Example sentences of "or [adv] [noun sg] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 But then her voice softened as she whispered , ‘ Now you must rest , only rest , for there will be much for you to learn and we can not say how quickly or slowly time will pass . ’
2 Or perhaps authority may come from some prestigious so the domain of the practitioner , as when techniques are recommended on the grounds that they have the warrant of proven theory .
3 Like other fair-minded people , we wanted to see more help given to these parents and their children ; and it was plain that over the next ten years or so Parliament would be doing that , and our scheme would be one of the instruments used for that purpose .
4 It will be seen from this passage that the question whether or not conduct can be insulting may depend upon a complex mixture of objective fact and the maker 's intention which the new Act does not entirely manage to disentangle .
5 The only interesting question is whether or not Marxism can actually explain these phenomena .
6 Once the archaeological problem has been formulated , whether or not radiocarbon can be used to resolve issues of chronology will depend on a number of factors , such as the type of samples available , the nature of the contexts and events to be dated and the likely age range once the radiocarbon results are calibrated .
7 Whether or not Convocation might wish to institute some sort of subscription to cover these extra provisions is a matter for its Standing Committee to recommend to the Annual General Meeting for decision ; it is not directly relevant to the questions which have been outlined .
8 These attributions will determine whether future helplessness will be chronic or acute , broad or narrow , and whether or not self-esteem will be lowered .
9 In the latter case the policewoman has to write a report on the child for the superintendent to determine whether or not prosecution should follow .
10 Whether or not agreement could be reached , it would not be sensible to settle policy on the merits of any proposals until their compatibility with Community law could be determined .
11 So long as there is a need for collective decision-making and for policies which give direction to a whole community or society , and so long as or whenever unanimity can not be achieved , it is hard to see what alternative there can be to the minority being compelled to go along with the decision of the majority .
12 Drink , a quarrel or even illness would always come second with her .
13 In addition , what can easily be dismissed as paradox , inconsistency , or even hypocrisy may none the less represent some form of genuine religious commitment .
14 No amount of exhortation , attitudinal engineering , incentive planning , or even leadership will have any permanent effect unless we understand what hierarchy is and why and how it works .
15 Speech , or even music can he transmitted along the electricity mains .
16 Because of more elaborate film-printing techniques and finer-grained film stocks , board or even canvas may be used instead of glass and a black or white silhouette substituted for the clear glass area — though glass still provides a uniquely flat , untextured and rigid surface .
17 A mature fish should have a stabilised pattern and colour , although a change in water chemistry or even temperature can have dramatic effects on its appearance .
18 Ridicule , imprisonment or even death may be used against those who will not fight the socially defined enemy .
19 Those whose actions are most likely directly to involve human suffering or even death may hesitate to use their whole industrial and political muscle for fear of the adverse reaction of public opinion and decision-makers should their action be the cause of some tragedy , such as death .
20 The whole plant , the root , stem , bark , leaves , flowers , petals , seeds , fruit , or even pollen could be used and these may be fresh , dried , or boiled .
21 There are various pick-up points around the Amp Clinic 's home area where you can leave your equipment for collection , including The Drum And Guitar Centre in Cambridge , Machinehead Music in Harlow and Drum And Sound in Royston , or else gear can be sent direct to The Amp Clinic .
22 Either it will spread , cancer-like , to destroy mankind , or else mankind will have to rid itself of communism . ’
23 These figures suggest that where items are available at all times ( as in the case of items housed in the Main Building , which are accessible whenever the Library is open to the public ) and can be delivered relatively quickly ( as is again the case with items from the Main Building ) readers will tend not to make advance reservations , but where access is restricted ( as in the case of material from the Annexe and from the Advocates ' Library , both of which have restricted hours of service ) or where delivery may take some time ( as is particularly the case with Annexe materials ) advance orders will more frequently be placed .
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