incline or slope in the example is taken at 1 in 4 as being that which offers the greatest convenience ; but it is not necessarily 1 in 4 ; and it may be varied without detriment , according to the peculiarities of pits or other pertinent circumstances .
19 Optimal scaffolding is that which promotes the highest level of functioning with the minimal level of support ; a child who is having difficulty in making herself understood may require a great deal of support ; a few minutes later that same child dealing with a different topic may become relatively fluent and require a much lower level of adult participation .
20 To abstract oneself from them , means to abstract from … the fundamental characteristic of the ‘ new economics [ since ] the fundamental , decisive relationship of production is the relationship of the working class leadership in production both towards every stratum of the proletariat taken separately and towards the technical intelligentsia … it is possible and permissible to abstract yourself from whatever you like , but to abstract yourself from that which determines the content of an historical production model is something not permitted to the Marxist .
21 The Truth , which presumably Plato 's truthful man , like Gandhi himself , feels the need to live in accordance with , to abide by , to hold fast to , and to uphold , is that which determines the way in which he lives and the spirit in which he travels .
22 I have suggested that Truth for Gandhi is that which determines the spirit in which he lives , or the religious and ethical criteria which govern the way in which he thinks and acts .
23 A good exhibit is that which commemorates the Pyrenean climbers and their notable ascents , such figures as Count Henry Russell or Ramond de Carbonnières , who was the first into the field and made thirty five separate ascents of the Pic du Midi de Bigorre between the years 1787 and 1810 .
24 5 How would you see the formalization of our having a hand in preparing the initial print material ( colleagues have not expressed undiluted admiration for that which accompanies the 3000 ) and for producing sound pedagogic printed backup material for selling in addition to the hand held device .
25 He proposes that we employ a notion of energia , that which stirs the mind , as the means through which texts are aesthetically empowered with ‘ life ’ .
26 Poldauf even refers to the " evaluative prehistory " of a verb such as smile as being that which makes the use of the infinitive possible ( 1972 : 88 ) .
27 The finish is what Hamer refer to as their ‘ '59 Burst ’ and is indeed reminiscent of that which adorns the best Gibson Les Pauls from around that era .
28 The alternative and , in the last resort , not so very different view is that which sees the Hundred Years War as a wider civil war in which a policy of royal centralisation , based on Paris , was opposed not only by the dukes of Aquitaine and Normandy ( in both cases king of England ) , but by those of Brittany , and ( late in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries ) , Burgundy .
29 The most powerful culture is that which reconciles the goals of the individual with those of the collective .
30 The winning side is that which holds the centre ground of politics .
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