Example sentences of "or [adv] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 In Birmingham , corner boys and street gangs were known as ‘ Peaky Blinders ’ , or less commonly as ‘ Sloggers ’ , and they too had adopted the standard uniform of bell-bottom trousers , neck scarf , heavy belt , peaked cap and short cropped hair with a ‘ donkey fringe ’ .
2 Sawyer and Darton put the position accurately and succinctly in English Books 1475–1900 : ‘ Certain editions are valued for their peculiarities , their rarity or their beauty of production , but not , from a collector 's point of view , so highly or so often as the amateur who possesses an old volume believes . ‘
3 The agreement recited that John had left all his estate to his executors by his will but that , shortly before his death , he had declared in the presence of several witnesses that he wished his widow to have the cottage for her life or so long as she continued a widow ; and that , though this wish was never put into writing , the executors were convinced that it was his desire and were willing and desirous that it should be put into effect .
4 The agreement stated that ‘ in consideration of such dfesire ’ the executors would convey the cottage to the widow for her life or so long as she should continue a widow .
5 So long as a group formation persists , or so far as it extends , individuals in the group behave as though they were uniform , tolerate peculiarities of its members , equate themselves with them , and have no feeling of aversion towards them .
6 The few biblical texts with the mention of Yavan which can be dated with prod ability before 336 B.C. know the Greeks only as traders — or more generically as one of the nations of the world .
7 Diffugere , for example , is generally translated in the figurative sense " have dissolved " , " have melted " ( with reference to snow ) , or more directly as " have gone away " , " have departed " , even " have fled " .
8 1.3 Conclusion One can conclude that : ( 1 ) The following classes of case are usually subject to the doctrine : ( a ) employment contracts regarding the period after the contract has ended ; ( b ) contracts analogous to ( a ) such as some agency agreements and partnership agreements ; ( c ) business sales contracts which preclude the vendor from competing with his former business ; ( d ) solus agreements ; and ( e ) any situation , not necessarily involving a contract , in which it appears a party has acted unreasonably , unfairly or oppressively so as to restrict another party , usually the plaintiff in the action , in the exercise of his trade , profession or employment .
9 Now they , in this report , point to the main aims of the education as being understanding of the world around one and also the ability to operate independently , or as independently as possible within that world .
10 The provisions relating to abatement of the action on payment within five clear days of all arrears of rent and costs is not applicable where in the same action the lessor is claiming re-entry or forfeiture on a ground other than , or as well as for non-payment of rent .
11 But it has never since been debated as solemnly , as urgently or as hysterically as it was in the 1950s .
12 " shall I go as fast as a whirlwind , as fast as thought , or as fast as a bird ? "
13 Suits '68/'69 — mohair or as near as could be got away with .
14 They reach perfection ( or as near as possible ) at Grovelands Training Centre , where staff and apprentices receive instruction and training .
15 These he seems to have been given , or as near as made no difference .
16 Some work canteens do serve salads or jacket potatoes , which will be useful when you reach Stage III of the diet , but initially it is important that the weight and calorie content of your diet is exact or as near as possible .
17 Cassie shivered as she contemplated the knowledge that she had been here in this kitchen once before … or as near as made no difference .
18 Power levels control the amount of microwave energy entering the oven , so food can be cooked as quickly or as slowly as you like .
19 This needs to be given at birth , or as soon as possible afterwards .
20 May we have a debate next week or as soon as possible to consider whether we should have a referendum at any stage and in what circumstances ?
21 And any changes that we agree in that meeting , can we then re-issue those procedures immediately after the meeting , or as soon as possible after ?
22 Yeah the minutes of the meeting of the nineteenth of February nineteen ninety two , that 's an awful long time ago erm , and it is proposed to bring into force byelaws for district and parish council-owned land upon or as soon as possible after the first of April nineteen ninety two .
23 It is usually they who made the choice to have and keep their babies , even though this does not always work out as happily or as easily as they may anticipate , and they deserve recognition and respect .
24 The classical continuity which remains for the plucked string is that each of its harmonics can be sounded as softly or as loudly as we please .
25 The texture may be close and the effect massive , as in his six-part ‘ Quem dicunt homines ’ , or as light-handed as Clemens 's ‘ Nobilis illa ’ .
26 The remarkable thing about teacher-in-role is that it allows the teacher to change into a different gear , as it were , as subtly or as crudely as the occasion seems to require .
27 He was alone — or as alone as the owner of a large enterprise can be when he has a case full of unanswered letters , of contracts awaiting perusal or signature , of complaints , of surveys , of claims , of excuses and explanations , of alarms and false alarms .
28 But any time between eleven and fourteen is ‘ normal ’ , although some girls may start as early as nine or ten or as late as fifteen or sixteen .
29 It could be signed as soon as the fathers agreed the match or as late as the wedding night itself , just as long as it was signed before the consummation .
30 In general only a minority of holidays are affected in this way and most changes to the published arrangements are small and whenever possible these changes will be advised at the time of booking or as quickly as possible after they occur .
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