Example sentences of "or [verb] [adj] information " in BNC.

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1 Whenever you want to show a trend , analyse large amounts of data or highlight statistical information in a report , then graphs and charts are the ideal means of presentation .
2 Transferring to an alternative medium requires new data formats yet to be standardised and dependence on a new generation of hardware to read or download stored information .
3 If you have an allergy to certain foods or ingredients , or want more information about our products , please contact the :
4 ask if you need or want more information ; and
5 Anyone who would like to book a stall or needs more information should contact Jillian Aldred on .
6 ‘ ( 1 ) Whether or not the Director of the Serious Fraud Office , in employing her powers under section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 in relation to a person under investigation who has been charged with an offence , is obliged by any principle of law , before asking any question or seeking any information in relation to that offence , to inform that person that he is not obliged to answer such questions , or provide such information , and , if so , by what principle of law .
7 In consequence , newspapers have to adopt other roles ; they can become more entertaining and popular , or provide in-depth information to a select few .
8 If she reads this , or if any one reading it knows of her present whereabouts or has any information which would help me contact her , would they please let me know by writing to me at .
9 An individual is not , by reason of having information relating to any particular transaction , prohibited by sections 1(2) , ( 4 ) ( b ) , ( 5 ) , or ( 6 ) from dealing on a recognised stock exchange and by s.1(7) and 1(8) from counselling , procuring , or communicating that information , if he does that thing in order to facilitate the completion or carrying out of the transaction .
10 To order your system , or request further information , telephone today on our FreeCall number — 0500 121 121 .
11 ‘ ( 1 ) Whether or not the Director of the Serious Fraud Office , in employing her powers under section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 in relation to a person under investigation who has been charged with an offence , is obliged by any principle of law , before asking any question or seeking any information in relation to that offence , to inform that person that he is not obliged to answer such questions , or provide such information , and , if so , by what principle of law .
12 The time can be shortened , however , if those members who were supposed to make some enquiry or obtain some information , or to write a short factual statement , have not only done so but have informed the Hon.
13 ( 2 ) Where a member fails to disclose or furnish any information , document or other matter which he is required to disclose or furnish to the Company under Article 6 the Directors may resolve that no vote shall be tendered or accepted in respect of any share held by or for him until the member shall have disclosed or furnished the information , document or other matter required .
14 ( 2 ) Where a member fails to disclose or furnish any information , document or other matter which he is required to disclose or furnish to the Company under Article 6 the Directors may resolve that no vote shall be tendered or accepted in respect of any share held by or for him until the member shall have disclosed or furnished the information , document or other matter required .
15 Detainees have often been held for weeks or months without access to defence lawyers before being brought to trial on charges such as rebellion , illegal association and ‘ enemy propaganda ’ ( a charge brought against those accused of producing , distributing or possessing any information regarded as subversive by the authorities ) .
16 The supervisory authority may forbid the publication of an offer document that is incomplete or requires additional information .
17 A total of 87 per cent of those surveyed had not seen or heard any information on recent warnings across the country .
18 Organisations or individuals wishing to discuss research proposals with the Centre or requiring further information should contact : or his staff at Henley or if outside the UK the local contact person .
19 During employment the employee could not use or disclose this information without breaching the duty of fidelity .
20 That is , we initially categorise them as this or that type of person and interpret or distort subsequent information to confirm that s/he is this type of person .
21 This work , by Singer and Wynne ( 1966 ) , demonstrated communication abnormalities characterised by disruptions , vagueness , irrelevance and lack of closure ( such as answering with a question or giving contradictory information ) .
22 We located 5874 hospital records , 1217 of which were for demented patients aged 40 to 64 years at presentation ; 707 records were either lost or contained insufficient information to apply the diagnostic criteria .
23 We agree that we will hold in strict confidence all information obtained from [ Growing Business PLC ] and will not disclose such information to others or use such information except in connection with the performance of the services agreed in this letter .
24 We agree that we will hold in strict confidence all information obtained from [ Growing Business PLC ] and will not disclose such information to others or use such information except in connection with the performance of the services agreed in this letter .
25 We agree that we will hold in strict confidence all information obtained from [ Growing Business PLC ] and will not disclose such information to others or use such information except in connection with the performance of the services agreed in this letter .
26 We agree that we will hold in strict confidence all information obtained from [ Growing Business PLC ] and will not disclose such information to others or use such information except in connection with the performance of the services agreed in this letter .
27 We agree that we will hold in strict confidence all information obtained from [ Growing Business PLC ] and will not disclose such information to others or use such information except in connection with the performance of the services agreed in this letter .
28 If you need to research or get further information , check that this is vital and that you 're not using this as an excuse .
29 But section 2 of the 1911 Act went far beyond spying , making it an offence to disclose or receive official information .
30 Where the task has been to make judgments of affective tone or extract central information from a slide , differences have emerged between central and peripheral details and this may well reflect the fact that attention to arousing information or central information ( which are assumed to be the same thing ) is explicitly required for task performance .
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