Example sentences of "or [adj] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The cause of the mental impairment is not important — it could be due to a handicap from birth or due to a condition such as Alzheimer 's Disease .
2 Most heads could identify changes that had led to a more balanced or improved curriculum , either as a result of the purchase of additional facilities or due to a change in curriculum planning .
3 In other words a fire caused by negligence or due to a nuisance will give rise to a cause of action .
4 Shortages may occur through large outflows of funds from the banks to the government ( into the governments accounts held at the Bank of England ) or due to a large need for cash by customers , and may occur on a daily basis .
5 For example , bubonic plague had largely disappeared either because rats developed an immunity to the bacillus or due to a change in the flea transmitters .
6 Reimbursement of additional hotel and travelling expenses necessarily incurred up to a maximum of £300 to reach the booked destination in the event of the Insured Person arriving at the U.K. departure point too late to commence the booked holiday as a result of the failure of public transport services or due to an accident or mechanical failure involving the motor vehicle in which the Insured Person is travelling .
7 Additional accommodation and travel expenses necessarily incurred following late arrival at the UK departure point due to the failure of Public Transport services ( or due to an accident or breakdown involving the motor vehicle in which the insured is travelling ) .
8 Slop , arising from the assembly of components in their minimum metal condition or due to an estimated wear pattern , can be included to produce positional uncertainty in the mechanism , which can then be compared to the positional requirements necessary for correct operation .
9 Brain dysfunction - due to uncontrolled electrical discharges as in epilepsy or due to the effects of drugs or toxins damping down electrical activity — will lead to disturbance or loss of consciousness .
10 Many wc cisterns are noisy in operation — either because of the type of cistern installed , or due to the ball valve .
11 But it is difficult to tell whether this is the fault of the Act , or due to the public backlash against young offenders .
12 One commonly held idea is that the healing response is a placebo effect , simply the power of suggestion , or due to the charisma of an individual healer .
13 Externalisation or blaming — admitting that there are problems but saying that the causes are due to pressures at work or unemployment or due to social , financial or other stresses or due to doctors or " pushers " or due to the inadequacy of the police , customs officials or the Government .
14 ‘ Perhaps she hopes people will see what they want to , ’ Benjamin replied , ‘ any change detected being dismissed as fanciful or due to the work of the embalmers . ’
15 Even for open questions , there will perhaps be loss of information if the interviewer does not use a tape recorder or due to the crudeness of coding required or the need to pool categories during analysis .
16 A statement in its memorandum of association that the company 's object shall be to carry on business as a general commercial company shall mean that its object is to carry on any trade or business whatsoever , and in such a case the company has power to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the carrying on of any trade or business by it .
17 ( x ) To do all such other things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the Company 's objects or any of them .
18 ( x ) To do all such other things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the Company 's objects or any of them .
19 So our care and management of the young horse will affect not only how the horse relates to people , but whether the horse relates to its environment in a way that is constructive or destructive to the horse itself .
20 The arbitration system was principally concerned with settling disputes over wages and working conditions , narrowly defined , rather than with matters internal or specific to the enterprise .
21 In all the postwar crises in Anglo-American relations , none was so emotive or humiliating to the British as Suez .
22 Even this only becomes valuable when you are below 1000 feet , by which time , of course , you will have moved closer to the gliding site or nearer to a suitable field if you are flying across country .
23 Broadly , practices , propositions , beliefs , and so forth , are ideological when they present a state of affairs in such a way as to render it attractive or self-evident to a specific audience .
24 well my Lord certain believers well certainly that may give rise to problems , erm , and then one may have to resolve those on the basis of the ostensible authority or even claims against the member of state under article ten of the directive , but , however , erm , on , on satisfactory or confusing to the market that might be
25 We simply can not form a clear and distinct idea of the fact that something is conducive or inimical to the actualisation of our essences without this influencing our behaviour towards or away from it .
26 By contrast , collective violence has been most prevalent and virulent during historical periods when trade unionism has been stigmatised as threatening or inimical to the interests and well-being of society .
27 ‘ There are very few craft-based training centres with dedicated training classrooms , where each student , eight or 12 to a classroom , has his or her own stove , bench and drawer .
28 Punishing people certainly needs a justification , since it is almost always something which is harmful , painful or unpleasant to the recipient .
29 The three US service manuals are currently in process of being updated , and it will be interesting to see whether either they , or the new UK tri-service manual which is now in an advanced state of preparation , say anything more specific about possible limits of one kind or another to the use of nuclear weapons .
30 Now while there is no reason to doubt that the first kind of structure contributes in one way or another to the effect of the poem , it can be and has been argued ( Riffaterre 1966 : 206ff. ) that the second is in most cases irrelevant to the text 's poetic status , since it tends to fall well below the ordinary reader 's level of consciousness .
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