Example sentences of "or [verb] [pers pn] by " in BNC.

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1 If the visitor has such jurisdiction , the court has no power to ignore it or review it by way of mandamus or in any other way .
2 Maybe the murderer knew nothing about the ransom , and had followed Newley or met him by chance at the gazebo .
3 So instead we have made progress by finding partial theories that describe a limited range of happenings and by neglecting other effects or approximating them by certain numbers .
4 If you are at all normal , you bypass the urge to throttle him , or to shake him by the head and shout : ‘ What 's that got to do with anything ? ’ , and find yourself nodding in agreement as if he has just proved something .
5 Using the notion that is particularly associated with representative government , of a new minister with explicit policy commitments , attention has been given to the pressures that frustrate such commitments , or replace them by commitments derived from other sources .
6 Indeed we no longer hang men for anything , or kill them by any other method .
7 The following half-century saw intense debate revolving round various interpretations of the creed and the possibility of either supplementing or replacing it by something either wider or narrower .
8 Men of genius — Dante , Leonardo , Milton , Blake , Turner , Wagner , for example — have attempted to punch holes in the box or to replace it by a stack of boxes .
9 The demand for money refers to the desire to hold money : to keep your wealth in the form of money , rather than spending it on goods and services or saving it by purchasing financial assets such as bonds or shares .
10 Er Lewis and Ramprakash there , so the umpire 's view is somewhat impeded , Lawrence in from the pavilion end , bowls to , oh the full length , and he 's off the mark with four , steers that down to deep third man , there is no deep third man , and er he indulges in a little token trot to the other end , but no one was going to chase that or , or stop it by any stretch of imagination , four , the total a hundred and sixteen for three .
11 She did not court disobedience or fuss them by calling .
12 This prompts you for the input range and you type this in or select it by pointing .
13 This program is essentially for anyone who has textual information such as product descriptions , catalogues and memos and then find , view or print them by a keyword search .
14 The temptation for the rich nations will be to avoid or limit them by deferring expenditures on pre-emptive measures which will add up at home to taxes , higher energy costs and technology transfers to poor countries striving to compete with the donors .
15 Addressing someone as ‘ young man ’ or ‘ old boy ’ , shortening their name without their consent , or calling them by their surname alone , are all instances where forms of address may be used to denote the speaker 's higher status .
16 They could either become clients of European nations , or resist them by adopting European ideas and methods ; in either case the cultural dominance of Europe was implied .
17 And if you 're leaving the boat at moorings , do n't forget to either take the engine home with you , LOCKED in the boot of your car , or secure it by chaining it to the mast or inside the cabin .
18 I appreciate that the number of cases in which the taker and driver away is not the driver who goes on to cause personal injury or damage will be comparatively few , but I ask my right hon. Friend whether it is necessary to make such a draconian change in the traditional principles of British law , or to do it by reversing the normal burden of proof .
19 If no list has been registered , or the persons named have died , or ceased to reside in Great Britain , or refuse to accept service on the company 's behalf or for any reason can not be served , a document may be served on the company by leaving it at , or sending it by post to , any place of business established by the company in Great Britain .
20 Subject to the requirements of any act or particular rule ( as to which see below ) any document may be served , if the person to be served is acting in person , by delivering it to him personally or by delivering it at , or sending it by first class post to , the address he has given for service .
21 If he has given no address for service , service may be effected by delivering the document at his residence or by sending it by first class post to his last known residence , or in the case of a proprietor of a business , by delivering the document at his place of business or sending it by first class post to his last known place of business ( Ord 7 , r 1 ) .
22 If the person to be served is represented by a solicitor , the document may be served by delivering the document at , or sending it by first class post to , the solicitor 's address for service ( Ord 7 , r 1(b) ) .
23 Service may be effected on the solicitor : ( 1 ) if by delivering the document at , or sending it by first-class post to the solicitor 's address for service , service by post is deemed to have been effected at the time the letter would have been delivered in the ordinary course of post ( s 7 of the Interpretations Act 1978 ) : or ( 2 ) where the solicitor 's address for service includes a numbered box at a document exchange in a county court , and the document is left at that exchange or at an exchange which transmits daily to the first exchange , it is then deemed to have been served on the second day after the day on which it was left , but any day on which the court office in which one or both exchanges is situated is shut shall not be taken into account ( Ord 1 , r 3 ; Ord 2 , r 5(1A) ; Ord 7 , rr 1(1) ( b ) , 1(3) , and ( 4 ) ) .
24 You can telephone Dr Sharpe on 61–3– or contact him by facsimile on 61–3– .
25 For your personal information pack on Fincas Las Limas return the coupon or contact us by phone or fax .
26 5 Corps was still under orders not to provoke or resist them by force , for the reasons Macmillan had explained on his visit on 13 May , and on the evening of 14 May Gen McCreery confirmed this in a message to Gen Keightley [ KP 106 ] : agreement confirmed that Maj Dubajic would remain at Kappel with Lt Lochhead of 6 SF ( SOE ) to make arrangements for the hand-over of further 10,000 Croats by 23 May making a total of 13,000 Croats to be repatriated .
27 Let him go or pass it by ? ’
28 Multiply it by one tenth or divide it by ten .
29 Most land fell to the peasants who had tilled it for decades and the landlords or rentiers who held large amounts of land , renting it out or tilling it by hired labour .
30 It has not inherited this behaviour ; it has either worked it out for itself , or learned it by observing another chimpanzee .
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