Example sentences of "or [verb] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If my mum wants to go out , or goes to work , I stay at home and look after the girls , and vice versa .
2 using last year 's bills as a guide if you still have a record of them ( try looking at old cheque book stubs ) , or trusting to memory , estimate how much you think you will have to pay in the coming year .
3 Finally , as we discussed previously , even if primary productivity were to have increased , unless the increase was supported by nutrients external to the ocean , or led to depletion of the excess nutrients in the upper ocean , the effect on the drawdown of anthropogenic CO 2 would be insignificant .
4 But in many cases boys and girls leave home at around eighteen to get work , for further training , or to go to university .
5 They express current mood , state of finance , preparation to take part in sport , or to go to work .
6 If they did set out on a journey , it was usually on business or a pilgrimage or to go to war .
7 Round tables and drop-leafs can be bought to act as library tables and sofa tables as described above , or there are large adjustable coffee and cocktail tables which can be raised to dining or lowered to coffee table height as desired .
8 In the Middle East more than 800 people were hanged , shot by firing squad or stoned to death in 1991 .
9 Long before he could goad the aircraft to anywhere near its optimum ceiling , Vologsky would be frozen , evacuated or crushed to death .
10 ‘ My job is to effect the disentanglement , with the University having a clear view of how successful the press is , and the extent to which it is calling on or contributing to University funds , ’ says David Martin .
11 By January 1915 , when the Turks were thrown back , they had lost some 70,000 men of an original total of 100,000 , either killed or frozen to death .
12 36 , or relating to protection of the environment or the working environment ’ shall notify such provisions to the Commission , and the Commission may confirm them after having verified that they are not a means of arbitrary discrimination or a disguised restriction on trade between Member States .
13 Paragraphs classifying as Investment Business the acquisition or disposal of shares in a body corporate ( other than an open-ended investment company ) or relating to investment advice given in connection with the acquisition or disposal of such shares do not apply if :
14 If I actually follow you down the street in order to be sure that you do n't throw it away or forget to post it , for instance , then I at one and the same time become certain that you 've posted it and display a lack of faith that you will do so .
15 Participating in a traditional bloody ritual called the grynd , that dates back over the centuries , Faroe Islanders each year herd large schools of pilot whales into shallow waters and then , with man and whale alike thrashing in red blood-stained water , the animals are gaffed , speared , or knifed to death .
16 The one million Armenians slaughtered by the Turks in 1915 were shot or knifed to death , the women often raped before being murdered .
17 The abolition of national service , Commonwealth immigration , the entry into the labour market of the ‘ baby boom ’ generation , and the increasing numbers of married women remaining in or returning to work all provided additional supplies of labour .
18 ‘ Nurseries provide the best possible start for children and give women choices about returning to work or returning to training . ’
19 We will be looking at a wide range of candidates — you may be a new graduate , or in mid-career and looking for a change of direction , or returning to employment after a career break .
20 Although such developments are primarily intended to introduce operating benefits , ie improved specific fuel consumption or thrust to weight ratio , reduced flightdeck workload etc , their maintenance workload implications are less certain .
21 In more complex markets , the agreements may take the form of dividing up the market geographically or according to product type .
22 You argue that either luck or strength is needed to kill without firearms — yet , in 1989 alone , 3,458 Americans were cut , slashed , or stabbed to death , and another 1,128 were bludgeoned to death .
23 ‘ Incremental ’ causes transfer of only that data which has been modified or added to LIFESPAN since data of that same type was last transferred .
24 Incremental — only transfer information which has been modified or added to LIFESPAN since the last transfer for that type
25 I am told that , even today , most juveniles are cautioned or sentenced to community service , or receive a discharge because magistrates remain reluctant to award custodial sentences .
26 The troubles of the nuclear industry in the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 are well known : a slowdown or halt to construction of new plants , plus the closedown earlier this year of the nuclear power station near Erevan in Armenia because of safety worries after last December 's earthquake .
27 Ultratone will do it for you while you relax , watch TV or listen to music .
28 Thus while anyone in the world , with normal physical resources , can watch dance or look at sculpture or listen to music , still some forty per cent of the world 's present inhabitants can make no contact whatever with a piece of writing , and in earlier periods this percentage was very much larger .
29 Nobody was allowed to hum , or whistle or listen to music , either , because the merchant thought that people should save their breath the way they saved their money .
30 Did he ever read a book or listen to music ?
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